“Of course they know, but they can’t resist the temptation of health and immortality, can they?”

“Just ignore them, no one dares to treat you as such, you are now the pride of the earth!”

“Even if not, from the practical interests, they will never dare to hurt you, because you are the only bridge between them and that great being, see what I have brought you?”

Nick Fury said.

The silver-white safe was opened, revealing the existence inside.

It was a blue cube.

“Earth’s greatest discovery to date, the Cosmic Cube, has an almost endless source of energy, and we suspect that it has a deep relationship with the universe, contains infinite secrets, and is also our most precious treasure.”

“Now, the United Nations has authorized me to give it to you and let you bring it to that great being, hoping that it will give us a little intention, or goodwill, to that great being.”

Hear it here.

Tony Stark’s face softened a lot.

“It’s not bad, just when I’m worried about the meeting ceremony, this thing is really as amazing as you say, you must know that the great being, not those ordinary politicians or something, but not easy to fool, if, you know.”

Tony Stark showed a knowing look.

“Of course I know, rest assured, it is definitely a very precious treasure, believe in that great being, at least, at least have a trace of interest in it.”

Nick Fury said with some disbelief.

“Well, hopefully it’s really as precious as you say.”

Tony Stark put away the Cosmic Cube.

Then put on a new generation of steel armor that he made with the latest technology after watching the video of the future, which is enough to rush out of the atmosphere and go to the outer sky.

“So, me.”

Tony Stark just wanted to say I was going.

But when I opened my mouth, I couldn’t say any more.

Because in front of him, a golden ring appeared rubbing against the air.

A bald female mage came out of it.

“Let me give you a ride, Iron Man Tony Stark.”


Exclamations rang out.

“It’s the bald guy!”

“Yes, it’s the one who knocked out Banner’s soul!”

“Shot, there are indeed mysterious mages hidden in our world.”

The members of the Avengers are tongue-in-cheek.

Tony Stark was also shocked.

In fact, after watching the future video, they also tried to find this female mage, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not find a trace of each other.

Unexpectedly, today the other party appeared on its own.

“Remember, after seeing the great Being, be absolutely respectful, that is not the great Being that our world can offend.”

Gu Yi instructed solemnly.

Tony Stark nodded: “I don’t need you to say, I don’t have the guts.” ”

He really didn’t have the guts.

The last time I provoked, I almost scared him into peeing.

What’s more, now that he brushes the Ten Thousand Worlds video every day, he already knows what kind of existence it is.

“Okay then, I’ll send you away, by the way.”

Furuichi turned to Nick Fury while drawing out the portal: “Inform your government, don’t be too nervous, you may see a lot of guests in a while, they will not cause any harm to the earth, try not to make misleading moves.” ”

Gu Yi’s words made Nick Fury completely scratch his head.

Wanting to ask, Furuichi had already pulled Tony Stark and walked into the portal.

The other side of the portal is obviously in space.

The gate of the heavens is not far away.

“Oh, it’s an unforgettable trip.”

Tony Stark looked at the space beneath his feet and complained.

The next moment.

When he looked up.

I was completely dumbfounded.

Because, in the originally empty space, countless interstellar battleships suddenly appeared, boundless, and it was impossible to count.

“Hello Tony Stark, we are a fleet from one of the three major empires in the universe, the Xia Empire, I am the fleet commander-in-chief Lilandra, you can also call me the Empress Lilandra, because while being the commander-in-chief of the fleet, I am also the supreme empress of the Xia Empire.”

“We come with friendship, hoping to gain your intention with the Supreme Being within the gates of the heavens.”

An ethereal female voice sounded in space.

Tony Stark, and all the humans on Earth who were watching this scene, were all stunned.

However, this is not the end.

In the other direction, an equally overwhelming fleet appeared.

“Earthling, I am the commander of the fleet of the Kree Empire, and at the same time the supreme existence and supreme wisdom of the Kree Empire, we hope to conclude an alliance with you, we can provide you with all the technology and materials you need, including everything we have, as long as you can beg for that great being, beg for a civilization to move towards a higher evolutionary path.”

The voice of the Supreme Wisdom was cold, and there was no emotion.


The Skrul Empire also appeared.

Same as the other two empires.

The Skrul Empire also hopes to connect with Ye Yan through Tony Stark, and then find the way to the evolution of civilization.

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