The power of the Chaos Stone-Black Hole is constantly expanding, and its influence on space and energy is also growing at a terrifying rate.

In this state, Xu Xuan's advantages in all aspects have been pulled back.

"So strong!"

While Huang Quan Lord manipulated Huang Quan to continuously attack Xu Xuan, he was secretly surprised in his heart. He could feel that his opponent's use of the Chaos Stone was also better than theirs.

Xu Xuan seemed to be able to perfectly exert the power of the Chaos Stone.

"Seven to one is not enough?"

At this moment, the ancient Abyss Lords finally panicked. The opponent formed an absolute crushing on them in all aspects. Such a perfect control of the realm, every move and style of attack made them suffocate.

"Don't hold back."

The Xuanyu Lord shouted angrily and also opened the power of the Chaos Stone.

His Chaos Stone is called 'Sharpness'.

The main function is to make each of his feathers reach an extreme attack power and have a sharp edge that can break through everything.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless feathers shot out.

Xu Xuan manipulated the Mirror Flower Water Moon Sword, and his swordsmanship was so fast that it was impervious to water. All the feathers were easily blocked by him, and he could also distract himself to fight with other monarchs.

None of the ancient monarchs of the abyss expected such a result.

As the most powerful representative of the abyss, he was actually cut off in the world channel. This was the first time in so many world wars.

The seven monarchs all opened their strongest state.

The world channel continued to collapse under their battle. The entire world channel was completely filled with chaotic energy, and all kinds of rare treasures were destroyed in the battle.

Xu Xuan did not hold back at all.

This is the result he wanted. The more the world channel collapsed, the smaller the channel that the abyss could invade. As for what the final result would be, he had no time to consider it.

The battle continued.

Almost every corner of the channel was affected by their battle.

There is a weakness in the life bred under the rules of the abyss. They will not take a strategy to admit defeat first, and then separate to attack other places.

If several monarchs of the abyss did this, the current situation would be much more serious.

No matter how powerful Xu Xuan is, he can't force these monarchs to stay.

Fortunately, these monarchs cultivated under the rules of the abyss have a sense of pride in their bones. They will never take a detour unless they defeat the opponent in front of them.

Even if they die here, they will not retreat at all.

The most intense battle between the two worlds began like this. No one is willing to take a step back. Either die or win!


Arctic Sea.


A beam of aurora emerged from the world channel.

Yu Yu was driving a motorcycle battleship. Her right hand and right leg were all missing, replaced by a short-running mechanical arm, and her body was also covered with bloodstains.

Behind the motorcycle battleship, Yan Wuqing, who had almost half of his head knocked off, was on the verge of life and death.

The battle in the channel has been decided.

Yu Yu and Yan Wuqing lost miserably. If it weren't for Yu Yu's certain advantage in speed and the assistance of technological weapons for escape, I'm afraid they would have been buried in the channel.

Even so, the result is not much different.

The two men had almost completely lost their fighting power.

Yu Yu relied on the spirit bomb to barely trap the Ice and Snow Monarch and the Blood Wolf Monarch, but the opponent would soon catch up.

But Yu Yu did not escape.

Instead, he came to the floating island and prepared to open the prepared God-killing bomb. Facing the powerful Abyss Monarch, this was the only way to win.


At this moment, a voice came from outside the floating island.

Looking at the person coming, Yu Yu showed a happy expression, "Qingshen, why are you here?"

The supporter was Xu Xuan's third disciple Xuanyuan Qingqing.

Xuanyuan Qingqing drove the upgraded version of the Justice Messenger, and a new set of technological weapons were also installed on the Justice Messenger. Since she got the Chaos Stone-Fusion, she has been developing weapons to deal with it.

Yu Yu used only the first batch.

Now she brought the second batch, which has a new and stronger means of upgrading.

Among them, the power from the World Tree is integrated.

With the great fusion of the three life worlds, the scope of the World Tree's influence is getting larger and larger, and it is no longer limited to Dinghai King City.

"Leave it to me!"

Xuanyuan Qingqing handed two bottles of different colored potions to Yu Yu, "Drink the red one, it can quickly recover from injuries, and give the blue one to Yan Wuqing.

If it weren't for the overall interests of mankind, I really don't want to save this guy."

Yu Yu smiled bitterly and said, "This guy has tried his best this time, so just spare her for now."

Yu Yu expressed his understanding.

At the beginning, Yan Wuqing wanted to get rid of Xu Xuan's daughter Xu Xiaoli, who was also Qing Shen's second senior sister. It would be strange if Xu Xuan's disciples could have a good impression of her.

"Qing Shen, have you developed a new weapon?"


Xuanyuan Qingqing nodded, "But this thing still has great limitations for the time being. Only I and my disciples can use it, and no one else can use it."

The will of the World Tree will not recognize everyone.

Among the disciples, the World Tree most recognized Xiaoli, who was the first to take the World Tree Fruit, and even respectfully called him the little master.

This treatment is not enjoyed by other disciples.

However, as the World Tree continued to grow stronger, other disciples were finally able to borrow the will of the World Tree and gain a short-term boost in strength.

That's what she did.

Under Yu Yu's gaze, Xuanyuan Qingqing slowly set up a turret.

At this time, the Blood Wolf Monarch and the Ice and Snow Monarch in the world channel had also rushed out.

"Lock on the target!"

Xuanyuan Qingqing narrowed her eyes and looked at the two Abyss Monarchs in the distance. Her heartbeat was very fast, which showed her excitement at the moment. Whether she could kill the Abyss Monarchs depended on this shot.

"Lock complete!"

The branches and leaves of the World Tree were compressed in the shells. As long as the power of the branches and leaves of the World Tree was burst out in an instant, the distant World Tree would be able to sense it.

A short induction can communicate and drive the world will of Blue Star.

Using the power of the world will to destroy the Abyss Monarch is undoubtedly the most effective way.

As for whether it can work, Xuanyuan Qingqing didn't know.


Two blue shells were fired at the two Abyss Monarchs. At the moment when the shells exploded, the huge world power descended instantly.

The world here was chirping.

This was the awakening of the world will of Blue Star.

The two Abyss Monarchs only felt unprecedented pressure. The attack condensed by the world will had already fallen on them, blasting the two into the Arctic Sea.

Suppressed by the will of the world, the two Abyss Lords felt the threat of life and death, but fortunately the Abyss rules in their bodies provided some protection for them.

In the end, they were only seriously injured, but their lives were not wiped out.

"Did it succeed?"

Yu Yu looked at the sky that was split by the will of the world in shock. The power that burst out just now might be enough to kill a demigod like her.

"It lacked a little power."

Xuanyuan Qingqing shook her head, "The Abyss Lord is more difficult than expected. You should take a rest for a while. The next battle may still require you to take the lead."

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