"The teacher's aura has completely disappeared."

The little fox looked at the stars above the sky with tears streaming down his face.

She also realized what parting meant.

She wandered away from the blue world. She remembered that the teacher told her that there were two worlds outside this world, and the world there was much more interesting than this slow-evolving world.

Leaving the sky of the blue world, she followed the guidance left by her teacher, traveled through the vast star field, and finally found the green world.

"That's it."

The little fox is very happy.

"The teacher said it was only a few steps away, but it took me so long to cross this star field."

she muttered, crossing the celestial borders of the green living world.


Looking down at the world below, she saw the brilliant civilization of life.

Although there are no humans in this world, there is a brilliant civilization that far surpasses humans.

"I remember the teacher said there are very annoying things in this world."

The little fox's eyes searched, and she soon saw what the teacher said was disgusting. It was a group of life forms that were completely different from the civilization of the green world.

Just looking at it made her feel a strong sense of disgust.

The living races of this living world are at war with these nasty things.

"Ahri, if you go to the green world of life and encounter those nasty things, just help clear them away."

She still remembers the teacher's instructions.

Since the teacher said to clean it up, it must be cleaned up.

Although the life civilization of this world has developed well, it is still far behind hers. After all, she has absorbed the energy of the entire blue life world's early evolution.

"My form doesn't seem suitable either."

The little fox thought for a while and turned into the human form that the teacher taught her, but the nine tails were still exposed and wagging around, "That's almost it."


Then, she fell directly into the eternal forest.

At this time, the Elf Queen was training with the Elf warriors.

The enemy is more difficult than she imagined. Even with the eternal scepter and eternal crown given by the Elf God, they still cannot defeat those irregular life forms.

The four major tribes, the Feather Clan, the Giant Clan, the Titan Clan, and the Demon Hunter Clan, also suffered heavy casualties.

Some weak ethnic groups were also destroyed in this war.

The mother river of Luolan Star was completely polluted.

But they can only fight desperately. If they retreat, those irregular life forms will completely erode them.

Fortunately, the elves have a strong recovery ability, and the damage caused by the battle is the smallest among the major clans.

The little fox fell from the eternal tree.

The elves looked at her.

The Elf Queen felt the domineering aura of the little fox and saluted devoutly, "Are you sent by the great Elf God to save us?"

"God of elves?"

The little fox thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's right, just call me Ahri, and I will assist you in the next war."

Ahri taught these elves the various formations taught to him by his teacher.

With the more orthodox training methods, the elves' strength increased rapidly. When the other four major tribes heard about it, they also came to the Eternal Forest for help.

Ah Li was not stingy and told them various suitable cultivation methods.

With Ahri's guidance, the native life races headed by the elves finally achieved a small victory.

Although there is still a long way to go before completely annihilating the enemy, this is enough to make them happy and a great boost to their morale.

A long war began.

The monsters were more difficult to deal with than Ahri had imagined. She discovered that these irregular life forms could be constantly reborn from the river.

For this reason, she rushed into the end of the Loland star alone to find the source of the river.

This river called the 'River of Forgotten' is actually deep underground, close to the center of the earth, where a very large matrix still exists.

Looking at the mother's body, Ah Li felt upset and angry.

The disgust in my heart reached its extreme at this moment.

"No wonder the teacher said you are a bunch of nuisances."

Ahri took action in anger.

The power of the mother body is extremely powerful, and it continuously absorbs energy from the Forgotten River. Even she cannot completely destroy the mother body.

These life forms are too special and weird.

She doesn't know.

These things are monsters formed by the accumulated energy of the negative emotions left behind by her teacher when he finally fell asleep, and they must override the source of life in this world.

After several battles, Ahri understood that it was impossible to deal with these irregular beings on her own.

Only by relying on the fusion of life on the entire Luolan planet can it be dissolved in a special way.

She found the Elven Queen again.

"Your Majesty Ah Li, do you have a solution?"

The Elf Queen was worried.

The same is true for the patriarchs of the other four major clans.


"But there's a big price to pay."

Ahri remembered that one of the "Four Imprisonment Seals" taught to her by her teacher was a transcendent formation that could mobilize the source of life in the world to imprison non-native creatures.

This formation requires a large amount of the native life origin of the living world to be activated.

Or it can be done by extracting all the essence from her body.

But she won't do that. She has to wait for the teacher to come back. This is the greatest contribution she can make.

"What price?" asked the giant clan leader.

"We're willing to do it no matter what the cost."

The Demon Hunter leader spoke up. They had already sacrificed too many of their people. If they continued to fight like this for a long time, the monsters would only become stronger.

They would have no hope at that time.

"Your Majesty Ahri, as long as you can help us destroy these monsters, we can make a blood oath of our tribe, and our people of each tribe will always follow your orders."

The Feather Tribe was even more willing to make a blood oath that would affect the future of the entire tribe.

Once this oath was made, their descendants would be profoundly affected and would have absolute trust in His Majesty Ahri's orders.

They also knew that His Majesty Ahri was helping them wholeheartedly.

That's why they were willing to entrust the future of their tribe to His Majesty Ahri.

"We Giants are willing too."

"The Demon Hunters can do the same."

"The Elves are willing to follow."

"The Titans have no regrets!"

The five major races of Loran Star were united and were willing to make a blood oath at this moment. Ahri thought about it and agreed.

"Okay, I'll teach you this method next."

"This method is a super large sacrificial sealing array, composed of five parts."

"One of the cores, four sub-arrays."

"The Titans, Feathers, Giants, and Demon Hunters each control a sub-array ban, and the strongest elves will preside over the core, so that we will definitely win."

Ahri taught the method to the leaders of the five tribes.

It was about the life and death of the tribe, and the leaders of the five major tribes did not hesitate, and immediately summoned the strong men in the tribe to comprehend.

It's okay for these old bones to die.

The younger generation will definitely become more and more brilliant!

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