The sixteen ‘Supreme Gods’ have completely different personalities.

Some are aggressive, some are indifferent, some are calculating, and some are completely unwilling to care about anything...

Because they are born this way, their individual personalities are extremely obvious.

Xu Xuan wandered around the world as a small citizen.

Here, he experienced all kinds of things in the world, enough happiness, and also sharpened his mind, but at the same time, his life span was also decreasing day by day.

This universe continued to absorb the energy in his body, and the completely irreversible process also made Xu Xuan a little emotional.

Sometimes, he looked at life and death lightly.

Sometimes he didn't want to die so much.

He was also looking for a win-win solution, wanting to separate himself from the world and become an independent life form.

With this goal, Xu Xuan pursued it tirelessly.

During this period, the war between civilizations became more and more intense.

Xu Xuan opened a kindergarten in the section called ‘Blue Star Civilization’, which specialized in teaching children to learn cultivation, and also created a half-cooked career system.

"Classmates, get out of class is over."

"Teacher, take a break~"

After teaching a class, the children cheered and shouted in unison.

The small kindergarten can only be regarded as a small novice village in the huge world.

There are more dangerous places outside this novice village.

But the magnificent world was created by him, and Xu Xuan had no yearning for the outside world. It was good to stay in this small novice village.

Occasionally, he would go out for a walk to find inspiration.

Looking for a way to escape from the universe without destroying the world.

"Old Xu, do you want a wife?"

In his spare time, other teachers would chat with him. As handsome as he is, there would naturally be many girls who like him, and other colleagues were also keen to introduce him to blind dates.

"No, no."

Xu Xuan smiled and refused, "I have a wife and a daughter."

In his eyes, these lives are just mud dots, and he certainly won't fall in love with mud dots.

But being asked every day is really annoying.

Why don't you create a daughter yourself?

For her, it's easy to pinch a daughter.

He is no longer a single yin or yang life form. He is chaos, the kind that can do whatever he wants.

"Old Xu, don't joke."

"How can you have a daughter at such a young age?"

"Don't be embarrassed. As long as you say a word, I will bring you a wife, a beautiful girl who has fled from another civilization, and she is also a human."

The colleague was very enthusiastic.

"Really not necessary."

Xu Xuan once again experienced what is called human relations and worldly affairs here.

If you put yourself in it, it would be interesting.

If you think too far, everything in the world is just a mayfly.

"Well, I'd better go back and make one."

Thinking of this, Xu Xuan separated a ball of energy from his origin and made a small life, in order to make the small life more adaptable to the operation of the universe.

He also let it stay in the egg for a while longer.

Soon, a semester ended.

At the beginning of the new semester, Xu Xuan took the little girl hatched from the egg to school. The name was called 'Xu Xiaoli', which means 'lucky little koi' in the memory of the previous life.

I hope this little guy can bring me good luck and find the perfect match.

After Xiaoli went to school, no one introduced him to a blind date. Xu Xuan was happy and comfortable to experience the feeling of taking care of his daughter for the first time.

But the good times didn't last long.

In the continuous wars, the plate called "Blue Star Civilization" was also impacted.

That day.

God came to the world.

The weak Blue Star Civilization plate trembled in front of the god.

The people of the entire plate fell into panic.

Only Xu Xuan and Xu Xiaoli looked at the sky.


"What is that?"

Xiaoli pointed to the god in the sky and said.

Xu Xuan thought for a while and said, "That's a waste. Xiaoli must not learn from him when he grows up. Do you know? If you are as weak as him, your father will be sad."


Xiaoli asked in confusion: "But he looks very powerful, and others are scared away. Doesn't waste mean that it will fall down with a hit?"

Xu Xuan thought it made sense.

He took out a small hammer from his pocket.

This was what he used to hammer things when he created the world.

"You take it and throw it at him."

Xu Xuan handed the hammer to his daughter.

The daughter gathered up her strength and threw it up.


Just like that, the god fell.

That day, Xiaoli understood a truth, that gods are trash, and they are lives that even the children in the Novice Village Kindergarten cannot beat.

If gods are very powerful, then wouldn't the Novice Village Kindergarten be the most powerful place?

The god fell.

The big guys from all sides were alarmed, and the sixteen supreme gods were also shocked.

They always thought that they were the strongest creatures in this universe, and there would never be a stronger existence than them, but at this moment, their cognition was completely changed.

Xu Xuan, who had been hiding for a long time, was still found by the sixteen supreme gods.

Looking at the human in front of them, the sixteen supreme gods fell into deep thought, and at this moment, they felt an indescribable horror and oppression.

It seemed that the other party could flick them to death with just a finger.

"Why don't you stop fighting?"

Xu Xuan made a suggestion.

The sixteen supreme gods fell into deep thought again. They asked them to stop fighting. Who was this person?

Could it be the universe creator they guessed?

Or the ‘Father God’?

Faced with such a powerful existence, they temporarily stopped the war.

Xu Xuan, who would never age, wandered around various novice kindergartens with his daughter who would never grow up. When they got familiar with her, he would move to another place, and repeat this process.

Having seen too many things, Xu Xuan liked to play with innocent children.

But the problem of energy loss continued.

He would still fall and return to chaos.

Xu Xuan seemed to be more eager to find a win-win solution. He felt that he had not really experienced the feeling of being alive.

Such a life was too meaningless in his heart.

He seemed to have seen through everything.

And it seemed that he had not seen through anything.

Until one day, the ‘God of Death’ among the sixteen supreme gods withdrew from the competition, gave up all his territory, and left a wise saying.

“Death is the beginning of another life.”

He didn’t want territory or faith anymore.

Instead, he studied the three towers.

They are ‘delusion’, ‘death’ and ‘despair’.

In his eyes, despair is worse than death.

He wants to transcend his current level in another way, instead of fighting for the power of faith.

Xu Xuan suddenly got a little inspiration.

Isn’t it that he doesn’t want to die now, but is unwilling to die, and is gradually moving towards despair?

As time goes by, the unwillingness in his heart is indeed getting stronger and stronger. Perhaps only death can find the best of both worlds that he wants.

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