Waking up from a deep sleep for the third time.

The evolution of the living world has reached an extremely high level.

The entire world was divided into nine levels during evolution, and was named 'Nine Heavens' by the human race of this world.

The realm of practitioners in the Jiutian World is also getting higher and higher.

The desires of the strong are also growing. They want to break through the limits and break out of this world.

One of the strongest men wanted to sacrifice the Nine Heavenly Beings, gather a large amount of life sources, and open up a path beyond the limit.

The battle between good and evil in the Nine Heavens World began, and the sky collapsed and the earth was shattered, and the sun and the moon lost their light.

She finally took action and stopped the war.

I remember that day, countless human races in the Nine Heavens World paid homage to her, and she was revered as the ‘Empress of the Nine Heavens’.

After this time, peace was restored in the Jiutian world.

Until she woke up after her fourth slumber, people's hearts were unpredictable, and no one was willing to surrender all the time. Even if she did nothing, she attracted the covetousness of those powerful and powerful people.

Several of the strongest men in the Nine Heavens World jointly launched a sneak attack on her.

At this time, the most powerful people in the Nine Heavens World were able to comprehend the original power of the chaotic universe, but they were still killed by her, but this scene made her feel chilled.

The beautiful world in her heart shouldn't be like this.

My father definitely doesn’t want to see such a world.

But what can she do?

Let the Jiutian world return to chaos?

She can't do it.

Disappointed, she could only continue to sleep and wait for her father's return.

She went from being single-minded in the beginning, to gaining many emotions with the growth of the human race as she evolved into the living world, and finally fell back into indifference.

Humanity fades away again, and divinity gradually returns.

She always felt that she was missing something, that her life was not yet complete.

The accident happened after the fifth sleep.

After trying again and again, the strongest people in the Nine Heavens World came into contact with the power from outside the chaotic universe. That world was called the 'Abyss'.

When she sensed the existence of the abyss, Jiutian World was also noticed by the abyss.

She also sensed a transcendent existence in the abyss world.

That was the first time she felt threatened.

"Father, aren't you coming back yet?"

She overlooked the Nine Heavens World.

Although this world is not so beautiful, it is the only gift left to her by her father. She will not give up here and face the abyss, and she is unwilling to leave.

She fought an ultimate battle with the gods of the abyss.

In the end, he temporarily sealed the Lord God of the Abyss with the help of the power left by his father, and he also fell into a period of extreme weakness because of the loss of power.

Looking at the only gift his father left for him.

She didn't want this place to be contaminated by any filth.

She also knows that her power cannot completely seal the god of the abyss. When that god escapes, disaster will come to the Nine Heavens World.

So she used the remaining power to silence the entire "Nine Heavens World", causing the origin of life in this world to return to a stagnant state.

I thought I could escape this.

But she still underestimated the power of the abyss. When she performed the ritual, the eight ancient monarchs of the abyss came with the power of the abyss gods.

By then she had very little strength left.

In the end, she forcibly sealed the entire Jiutian World. She was killed by eight ancient monarchs, and only a ray of true spirit was left to escape into the depths of the chaotic universe.

The 'Hammer of Creation' left to her by her father protected her, and it landed somewhere following the guidance in the dark.


The woman covered her head.

That memory was too long ago and was far less intense than the memory of 'Little Carp'. Neither of the two memories gave way to the other, and she didn't know who she belonged to now.

Xiao Li's world is full of beauty.

Her mother's love, her teacher's love, her senior brothers' love, her junior brothers and sisters' admiration, the whole world showed her the purest side.

Before this, Xiao Li had almost never encountered any setbacks in his life.

If there was no 'mother' crisis, she should be able to live a carefree and innocent life forever.

These memories made her envious.

It can even dilute the divinity in her body.

It reminded her of the carefree and happy world when she first met her father.


She looked back.

Lin Suying's figure has disappeared.

She looked beyond the sky, and there was something there that echoed her. It should be the nine-day world that was banned at the beginning.

But she did not go beyond the sky.

Just sitting on the ultimate battlefield where chaotic energy is raging, thinking about my father who has never come back until now.

She doesn't love the 'Nine Heavens World' that much.

All she wanted in her mind was the coordinates of her father's return. She was afraid that her father would not be able to find her.

She could feel that the strength in her body was recovering bit by bit. It was a long time ago, and the strength left by her father came back from the long river of time.

When the power returned, she looked up suddenly.

Outside the sky, the familiar purple figure appeared again, it was the god from the abyss world!


She immediately rushed towards the sky.

The Lord God of the Abyss was staring at her indifferently.

"I didn't expect you to show up here."

"The prediction of the Second Divine Envoy was indeed correct. The final secret of the Divine Enlightenment War is buried in this star field."

"Perhaps you are the key to unlocking the secret war of divine enlightenment."

The Nine Heavens Empress didn't know what these words meant, but she had a strong premonition in her heart that perhaps all this was related to the father whose name she didn't know, who left her in the desolate world and never came back.


She rushed out of the blue star sky and chased the Lord of the Abyss.

The latter did not fight her head-on, nor did he return to the Abyss World, but rushed to the void area outside the three worlds, where it was dark and densely covered with cosmic dust.

I don't know how long he chased.

The Lord of the Abyss finally stopped.

I saw the Lord of the Abyss suddenly punched the void area, and a layer of gray-white ripples spread there, which completely resisted the power of the Lord of the Abyss.

The pupils of the Nine Heavens Empress shrank, her body trembled uncontrollably, and tears flowed from her lifeless eyes at this moment.


"It's my father's power."

No matter how long it has been, she will never forget her father's power.

The power of the gray-white ripples comes from her father.

Looking at the reaction of the Nine Heavens Queen, the Lord of the Abyss smiled. His guess was indeed correct. If so, it was time to break the balance.

Being controlled by the Second God's Envoy was not the style of the Lord of the Abyss.

"If you want to find what you want in your heart, break this barrier."

"Open it."

"All the secrets buried in the past will be revealed."

The Lord of the Abyss smiled.

In the chaos and nothingness, the crying mask with tears and the thunder and lightning tower that reached the sky were rapidly condensing.

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