【Devil Bug] (Elite Monster)


Attack power:?




A fat, black insect appeared in front of Qin Lang. Its two big eyes stared at Qin Lang closely, and its disgusting mouth like a chrysanthemum was shrinking continuously.

Ever since he entered Tianzong Canyon, Qin Lang couldn't tell the attributes of monsters at all. The monsters here were all many levels higher than him.

Although the attributes cannot be seen, he was beaten to death.

As soon as the Zhanma Dao slashed, the high damage figures skyrocketed.


He is now level 10, and he is wearing a piece of equipment that is considered a fortress among players. His attack power is already as high as 960.

By estimation, this devil insect has at least a defense of about 480, and it is an elite monster, which is higher than the same level. The ordinary monster is a bit more powerful, and should be around level 30.

After receiving such a huge amount of damage, the demon worm only lost one-third of its health bar.

The demon worm stood up suddenly after being attacked. Like a small black tower, its chrysanthemum mouth suddenly expanded, and with a pop, countless ink-like dirt was sprayed towards Qin Lang.

Qin Lang was on guard and immediately started to move at top speed. I dodged left and right, but I just didn't let those dirty things hit me.


The flowers, plants and trees nearby that were hit by the dirt shuddered and shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Needless to say, those black things must contain poison.

Qin Lang quickly jumped forward and slashed twice. Cut it to the ground

"Killed the demon bug and gained 3278X10 experience."

As expected of a level 30 elite monster. This experience is indeed very rich. It only takes a few monsters to raise his level."

"Get 5X10 silver coins."

The dropped coins are also very impressive, two can equal one gold coin. However, the gold price ratio has plummeted, and now one silver coin can only be sold for 400 yuan. When those players reach level 10, I am afraid that It will fall within 100.

Thinking that there will be many uses for gold coins in the future, he does not plan to sell gold coins, but it is more practical to sell high-end and high-grade equipment.

If so. If you are lucky enough to explode the crystal core, you can just lie down and count the money.

Qin Lang continues to upgrade monsters, but the cavalry members have already abandoned him and gone deeper.

They are eager for Qin Lang to get lost. In this wide canyon, there was no need to worry about Qin Lang making trouble in their town. The group of people moved forward slowly, and in the quiet valley, they could only hear the sound of their horse's hooves.

There are also a lot less of them, and occasionally you can see some monsters walking through the woods on both sides.

"Pay attention, you should be almost at the lair of the Qinggang Lion King."The captain warned the team members, then dismounted and hurried forward carefully.

The Qinggang Lion King would often lead a group of powerful monsters to wreak havoc in nearby towns, causing them huge losses. Unable to bear it any longer, he organized the soldiers in the town to come directly to the Tianzong Canyon to attack its lair and avoid future troubles!

At this moment, a shocking roar suddenly came from the valley!

"call!"A gust of wind spurted out like a strong water column, almost knocking them off their feet.

They were very familiar with this gust of wind, and it was caused by the Qinggang Lion King's skill Tianyin Roar!

However, I don't know if it was their illusion, that Gang The wind seemed to be stronger. Even at such a distance, it still made their hearts tremble. If they got closer, they would definitely suffer a lot of damage.

This should be the Qinggang Lion King warning them. Everyone thought, but did not stop. If they retreated, more people would die.

After climbing over a small steep slope in front, the view widened, and a huge lake appeared in front of them. , and next to the lake, there was a majestic and huge lion king with purple hair!

The lion was three meters tall, and its limbs were as thick as the tree trunk next to it. At this moment, it was staring with eyes filled with tears.

After seeing the appearance of the Qinggang Lion King clearly, the entire cavalry team was shocked.

【Mutated Green Gang Lion King] (Elite BOSS)

Level: 36

HP: 235000

Attack: 1354

Defense: 785

Skills: Tianyin Roar (?) Gang Qi Body Protection (?) Rage (?)

"Changed, mutated!"One team member's legs and feet became weak and he fell to the ground.

"Oh my god, the attack and defense are much stronger!"

"It also has one more skill: rage!"

"It's over, it's over……"

Listening to the team members constantly saying depressing words, the captain did not reprimand him because he also felt a little bitter in his heart. The BOSS mutated. This extremely rare situation actually happened to them.

Monsters may mutate, gain comprehensive strength, and become elite monsters. Similarly, BOSS may mutate into elite BOSS, but the probability of this happening is very low!

The captain licked his dry lips and stared at the mutant Qinggang Lion King. It was originally only more than two meters tall, but now it is almost a circle bigger, and its hair has also changed from blue to purple, and it looks much more powerful.

Before, he was still confident that he could kill it with his team members, but now...

He breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes quickly became firm again, and he shouted seriously:"Get ready to fight!"

"yes!"The team members gritted their teeth and said

"All warriors with a defense higher than 400 will come forward with me to attract hatred. The mage, archer, and cultivator will attack from four meters away on the left and right sides. The priest will increase blood from behind. The knight will hide his figure and get closer when ensuring absolute safety. output."

Their cavalry team is not just a warrior, otherwise they would not dare to challenge the Qinggang Lion King.

The captain forced himself to calm down and commanded in an orderly manner. He knew that if even he panicked, then he would It was even more impossible to defeat the mutated Qingang Lion King.

The team members' eyes regained their luster, and they nodded firmly, and followed his instructions to go to different positions.


A warrior rushed forward and used the skill [Taunt] to attract the hatred of the Mutated Qingang Lion King.

The Mutated Qinggang Lion King slammed down his huge claws and hit him in the body.



His health bar dropped by one-third in an instant, and he quickly went to the side to drink a blood bottle to replenish his blood volume and let others take over.

The mages, archers and Chinese exclusive professional cultivators on the left and right lost their skills.

"Fire blast!"

"Three consecutive critical arrows!"

"Flowing Cloud Palm!"







Seeing the considerable damage figures popping up on the head of the mutant Qinggang Lion King, everyone suddenly gained more confidence.

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