Yinhua Middle School.

Mamoru Inoue, who was hung up, was a little baffled.

He couldn’t understand why Ryuzaki was so angry.

During this time, the most famous is Kitagawa .

The previously unknown Beichuan was born like a dark horse!

Sweep the tennis clubs with invincibility.

Although it is not a famous tennis school.

But Mamoru Inoue specially collected relevant information.

Kitagawa challenges schools to get stronger and stronger.

Start with the school at the bottom of the district qualifiers.

Step by step.

Yulin Middle School is no longer a weak player in the district qualifiers.

There is a certain chance of qualifying.

But Yulin Middle School is like a paper paste window in front of Beichuan.

One poke and break!

Not a single one can fight.

The doubles were also a 0-6 defeat!

A person who wins a combination doubles shows that the strength of singles has reached a certain point.

Single-handedly pick a team.


It should be said that it is to overturn the entire tennis department.

The team usually has only seven or eight main candidates.

But the tennis club often has twenty or thirty people.

Kitagawa is not only the main selection team.

But the entire tennis department!

Such a huge disparity in strength can no longer be described simply by the word “crushing”.

So Mamoru Inoue plans to run with Kitagawa in the past two days.

Originally, the district qualifiers began, he worked as a reporter for the monthly tennis magazine.

Seed schools should be interviewed.

For example, Qingxue.

But he doesn’t have that mind at all now.

Even if Qingxue has an additional second generation of samurai this year.

Mamoru Inoue’s idea was simple.

Whether the second generation of samurai can grow up is a matter of two opinions.

But he is now witnessing the rise of the “Samurai Generation”!

If only he could record and photograph the growth of the “new samurai generation”.

Then this documentary will be an extremely precious video material.

Or exclusive.

Mamoru Inoue wanted to do an exclusive interview with Kitagawa for this reason.

Interviews when you become famous and interviews when you first become famous are completely different things.

The latter shows that he has an eye for people!

He values Kitagawa and believes that Kitagawa has this potential.

As for Shibasaori, who came together, he has completely become a “fanatical fan” of Kitagawa Province!

“Kitagawa is so handsome!”

Shibasaori is full of love and constantly takes pictures of Kitagawa who has just appeared on the scene with expensive lenses specially bought.

Especially close-ups of faces.

Handsome face, bright eyes, confident and calm smile.

The well-proportioned figure far exceeds the height of ordinary first grade.

The tall and sunny Beichuan even made the cheerleaders of Yinhua Middle School “turn over”.

Kitagawa glanced at the time.

With a slight smile, he said, “Sorry, can you be a little faster.” I’m still in a hurry. ”

Kitagawa who showed a mouthful of snow-white teeth caused another scream from a girl!

Fusman clenched his racket and said angrily, “Abominable! Dare to underestimate us! ”

The burly Domoto snorted two heavy snorts.

“Let me clean him up! Solve it all at once! ”

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you, Domoto.”

“Quick victory!”

“So as not to underestimate our Yinhua Middle School.”

“Last year, we also entered the team of the Metropolitan Assembly, and we dared to challenge alone.”

“That’s right. If it weren’t for the fear of falling for fame, we wouldn’t want to accept the challenge. ”

“Come on Domoto, give him some color and see!”

“Serve the ball hard and flatten him!”

Domoto patted his chest hard, “Don’t worry, leave it to me!” Next, I will let him know the consequences of underestimating our Yinhua Middle School. ”

Kitagawa was a little helpless.

He didn’t mean to provoke things.

It’s also really in a hurry.

Because today he didn’t just play this game.

Yinhua Middle School is just an appetizer.

In the evening, he will also go to Yamabuki Middle School.

That’s today’s dinner.

Beichuan to Yinhua.

Mainly hold the good mentality that mosquito meat is also meat.

He is a crosser.

Also awakened the system.

As long as you defeat your opponent, you can gain the strength of your opponent.

And the future defeater’s strength improvement will also be fed back to him.

If Beichuan wants to lie flat in the future, he needs to “work hard” in the early stage.

Originally, he wanted to start with youth studies.

As a result, Ryuzaki Pansy didn’t even give him the opportunity to participate in the internal tryouts.

Directly let him be responsible for picking up the ball like the other first grade.

Kitagawa knows how much time and talent it is to pick up the ball.

After being rejected by Ryuzaki Pansy, he began the road to challenge.

He has lost count of how many tennis clubs he has challenged.

But certainly more than the rumors out there.

Strength is growing steadily every day.

There is no need to challenge a school like Yinhua Middle School.

You can advance and challenge a really strong school.

It’s just that Kitagawa is more frugal, plus along the way.

Let’s come to Yinhua Middle School first.

For example, Domoto’s trick [Vigorous Serve] can also make his strength increase a little more.

If nothing else, strength attributes can be stacked.

Break the law with one force!

If you want to have the power of a thousand people, start with a team with average strength.

In Beichuan’s eyes, the Yinhua tennis club members wearing green uniforms opposite him are like green leeks.

Kitagawa lifts the tennis racket like a scythe of the harvest!

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