Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 489: The First Battle in the Divine Realm

The ninth god envoy, the Maker, grabbed Xiaoli.

Just as he was about to touch Xiaoli, the space was suddenly completely blocked.

His face changed slightly.

He saw several broken sword fragments flying.

The strong threat of death forced him to retreat.


The next moment, a figure descended.

He stood in the center of the three gods.

Looking at the human in front of them, the three gods all changed color. They had been planning around the three realms for so long, so they naturally paid attention to Xu Xuan.

Xu Xuan was even their most important chess piece.

If it weren't for Xu Xuan, the fusion of Blue Star and Luolan Star would not be so perfect. The bloody battle of the second war between the two realms would have completely overwhelmed Luolan Star over Blue Star.

The fusion of the Abyss World also relied on Xu Xuan to maintain a "delicate balance point".

This is an extremely important chess piece.

It is even very likely that it was a hidden chess piece that a chess player had placed long ago.

The Eye of Crying has been paying attention to Xu Xuan.

He also understood that this chess piece might disrupt the entire chessboard. They had already made plans to remove it when it was out of control.

I thought it was not that time yet.

But I didn't expect that this 'dark chess piece' rushed out of the chessboard too fast, and turned over the chessboard to become one of the chess players.


"Is it the dark chess piece left by that person?"

The crying eyes saw too many familiar points in Xu Xuan.

Until this moment, he could firmly believe that Xu Xuan was the dark chess piece left by the protagonist of the God's Revelation War.

"That person?" Xu Xuan sneered, "I don't know who you are talking about, but from now on, please get out of Blue Star."

This was the first time he faced these gods behind the scenes.

The mysterious information made him half-understand.

But he did not condense the godhood, nor was he fully familiar with the power of the 'main god realm'. The prototype of the chaotic body had not evolved completely, and the Taiji Tiandi Sword was also missing the last fragment.

He did not dare to guarantee that he could destroy these gods.

He was also completely unaware of the opponent's methods.

"No memory?"

Looking at Xu Xuan's reaction, the Weeping Eye relaxed a little. If that person really came back, all the gods and demons would tremble.

He was no exception.

"Leave her here, and we can leave."

"Since you have reached the God Realm, we will not interfere in the affairs of Blue Star."

The Weeping Eye spoke.

"I don't believe a word you gods say."

"You don't understand either."

Xu Xuan hugged the sleeping Xiaoli tightly, "She is my daughter, I can't give her to you, there is no other result."

"Either get out!"

"Or I'll send you out!"

Even when facing the three Lord God Realms, Xu Xuan still had no fear.

There was no divinity in him.

At this moment, his emotions burned like a raging fire, so strong that he would never exchange his daughter for anything.



The Lord of the Abyss laughed.

The Weeping Eye and the Maker were puzzled.

He has the power of the Lord God, but he has no divinity. He still acts like a low-level life, completely reckless.

This human has indeed jumped out of their calculations.

"Hey! Ninth God Envoy, take action."

After weighing the pros and cons, the Eye of Weeping finally decided to solve the problem with a duel.

He looked at the Lord God of the Abyss again, "Aoci, if you don't take action, our plan will fail, and this human will not let you go either."

The Lord God of the Abyss smiled, "It's okay, you fight first, I'm not anxious, you should be anxious."

It has to be said that it feels good to make the second God Envoy who is good at calculating lose face.

Xu Xuan held Xiaoli in one hand and the incomplete 'Taiji Tiandi Sword' in the other.

He looked at the Eye of Weeping and the Maker.

Previously, the Maker had conveyed a message to him through Becky, asking him to stop the war. From that time on, he knew that the Maker and the Eye of Weeping were not of the same mind.

The three gods, each with their own ulterior motives.

He actually didn't want to fight.

At least not now.

The ninth god envoy activated the lightning tower, covering Xu Xuan. This is the most advanced technological creation in the chaotic universe, with countless means of killing gods.

Xu Xuan slashed with the broken sword in his hand.

With his current strength, he used the fragments of the Taiji Emperor Sword again, and the power was incomparable. He actually passed through a gap in the lightning tower.

"How could it be?"

The three gods were shocked.

They knew very well how powerful the lightning tower was.

That was the main artifact that could connect time and space, and could forcibly connect two life worlds, integrating countless top materials in the chaotic universe.

It was difficult for ordinary main artifacts to leave traces on its surface.

This human actually broke it with one sword?

Sure enough, this person was the hidden chess piece left by that person, and it seemed that that person would return soon.

The Lord of the Abyss laughed again: "Two gods, do you regret it now? You have lost the opportunity to open the wall membrane. If you force it open, be careful of being backlashed!

The power of that person, even if it is washed by the long river of time, will still be terrifying."


The crying eye snorted coldly.

Although it was only a temporary mistake, He still felt offended.

He did not like this feeling.

But even a mistake of this magnitude was still under His control. A "human" who only had the power of the "main god realm" but no godhood could not escape His plan.

The crying mask changes.

It is still a crying mask.

But it has a completely different expression.

The mask face before looked gentle and sad, that is the beautiful tears of angels, but the mask face now is ferocious and terrifying, it is the ugly tears of demons.


The extremely terrifying energy fell instantly.

The power was too strong, and it hit him directly without the transmission of time and space. Even though he was prepared, he was still thrown into the cosmic dust.

The prison with the terrifying power condensed instantly.

Xu Xuan's face became extremely heavy.

He finally realized why the "Crying Eye" could be ranked on the 97th step, and the real power of the explosion was indeed far beyond the Lord of the Abyss.

He had to fight against the old monster who had lived for who knows how many epochs in a completely unfamiliar field just after the breakthrough.

He had no confidence in this battle.

The prison with the power of "Demon Tears" became more and more solid.

He controlled the incomplete Taiji Tiandi Sword to bombard continuously, but without the support of "Godhead", his decline soon became apparent.

Insufficient core strength.

There is still a fundamental gap between him and the Weeping Eye.

If he continues to fight like this, he will surely lose.

"Is there only one chance?"

Xu Xuan had already made preparations, and he had rehearsed the worst result in his mind countless times.

But the worst does not mean there is no hope.

He will always leave himself a way out.

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