
Being hugged into her arms, her two hearts were beating fast. Yin Xiaoshuang finally cried, and her tears fell.

"Stupid wood!"

"Stinky wood!"

"Dead wood!"

"You're finally back!"

She punched the other person's strong chest several times hatefully and helplessly, and all her words were drowned by the longing in her heart.

In the end, only four words came out.

"I miss you so much."

"Xiaoshuang, I miss you too."

Zhang Mu hugged the person in his arms tighter. At this moment, he no longer had the cold arrogance of being the monarch of the abyss, and just softly expressed his thoughts in his heart.

"I'm thinking about you every minute I spend in the abyss."

"All my efforts are just to see you now."

"I'm sorry Xiaoshuang, I didn't protect you well."

Looking at the layer of snow-white on the girl's head, there were once three thousand green hairs that represented the lush years. Now every white hair made his heart ache.

How painful will Xiaoshuang be after she leaves?

"Xiao Shuang, from now on, I will never leave you again."

The two hugged each other for a long time and then let go and looked into each other's eyes.

Zhang Mu seems a little ashamed, because his appearance has been eroded by the abyss. Even though he has retained his original appearance to a large extent, he is still uneasy inside.

He was afraid that he would scare Xiaoshuang.



Before he could speak, Yin Xiaoshuang stood up on tiptoes and kissed his lips.

A kiss.

is the best answer.

I have never disliked you before, and I won’t now, and I hope to stay together forever in the future.


When the two were deeply in love, an inappropriate voice sounded in the sky, "Is this monarch correct? The new monarch of the thirty-second abyss, Lord Frostwood!

He actually kissed a human woman on a world battlefield?


Fun and interesting! "

The person who spoke was the monarch of the thirty-sixth layer of the abyss, the monarch of the sea.

Others were also confused.

Yin Xiaoshuang has good looks and excellent cultivation, and is the object of admiration for many warriors. At this moment, she is interacting with an abyssal monarch in such a tender manner?

"Mu Mu, he is so annoying."

"It's really annoying."

The lips of the two separated, and Zhang Mu was in a bad mood. Such a beautiful moment was interrupted.

He kissed Yin Xiaoshuang hard on the cheek again, and said with a smile: "Xiaoshuang, wait a minute, I will deal with that guy first, who will let them disturb our beautiful things."


Yin Xiaoshuang nodded.

The love in her heart at this moment surpassed everything else, it was sweet and beautiful.

It seemed like that idiot finally came back after spending two years in the abyss.

In the shocked eyes of countless soldiers, Zhang Mu flew into the sky and headed straight towards another Abyss Lord.

At this moment, these people also guessed Zhang Mu's identity.

It's just that I don't want to believe it in my heart, it feels too incredible.

"Lord Frostwood, you have violated the will of the God of the Abyss."

Lord Lianghai smiled and said: "You don't really like this human woman, do you? Have you forgotten the rules of the abyss? Mating is just for reproduction and demand.

Such a thing as love should not exist in the abyss, and as the monarch of the abyss, such an emotion should not arise.

If you like this woman, you can take her back to the abyss as a trophy. As the monarch of the abyss, you have this right. "


Zhang Mu sneered, and black lines appeared on his face again, "Lord Lianghai, you are very lenient! It seems that you have not realized the seriousness of the matter."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Mu had already flashed in front of Lord Lianghai, and the entire space was blocked by the terrifying fist. With one punch, Lord Lianghai was knocked backwards for hundreds of miles.


Zhang Mu followed the flying body and flew out. One punch, two punches, three punches... countless fists all hit Lord Lianghai's face with an unhappy mood.

"Shuangmu, you have angered me."

The Lianghai Lord roared and his body turned into sea water and dispersed.

The next moment, the terrifying and vast ocean of darkness instantly covered Zhang Mu.

What Lianghai Monarch is best at is defense and survival. As long as the opponent does not have fatal means, he can slowly kill his opponent.

boom! boom! boom!

Zhang Mu punched out one punch after another, breaking the waves, and was submerged by even bigger waves.

Fighting in the sea, his strength was consumed very quickly.

"It's really frustrating."

Zhang Mu punched again, and this time the fist was accompanied by a terrifying dragon roar. Nine black dragons writhed in the sea, swallowing all the seawater.

Both the sea and the dragon are just manifestations of energy.

Zhang Mu, who possesses the Nine Reversal Marks, is not afraid of the entanglement of Lord Lianghai at all.

What's more, Xiaoshuang is still watching.

When he returned for the first time, how could he make a fool of himself in front of Xiaoshuang? Zhang Mu's inner strength was completely ignited, and he only missed shouting "for love".

"Wood is so powerful now!"

Yin Xiaoshuang clasped her hands in front of her chest, with an expectant look on her face and golden eyes, as if she was a girl obsessed with her girlfriend.

Thinking back to the way the once honest and honest Zhang Mu got bruised and swollen by her in the name of training, and then thinking about the scenes along the way where the two of them joined hands to reach the top.

Her heart was completely wrapped in sweet sugar.

Another monarch war.

The fight between the two sides turned upside down.


In the end, Lord Lianghai was punched into the chaotic energy sea, and Zhang Mu chased after him directly. Even though the chaotic energy was constantly eroding their bodies, he didn't care.

He has long been accustomed to this kind of fighting environment.

The decline of the Lianghai monarch began to show.

He didn't expect that a newly promoted Abyss Lord would be so powerful, especially since the nine stripes on his opponent's body could avoid a lot of damage.

Nine turns of reverse life!

Every turn is transformation.

This is its power. As long as you can survive the nine life-and-death tests, the gains brought by the nine reverse lives are immeasurable.

Its chain repairing conditions are extremely harsh, and no one has ever mastered it since its creation.

Including the creator, he only gave a theoretical plan.

Because of this, the benefits it brings are comparable to other demigod-level techniques. No matter how much you pay, you will get as much gain.

From the moment the ninth pattern condensed, Zhang Mu had completely transformed.

Lord Lianghai only felt that his consciousness was getting blurry.

He was punched into the depths of the chaotic energy sea.

The damage caused by the Frostwood Lord's fist and the erosion of the energy of the Chaos Sea caused him to lose his consciousness bit by bit, and finally fell into darkness completely.

"Lord Frostwood, you violated the will of the God of the Abyss! You will definitely be punished?"

In the end, Lord Lianghai was buried in the sea of ​​chaotic energy.

Zhang Mu also completely shattered his body.

"God of the Abyss?"


Zhang Mu has never been afraid of this name in his heart, not to mention whether the God of the Abyss really exists in the abyss world, even if there is, so what?

"In my heart, there is only one God in the world!"

"That's my master!"

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