Under Xu Xuan's leadership, one super city after another was destroyed.

Everywhere he passed was a wasteland.

Xu Xuan left a chance for every city. Those who surrendered would live, and those who resisted would die.

Another two months passed.

The Blue Star Army finally arrived at the last stop of the thirty-six super cities on Luolan Star, the Mechanical City.

The mechanical life family represents the peak level of Luolan Star's technology.

Even if there is only one city left.

The mechanical life family did not show any fear, because they were mechanical programs first, and then life, even if they had some emotions.

With a soul.

But they still executed the final order.

Above the Mechanical City, there was a dense torrent of elements. Under the gorgeous light of technology, they bloomed like brilliant fireworks, releasing a dangerous and charming atmosphere.

The current patriarch of the Mechanical Life Family, Tu Luo, was in charge of the terminal.

"Chaos Stone?"

Outside the city, Xu Xuan, who led the siege, felt the breath of the Chaos Stone.

He has been looking for the Chaos Stone.

I thought there were no more Chaos Stones on Loran Star, but I didn't expect that there was a third Chaos Stone in this last Mechanical City.

"Thousand Machine King!"

Tulo's voice came out slowly from the Mechanical City, "I have been waiting for you for a long time. You are indeed extraordinary. You led Blue Star to win this great war.

But winning this battle does not mean the final victory of your Blue Star."

Tulo's words shocked the Blue Star Alliance leaders.

They knew what this meant.

The space-time tremor that appeared before might indicate a new crisis. They have won all the battles these days, but they are as anxious as the defeated army.

What happened to this world?

Is the will of the chaotic universe really going to wipe out Blue Star?

Disasters kept coming one after another, but the human race was already exhausted. After only a few days of happiness, they fell into a greater panic.

"The loser is not worthy of discussing the future."

Facing Tulo's incitement, Xu Xuan didn't care.

He has seen it clearly now.

No matter which side wins, Blue Star or Loran Star, I am afraid that at the last moment, the Abyss World will connect the two worlds. This is inevitable.

The black hand behind the scenes has already planned the outcome of this war.

All he can do is keep growing.

Jump out of the chessboard before the chess player notices.

What he can do now is to make the train track leading to the end of the chess game slightly deviate from the track that may have been set long ago.

Perhaps this deviation can rewrite the entire chess game in the future.

"Thousand Machine King, come on!"

Tu Luo smiled, "Let me see how powerful you are, the strongest king in the history of the two worlds."


The voice fell.

In the shocked eyes of the Blue Star soldiers, the entire mechanical city was shocked, and two huge mechanical legs grew under the city.

The shape of the entire mechanical city was constantly changing.

It turned into a Gundam warrior hundreds of miles tall.

The warriors of the mechanical life race became parts of this huge mechanical warrior.

"Thousand Machine King!"

Layer after layer of voices resounded, "I will crush you!"

That was the voice of hatred of thousands of mechanical lives.

Thousands of lives were one, and the mechanical warriors burst out with an unprecedented sense of oppression. The Blue Star soldiers retreated frantically, and only Xu Xuan stood there in the air, fearless.

Compared with the two, they were like ants and the bright moon.

Behind Xu Xuan.

The magic sword Apophis, the flowing star knife, and the mirror flower water moon sword were suspended.

In his hand, it was the Thousand Machine Spear that constantly gathered chaotic energy.


The mechanical warrior stepped down, instantly covering dozens of miles, and with an extremely strong blocking magnetic field, forcing Xu Xuan to resist.

"As you wish!"

Xu Xuan raised his head.

Fingers forward.


The magic sword Apophis flew out with a destructive edge.

The magic sword slashed out and directly penetrated the mechanical warrior's leg. The destructive aura continued to spread around, but it was soon calmed down.

Xu Xuan narrowed his eyes.

He saw that it was the power of the Chaos Stone that was repairing the body of the mechanical giant.

"Come again!"

The Streamer Star Meteor Knife also flew out.

The endless pressure of the chaotic universe descended, and a meteorite that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky, pressing down hard on the mechanical giant.

"You underestimated us too much."

Layers of voices rang out.

The mechanical giant's left hand turned into a cannon that continued to bombard the sky, easily blasting the meteorite to pieces.

At the same time, countless missiles were ready in the slots on both sides of his body.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Thousands of missiles locked onto Xu Xuan and fired continuously.

These missiles all carried strong energy to interfere with the magnetic field. They were one of the most advanced weapons of the mechanical life race, and they had caused the human race to suffer a great loss on the battlefield between the two worlds.

"Mirror Flower!"

"Water Moon!"

Xu Xuan waved his hand, and the Mirror Lake unfolded. He had learned a few moves to help his wife kill the enemy, although they were far less artistic than those used by his wife.

They were not so beautiful either.

But it was enough to deal with these things.

The missiles fell into the mirror lake and disappeared.

Xu Xuan stood still, making it difficult for the mechanical giant to see the truth.

Facing the continuous bombardment of the mechanical giant, he found the right opportunity and shot out the Thousand Machine Spear in his hand.

A long scarlet line crossed the sky.


The Thousand Machine Spear pierced directly into the head of the mechanical giant.

Tu Luo, who was at the control terminal, also suffered considerable damage along with his body.

He still underestimated the strength of the Thousand Machine King!

Compared to the last time, the strength of the Thousand Machine King was increasing almost every day, to the point where he could only look up to him.


"The central system control chain is collapsing."

"Trying to repair..."

"Repair failed!"

"Emergency link plan is starting."

"Start failed!"

Suddenly, a prompt sounded at the control terminal.

Tu Luo felt his body go numb. His consciousness had long been connected to the entire mechanical giant. As long as the central nervous system of the mechanical giant was destroyed, he would die.


"The central nervous system energy is the stone of creation given by the great maker."

Tu Luo sensed with difficulty.

When he saw the blood-colored spear tightly inserted into the mechanical brain, he finally understood.

There was also a fluctuation of the black vortex near the spear. The black vortex was constantly expanding and constantly devouring the energy of the central nervous system.

"Another Chaos Stone with a completely new characteristic?"

At this moment, Tu Luo's heart was dead.

His biggest reliance was the Chaos Stone. He wanted to rely on the endless mechanical components provided by the Chaos Stone-Creation to fight the Thousand Machine King to the death.

Now it seems that it is all delusion.

The Thousand Machine King has everything they have.

And what the Thousand Machine King has is beyond their imagination.

Seeing more and more black vortices, the entire head of the mechanical giant was completely swallowed up, and the functions were being lost bit by bit.

At the same time, his life was also swallowed up.

But he could only watch helplessly.

Despair, unwillingness, regret, relief...

He felt all kinds of emotions as a life, and finally lost all life breath.

The last voice sounded in his mind.

"Mechanical life-Tu Luo, your life has ended!"

"The life system is about to be shut down!"

"Thank you for experiencing the life system, goodbye!"

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