Time flies.

Little Moira followed Ahri, practicing various skills day after day, year after year.

Archery, divination, brewing, formation.

With amazing talent and unremitting efforts, little Moira practiced every day for ten years without missing any of the courses.

She was outstanding in four fields, far surpassing the elves of the same generation.

Such talent and strength shocked the entire elf race.

At the age of fourteen, Moira was successfully elected as the first saint of the elves, and the resolution passed by the elders of the Elf Temple unanimously.

She was designated as the next queen of the elves.

"Your Majesty Ahri, I have become the first saint of the elves!"

Happy Moira returned to her residence and reported to Ahri, but she only saw Ahri's face of sorrow.

"Your Majesty Ahri, what's wrong with you?"

Moira asked.

"The disaster is coming again."

Ahri looked at the sky in the distance, and she had an extremely ominous feeling, as if something had penetrated into this star field.

It has been a long time since the teacher left.

She did not dare to guarantee that the means left by the teacher would not be infiltrated by unknown enemies outside the star field.

Moira's face was pale. She knew very well that His Majesty Ahri had the means to predict the future. Even His Majesty Ahri said so. I am afraid that there will be a great disaster.

Luolan Star has just experienced a great disaster. Is it going to happen again?

"Be prepared!"

Ahri stood up, "Go back and tell the Elf Queen that this war may be more difficult than the last time."

After that, Ahri disappeared on the spot.

Moira took a deep breath and ran madly in the direction of the Elf Temple.

Ahri came to the border of the sky.

She saw that the gray film there produced a strange fluctuation.

This space also became extremely abnormal.

Although the film was not destroyed, a powerful existence infiltrated it through special means.

She looked into the void.

There seemed to be a tearful mask phantom condensing there.

And the energy that guided it here turned out to be the residual energy of the monsters that were sealed and wiped out in the Forgotten River.

"What should I do?"

"Should I open the mark left by the teacher?"

Ahri remembered that the teacher said that if she encountered an enemy outside the star field, she would open the mental mark, and then she would know who the enemy was.

"How terrible are the enemies outside the star field?"

Ahri had guessed countless times.

But being able to force the teacher to this point and treat them so carefully, those enemies must not be weak, and it would be difficult for her to deal with them alone.

Maybe the teacher has left other backups.


Ahri thought, and finally chose to merge that piece of mental mark, although the teacher said that merging these huge pieces of information might cause her mental trauma and stagnation.

But in order to keep everything left by the teacher, she had to do this.


A huge stream of information fragments flowed into her mind, and Ahri let out a painful roar. She seemed to see a more distant and vast world outside this star field.

The universe is vast, and there are too many lives.

This piece of universe alone makes countless lives unable to reach the end in their lifetime.

There are also countless lives outside the star field.

The strongest among them are the sixteen supreme gods, twelve of whom were killed by the teacher, but their true spirits and energy cores are protected by the rules of the universe.

The rules of the universe are the only weapon to restrain the teacher.

Now the energy cores of the twelve supreme gods are inherited by the sons of heaven from various small worlds, and they also obey the will of the rules of the universe to kill the teacher.

Maybe there are other purposes.

Crying mask?

In memory, this is a feature of the God of Destiny.

Then is the one who came here the reincarnation of the God of Destiny?


It should not be called a reincarnation, because the memories of the twelve supreme gods have long been erased, and only a wisp of true spirit and energy core remains.

The enemies who came should be regarded as the twelve supreme gods recreated by the rules of the universe.

She also doesn't know when the enemy will infiltrate.

All races can only wait.

Waiting for the coming disaster.


Somewhere in the void.

The crying mask condensed into reality.

"Finally found it?"

"The burial place of the initiator of the War of Divine Revelation countless years ago, it seems that we will eventually step into the next realm."

"Did you say so? The Ninth Divine Envoy?"

The Eye of Weeping looked to the side.

A skinny old man stood in the void, looking at the three life worlds. He was originally the absolute monarch of a small world, but he did not expect to be chosen by the cosmic rules of the chaotic world and inherit the powerful power.

"The eleventh Divine Envoy seems to be here too."

"That guy is still unwilling for us to call him a Divine Envoy, and he insists on calling himself the God of the Abyss."

As they said, the two Divine Envoys looked at the largest purple world at the same time.

"It has been tainted by his power, I'm afraid we can only give it to him first." The Ninth Divine Envoy said.

"It doesn't matter." The second Divine Envoy, the Eye of Weeping, said: "Leave it to him for now, this matter is under my control."

"Let's go!"

The Eye of Weeping took a step forward, "Take a look at these two life worlds, maybe the key to unlock the secret is in them."

The two Divine Envoys wanted to get closer.


But just as they approached the world of life, the gray film began to tremble violently, and an extremely powerful energy gathered, carrying a terrifying killing intent.

The two great envoys retreated immediately.

Such a force is likely to wipe them out directly.

"How can it be so strong?"

The second envoy was still in shock.

If she had forced her way into the world of life just now, she might have been wiped out directly. It seems that the person had already anticipated what would happen today, so he made arrangements in advance.

The ninth envoy said: "If we want to wait for the gray film layer to disappear, it may take many years. Why don't we call other envoys.

The fateful one is the most intact, maybe He can break through here."


"The fateful one has already condensed an independent godhead, and He is not interested in these."

The second envoy shook his head, "Besides, if we want to take the last step, we can't let too many envoys know, otherwise the final result will be that we kill each other.

The history of the long river of time will repeat itself."

"Then how to break it?" said the ninth envoy.


The second envoy looked at the fate line of the star field and found the only way. The three life worlds all contain the energy left by that person.

Only by completely fusing them can we find the traces left by that person before reincarnation.

It can also make the rules of the universe operate in a way that weakens this thin film layer.

With that person's temperament, no one knows what he will reincarnate into. He may be a super genius, a weak mortal, or an animal.

That person may not even be in this star field, playing tricks on them all.

Who can guess how that person will act?

By the time they guess, it is likely that the matter has fallen into the control of the other party, so they must be cautious.

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