Tenchi Nura Guardian Of The Multiverse

Chapter 212 - Momoyo vs Sagat

In front of the Kazuma family is a man who he has an intimidating appearance and towering muscular build. He wears Muay Thai trunks with colors varying from purple with yellow trim, to blue with red trim, to blue with yellow. He also wears the hand and feet wraps common to many Muay Thai practitioners.

Man: I am Sagot...I will fight the strongest one of you. the others may go

Momoyo steps forward and punches her fist together

Momoyo: I will fight you then... I am Momoyo Kawakami

The man simply nods: I am Sagat...

The others said a few words to Momoyo and left

Suddenly they both clashed destroying building at each clash she was laughing as they were destroying the town from their impacts

Momoyo: Takuyo who is this guy?

Momoyo asked this as they were exchanging fist

[Takuya: His name is Sagat. Since a young age, Sagat had an affinity for fighting, but constant brawls on the streets as a child left his right eye with significant injuries that soon made it a weak point. Realizing that learning on the streets was not the way for him to learn fighting, he soon took up the martial art of Muay Thai to discipline himself and grow strong. As he grew up and picked himself back up from a struggle of defeats in his early career, his size eventually became his advantage, and by the age of 15, he was able to fight his way to the top as a worthy champion in the world of Muay Thai

Sagat gained his title of "The Emperor of Muay Thai" after defeating Nuakan, a powerful fighter that was also considered an emperor of Muay Thai. Apachai Hopachai witnessed their battle and asked Sagat to take him as his student.

Sometime after this, Sagat was challenged by a nameless masked man who refused to give out his name upon confrontation, Sagat attempted to fight on an even level, but the man noticed Sagat's weak right eye and proceeded to direct all attacks at it. When one of his attacks landed and gouged out Sagat's right eye, Sagat retaliated in anger with countering an oncoming clincher knee kick with a new attack that summoned a great power deep within him and obliterated the man.

Sagat trained Apachi and held the first World Warrior Tournament to prove that he was not only the strongest Muay Thai fighter but the strongest fighter in the world. Only one fighter managed to reach Sagat: a fighter who would later be called the Demon (Yujiro Hanma). Sagat was able to pin the demon and was sure that he was the winner of the match, even going to help demon up. However, the demon became desperate to win the fight and broke through to Legendary rank...it was unknown what he sacrificed to become a Legendary rank but he became corrupted by the price and his dark side and his devil gene, grievously wounding Sagat and leaving a massive scar across his chest. Sagat swore revenge on the demon.]


Sagat POV

That girl..she reminds me of me in the past..when I was known as the strongest...before losing to that boy...the demon...


It was night and they were still fighting both had wounds all over their bodies

They were no longer in town they were in a forest fighting in the rain

They both jumped in the air and Sagat kicks Momoyo in the arm causing her to twirl down from the sky but she regains self and lands causing a huge impact

Sagat fires ki cannon attack at her but she dodges it and does a somersault at him

but when she gets to the ground he throws her. she manages to get up and does a hurricane kick at

He lands but stands up riping the blood off his mouth

His eye starts glowing and Sagat roundhouse kicks at her head but she ducks and does an uppercut but is easily avoided

he then kicks her in the chest and sends her flying

She uses a tree and flys towards him fast and does several consecutive punches to his stomach

Then he kicks his head. She then starts performing lots of fast attacks. Causing him unable to keep up and his wounds were increasing

Momoyo thinks to herself: Ryo was right. this is how you fight against a Muay Thai fighter

[Momoyo: King you use Muay Thai right? What are some of the weaknesses of using that?

Sanji: One major 'issue' with Muay Thai is that it has no ground grappling. As you all know, Muay Thai is very grapple heavy, which holds becoming the go-to option for fighters in a tight sport who want to avoid any more punches.

Muay Thai also lacks the bopping and weaving we often see in other schools such as traditional boxing. they may struggle to dodge a powerful right hook in time. The head is a lot more exposed too, with the fists and arms slightly further away from the upper body, given they also come into play in defending against body attacks. MMA fighters like to combine traditional boxing stances with the Thai kickboxing attacks, which can make a deadly opponent.

Another issue Muay Thai fighters may face is that moment during the round kicks where the hand drops, leaving an open target for a lightning speed attack from your rival. If a Muay Thai fighter throws a right round kick, his hand will drop down behind the buttocks. If you are on the receiving end, you can step into the kick, reducing its power, and deliver an unblockable right cross or left hook of your own. Although there is little a Muay Thai fighter can do to avoid this, the best bet is to time those kicks for when your attacker is in the wrong stance to carry out that deflect and you'll be fine...wait is the reason you want to know to beat me Momoyo-senpai Why ARE YOU SMILING LIKE THAT!]

Momoyo: Well that was a good warm up...

She jumps back...

Sagat: what warm-up(is she joking?)

Momoyo: this is something I tried on my King...its the reason why he is the only one man worthy for me. He took my best attack and defeated me...(wait he said not to do this on earth...I can only do that in the holy land or when we go traveling...) actually take another technique

In an blink of an eye Sagat is on the ground. missing some body parts.

Momoyo starts sweating and passes out laughing at a fun match

What had happened is Momoyo used her Time manipulation. By using this technique, Momoyo could stop the time within a 20-meter radius but this technique using a lot of energy and not suited for actual battle but thanks to King's power she is able to utilize it in battle.

She then uses her speed to instantly get in front of Sagat. (Momoyo is the third-fastest member. Sanji and Kazuko are about the same speed normally (Sanji is faster when he is serious and on A-T's. ) She is able to run longer than Kazuko through)

The final thing is Momoyo created a black hole with her ki and it won't disappear unless it absorbs something. which she absorbs some of Sagat's body parts...

After a good fight, Momoyo falls asleep.

AN: Momoyo's strongest attack is called Star destroyer...

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