Kita Kazuma hesitated to continue playing and singled out Kitagawa alone.

Outside the court, Yakuzu once again taunted.

“Oh, don’t dare to fight, instigate goods!”

“You deserve to be so weak!”


The companion finally stood up and turned his head to look at Yakuzu.

The two seem to have some agreement.

Yakuzu snorted coldly and planned to leave.

Kitagawa would make it so easy for cooked ducks to fly off.

“Do you want to come and fight?”

Yakuzu narrowed his eyes, “What did you say?” ”

“You have bad ears?”


Everyone flax froze!

He actually dared to talk to Yakuzu like that.

The last time he was so brave, he was carried directly to the infirmary.

Later, he went home and rested for several days.

Chiseki quickly jumped off the referee’s chair.

“I’ll be your opponent.”

Beichuan waved his hand, “Don’t worry, your doubles number one hasn’t played yet.” ”


Yakuzu suddenly let out a maniacal laugh.

Then he grabbed the barbed wire fence and looked at Beichuan with gloomy eyes.

It is not enough to provoke him.

He even let him line up to play.

I really don’t put him in my eyes at all.

The barbed wire is slowly deformed.

Taichi on the side was frightened by Yakuzu!

This would make him not even dare to persuade Yakuzu.

Chiseki was afraid of a conflict between the two.

I was even more afraid that Yakuzu would hit people.

So he quickly waved at Minami Kentaro, “You guys are on.” Can’t beat me again. ”


Minami Kentaro was a little speechless.

Chiseki was not optimistic that the two of them could win at all.

Kitagawa played no more than ten goals in total.

Do you want to be scared like this?

Kentaro Minami took out the racket from his bag and raised his chin to Masami Dongfang.

The latter was surprised to find the race-specific racket that Kentaro Minami had taken out.

Instead of practicing beating.

Oriental Yami knows that the partner is serious!

So I also took out the special racket for the competition.

But before the two of them could play, a strong wind came.


A stone passed through the barbed wire fence and flew extremely fast towards Beichuan’s face.

The latter seems to be unaware.

“Be careful!” Chiseki reminded loudly.

His worst fear happened.

Yakuzu is really the same as before, not at all unruly!

Even if the old man got up just now, it had no effect.

Yakuzu is more than a wild horse out of control.

It’s a brutal lion!

You can give your prey a fatal blow at any time!

Chiseki couldn’t help but close his eyes.

With excellent dynamic vision, he seems to have seen the next bloody scene!

The speculative picture did not happen.

Kitagawa flipped his wrist slightly, using the sweet zone in the middle of the racket’s frame to lightly hit back at the sneak stone.


A crisp shot back sounded.

The stones flew back at a faster speed!

Yakuzu’s excellent reflex nerves saved his life.

But he was still scratched by stones.

The stone carried explosive force and continued to fly.

Finally, with a “pop”, it sank deep into the main trunk of a tree.

If you don’t look closely, you can’t see the stones.

Everyone was stunned!

Kitagawa counterattacked beyond everyone’s expectations!

In such a sudden situation, it was even possible to accurately fight back!

What a keen sense and how precise control is required!

How terrifying is it for someone who can make a shallow pit in the ground with a tennis ball to exchange it for a stone?!

It’s unimaginable!

Yakuzu, whose pupils returned to normal, wiped his cheek with his fingers.

Bright red blood!

Yakuzu didn’t know how long it had been since he had seen his own blood.

The wound is not deep, but the narrow scratch is more painful.

Yakuzu glanced back at the stone that had sunk into the trunk of the tree.

If he hadn’t dodged quickly, the stone wouldn’t have been embedded in the trunk.

It’s on his brain!

Yakuzu narrowed his eyes and stared at Kitagawa like a poisonous snake.

Intentional or unintentional?

Seeing the smile on Kitagawa and confirming the guess in his heart, Yakuzu confirmed the guess in his heart.

It was on purpose!

Deliberately hit him in the middle of the brain.

Yakuzu smelled a kind of scent.

Competent, ruthless, standing at the top of the food chain.

But there was a hint of uncertainty in Yakuzu’s heart.

That is whether Kitagawa predicted that he could dodge.

If not.

I’ll have to add another one.


Kitagawa turned to Yakuzu, who had just almost injured someone.

With a smile, he said, “It turns out that you brought the bad atmosphere of the mountain blowing?” ”

“I don’t like to talk with my fists.”

“But if you can beat me with tennis, you can talk with your fists.”

“How? Would you like a show? ”


Everyone petrified after listening to it!

There are actually people who want to fight with Yakuzu, the kind that punches to the flesh!

I’m afraid it will be beaten directly into meat sauce.

It didn’t take long for Yakuzu to come to the mountains and blow.

But everyone has seen how strong Yakuzu’s fighting ability is.

One hit five, directly beat the other party down.

It’s all in third grade.

If it weren’t for his companion’s presence, Yakuzu would have dropped out of school.

But it was also a big mistake because of this.

Senseki didn’t want that to really happen.

Otherwise, things really can’t be controlled.

If it gets out, Yamabuki’s reputation will be completely ruined.

Maybe even banned.

Chiseki quickly beckoned Kentaro Minami and the two to play.

At the same time, lock the door that comes in.

Lest the furious Yakuzu directly rush in and fight Kitagawa Dafu!

Kitagawa pressed his left hand and motioned for Yakutsu to wait.

To send death, there must be a sequence.

In short, none of those present today can escape!

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