It is not uncommon for tennis to touch the net.

But the picture of tennis balls rolling above the extremely narrow barrier net is rare.

Even many people who play tennis don’t necessarily see it once in their lifetime.

Because after the tennis ball hits the net, it either doesn’t cross the net.

But after touching the block, it changes to lateral movement, which is simply unbelievable!

After a long three seconds, the tennis ball fell towards Ryoma’s court.

Kikumaru patted the barbed wire and pouted, “What bad luck!” If only it touched the net. ”

Momojo said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. There is still a chance. ”

“Hey, why didn’t the imp catch the ball?”

“It’s not that you don’t pick up, it’s that you can’t pick up. Otherwise, you will lose points directly. ”

Kikumaru’s eyes widened and his face was stunned.

The tennis ball actually fell against the net.

Ryoma managed to catch up, but could only watch as the tennis ball landed on the net.

The tennis ball no longer bounces when it lands on the ground, but rolls gently.

Until the end, Ryoma’s outstretched racket still failed to touch the tennis ball.

The whole person froze in front of the net, motionless.

This was the first time he had encountered this situation.

Under the rules of tennis, he cannot take it.

Ryoma picked up the ball and slowly raised his head to look at Kitagawa .

He read one thing from Beichuan’s indifferent expression.

This is not luck, but a deliberate hit.

“What is it?”

“Secret technique tightrope walking.”

Ryoma nodded and turned back to prepare to continue serving.

His mind kept flashing Beichuan’s swing just now.

Simple and elegant to the extreme!

But the most terrifying thing is the precision of the ball control technique!

Ryoma found that there were really people outside the people, and there was a sky outside the sky.

When he first joined the tennis club, Arai played a game with some of their first-graders.

Knock down the jar with pebbles on the opposite side with a tennis ball.

That time, three people participated: Horio, Katsuro and Katsuo.

But only he hit the cheat jar with precision.

Ryoma thought he was good enough in possession.

Only then did I find that the ball control could be so accurate!

However, many people think that this is a coincidence.

Kikumaru is good at [stunt batting], but he has never played a similar ball.

“This Kitagawa luck is probably too good.”

“yes.” Momogi echoed, “Gone lucky!” ”

“It doesn’t have to be luck.”

“No. 2 senior, isn’t this luck?”

“It’s technology.”

“Agan, why do you say that.”

Kan kept flipping through the notebook, and finally stopped at the page marked Fumita Marui.

“Fumita Marui once played the secret technique [tightrope walking].”

“Fumita Marui? That doubles combination that never lost their game? Kikumaru said in surprise.

As a doubles, Kikumaru’s highest goal is to defeat the doubles of King Tachikai.

But I didn’t expect Fumita Marui to have such powerful ball skills.

“Agan, did he really invent it?”

“Fumita Marui, a Tachikai Taisho selected player, has a fearless interception expert in the face of any strong enemy.”

Gan continued to follow the information and said, “The dominant hand is the right hand, which belongs to the doubles net front volleyer. ”

“Stunt net ferry, aka tightrope walking.”

“I like to chew gum, I eat cake before the game, and I have a 100% win rate.”

Hearing the 100% winning rate, Kikumaru and several people were surprised.

But it feels normal.

After all, it was the national competition overlord of monsters per capita.

Suddenly, Kikumaru’s eyes lit up.

“It turns out that I secretly learned other people’s ball skills, Agan, is there any way to crack it?”



“How could it not be? Doesn’t it mean that this skill already exists? ”

Kikumaru didn’t understand, there must be someone who specifically targeted and analyzed the ball skills and playing style.

Qian shook his head and said, “Fumita Marui’s can crack, like Ryoma, fast enough.” But Kitagawa can’t. ”

Buji said solemnly, “Beichuan used it more perfectly!” So it can’t be cracked. ”

Is there really a game that can’t be cracked?

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