

“Be careful!”


Shibasaori screamed, “Kitagawa be careful! ”

Everyone exclaimed.

Some people outside the venue also subconsciously closed their eyes.

No one expected that Yakuzu would really dare to do this.

They also thought that Yakuzu, who had snatched the racket and played, wanted to play a tennis game with Kitagawa to determine the winner.

Otherwise, if you really want to hit someone, you would have rushed over when you entered the tennis court.

Which will wait until now.

Yakuzu’s sudden move frightened everyone!

Even the companion stood up.

But the only person standing still in the audience was Kitagawa .

Kitagawa seemed to be frightened.

Standing where you are, overwhelmed.


A strong wind blows!

The tennis racket slipped dangerously a centimeter in front of Kitagawa throat.

A little further, I am afraid that Beichuan will be seriously injured and sent to the hospital.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat!



“Dare to hit Beichuan!”


Shiba Saori cursed outside the venue.

She had just looked at Yakuzu unpleasantly.

He actually dared to sneak up on Beichuan.

Fortunately, Beichuan reacted quickly, otherwise he would have been injured.

If Kitagawa is really injured, she can’t spare Yakuzu!

And she made up her mind to report today’s events.

It’s hateful!

If it weren’t for Mamoru Inoue, Shiba Saori would have rushed in and fought with Yakuzu.

The hot-tempered Shiba Saori is not afraid at all.

“Yakuzu, what are you doing!”

“Don’t stop yet!”

“Are you crazy?!”

The shouts of Minami Kentaro and several people continued to sound.

It almost caused a catastrophe!

Fortunately, Kitagawa is lucky.

He is worthy of being a person who is luckier than Sengoku.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to account for it today.

And the monthly tennis reporter is right next to it.

If it is reported, I am afraid that I will be directly banned.

Minami Kentaro did not dare to let Yakuzu continue to mess around.

Lift your feet and walk forward.

But he was frightened by Yakuzu’s fierce eyes.

He was sure if he kept going.

The next second the racket will fall on him.


The voice of the companion sounded, and there was no smile on his face.

Yakuzu snorted coldly, withdrew his gaze, and looked at Kitagawa again.

Others thought Kitagawa was scared stupid, but he didn’t think so.

Because Kitagawa didn’t have a frightened expression on his face at all.

There was even a faint smile.

It’s like seeing through his thoughts.

It’s like I’m sure I won’t be hit.

Either way, it got him interested.

Yakuzu narrowed his eyes and looked at Kitagawa .

It’s calm enough.

However, he was a little puzzled in his heart.

He deliberately walked so far in order to fight Beichuan.

When the latter stepped forward, he had already estimated the distance.

Kitagawa should have been within range of his attack.

From childhood to adulthood, he is incomparably familiar with his range of attack.

It shouldn’t go wrong.

But Beichuan seemed to have pinched his attack range.

It’s like taking a small step back at the tipping point.

Even he didn’t notice it.

Just now when he threw a stone and was beaten back, he knew that Beichuan’s reaction was very fast, very fast!

He estimated that Kitagawa had a certain chance of dodging.

But it won’t be so cloudy and breezy to dodge.

Make him look like a bluffing beam jumping clown!

Yakuzu raised his tennis racket ear again and raised it high above his head.

It seems to be going to fight again.




Yakuzu ignored it and smashed into Kitagawa on the forehead.

This time it was smashed anyway.

The strong wind brought by the racket blows Kitagawa with broken bangs.

But to everyone’s surprise, Yakuzu actually stopped.

The racket hovers two centimeters in front of Kitagawa forehead.

Yakuzu raised his narrow eyebrows.

This time he was scaring Kitagawa into it.

See if Beichuan avoided it just now.

But he seemed to be seen through again.

Kitagawa didn’t even move.

“Stop playing.”

Kitagawa shook his head and turned and walked towards the bottom line.

Yakuzu is still that Yakuzu.

Even worse!

The average person simply cannot understand Yakuzu’s thoughts.

Because Yakuzu is too free.

Do everything in one thought.

However, Kitagawa did not come today to tame Yakuzu.

I just want one more subordinate with great potential.

By the way, add physical flair and instinct.

Yakuzu does not attach much importance to tennis at all.

Except for playing for a while as a child, I barely touched a tennis racket when I grew up.

Now Yakuzu can’t even talk about getting started.

Play entirely by talent and physical instinct.

Tennis Xiaohaku can suppress most players, which shows how talented Yakuzu really is.

Kitagawa is the one who knows this best.

Yakuzu’s talent belongs to the top few.

Today, he laughed.

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