Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 432: All worlds are chess pieces for life

Beyond the two realms.

Deep in the chaotic universe.

The two figures looked at each other from a distance, as if they were thousands of galaxies apart, yet they seemed so close.

"Crying Eyes, the war between Blue Star and Loland Star is coming to an end."

"As you wish, Blue Star will win."

"It's all according to your plan."

"It's time to fulfill the promise you made."

In the chaotic void, a mask with tears in its eyes appeared, and a misty voice rippled through the stars, "Ninth Divine Envoy, why are you so anxious?

You should know my wishes. The war between the two worlds is not my ultimate goal.

this! Just the beginning! "

The opposite of the crying mask is the figure of a skinny old man.

"I don't care what your purpose is."

"I just hope you can keep your promise and I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible. I can't wait too long."

Behind the skinny old man, there was a tower that seemed to penetrate all the worlds, flashing with lightning that shook the chaotic void.

The crying mask turns.

Another mask emerged.

"Trust me, you will get the answer you want."

The skinny old man stopped talking and disappeared into the chaotic void.

The weeping eyes look in the direction of both worlds.

Even he saw nothing. Someone blocked that area of ​​time and space, and thousands of lives in the chaotic universe could not be seen.

But he could sense that the final secret of the Divine War was buried there.

In the distant starry sky beyond the two realms, purple light flashed.

There is also a living world there.

It's called the abyss.

On the crying mask, a drop of tear fell, drifted towards the distant purple star cluster, and turned into a ray of starlight, causing the trembling of time and space.

A tiny trembling sound fell on the abyss world, but it caused a huge vibration in the 108th level of the abyss.

All the creatures in the abyss looked up to the sky.

There, they saw a time and space vortex. At the other end of the vortex was another life world, which was the best blood food.

It's enough to arouse instinctive impulses in their bodies.

But the vortex quickly disappeared, and only one hundred and eight abyss monarchs could glimpse some of the mysteries from it, because they controlled part of the original power of the abyss world.

Their perception of the world is also much clearer than that of ordinary abyssal beings.

Two realms of heaven.

The brief trembling of space and time also caused the demigods of the two realms to fall into fear.

Especially the demigods of Blue Star couldn't help but tremble.

Even if they become demigods, they cannot resist this fear coming from the depths of their souls.

The face of Blue Star's strongest demigod Tian Wuyu became very heavy, and the fleeting trembling brought back memories in his heart, that was more than five hundred years ago.

At that time, he was just an ordinary person.

At some point the sky was torn apart.

The ferocious monsters with bared fangs and claws rushed out from the cracks in time and space. Schools, streets, sky, military bases, everything was destroyed by the sudden tide of beasts.

His parents, friends, and lovers all died under the monster's bloody mouth.

Only he managed to escape.

But that would still be the shadow of his life, if it weren't for the timely rescue of the elves and the scientific and technological armed resistance quickly organized by the top leaders of the human race.

I'm afraid he has already become the monster's food.

Before the beast tide came, the world had experienced such a shock. At that time, as an ordinary person, he felt it very vaguely, but this time it was extremely clear.

It is precisely because of the clarity that I am even more frightened.

"Did you feel it too?"

"The trembling just now seems to be..."

"Is there another disaster coming?"

Other demigods were also discussing in low voices, panic spreading among everyone.

"Why don't you think of the best?"

One of the demigods forced out a smile.

"Maybe our Blue Star army will win and the two worlds will be separated."

This explanation made everyone feel better, but it still couldn't get rid of the fear in their hearts.

"Why don't you ask Moira to do the divination?"

At this moment, only Moira of Destiny can make them feel at ease, or make their mentality explode.

They would rather get a happy result than worry about speculation.

For better or worse.

Tian Buyu nodded and immediately called Moira who was in Dinghai King City, but the latter did not respond.

Several demigods went to invite him personally.

Only then did he realize that Moira Mian had gone into seclusion at this juncture.

This made the demigods feel even more uneasy.

The same is true for the demigods of Loland Star. They know what this means better than the demigods of Blue Star. The trembling of space and time just now is either the fusion of life or the separation.

Either the two worlds are about to separate, or a new life world is about to connect with the two worlds through a huge wormhole.

They naturally hope it is the former.

The Ten Thousand Clans are already dying. If they are separated, they can rest and take control of Luolan Star again.

If it's the latter, if new enemies join in, the only way out is to perish.

Above the sky.

The woman who transformed into a nine-tailed fox woke up from her sleep.

As the being who controls the sky of both worlds, she has a clearer perception than any being in the two worlds.

She could even tell which life world caused the trembling of space and time just now.


The girl turned into a nine-tailed fox again and roared at the chaotic universe beyond the sky.

If the two realms merge, it would be considered a coincidence.

This time it must be premeditated.

Who is the plotter?

Several figures flashed through her mind. Those transcendent beings that she once stared at were killed by the teacher, and their soul particles were sealed in endless time and space.

Even with the support of immortal divine power, it will take who knows how many trillions of years before he can be resurrected naturally.

It shouldn't be those few.

"Who should it be?"

A figure once again flashed in the eyes of the nine-tailed fox, "The eyes of the second divine messenger?"

She had dealt with this one.

At first, Crying Eyes struck her as a good old man who loved peace and cared about countless lives in the chaotic universe.

But now she doesn't think so.

Weeping Eyes' behavior is so weird.

When the Weeping Eye claimed to have a place for all races to live, it moved them from the life world that was about to be destroyed to the Loland star.

This move seemed to be a kind act from the gods, but it brought disaster to Blue Star.

"What is her purpose?"

The nine-tailed fox guessed, "Is it to promote the complete integration of the two worlds? Then why do you want to pull the abyss world over? With the power of the abyss now, even if the two worlds join forces, they may not be able to resist it."

What's more, it is impossible for the two worlds to join forces.

The situation was far more complicated than she imagined.

In the game between the most powerful beings in the chaotic universe, she is just a small paper boat in the storm, and may be destroyed at any time.

"Teacher, where are you?"

She thought of the heroic figure who ruled the sky.

Before leaving, the teacher told her that she would return from endless time and space, so why hasn't she appeared now?

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