After coming back to his senses, he saw that Qian’s expression was a little wrong, but he didn’t know how to comfort him.

He knew that Qian must have been hit at this time.

【Data Tennis】Hitting Kitagawa is like an egg hitting a stone.

Even more eggs are useless.

This is a qualitative gap.

Unless the dry [data ball] can undergo qualitative changes.

And there must be corresponding physical fitness.

Otherwise, you will never win Kitagawa .

It’s a little more than ordinary people see.

Most of the spectators on the sidelines thought that Kitagawa had strange powers, which is why he could play such a bursting tennis!

But in the previous match, Kitagawa played [Shenyin] and the secret skill [Tightrope Walking].

Both moves show that Beichuan’s technique is equally strong, and his ball control has reached a super-first-class level!

I’m sure this goal wasn’t that simple.

It is not something that can be played simply by strength.

It’s like River Village, the power is one of the best in Qingxue.

But it’s hard to even make a shallow pit.

At most, it leaves a shallow imprint.

It is even said that one ball pierces the racket, and another ball penetrates the ground!

The disparity in power is too great!

It’s not the gap between children and adults.

It’s the difference between the child and the beast.

Not a level at all!

Make predictions in your mind.

[Triple Strikeback] Either way, you can’t catch it.

Even the [brown bear caught in the net], which is the best at defusing rotational forces, can’t do it.

Because in an instant, the tennis ball will hit the racket and smash a hole.

It’s no different from what’s going on the field right now.

But the desire to play has faded a lot.

If it’s a close match, or if the opponent is stronger, he will want to compete.

But there is no need to play anymore.

As soon as [Light Shot] came out, all the skills were useless.

Bu Ji sighed secretly, his “genius” is too prestigious!

Beichuan is the real genius!

Whether it is the improved ball skills in front or the special kill, all of them reflect the high talent of Beichuan!

Like a real mountain, you can only look up at the bottom of the mountain.

If you want to climb, I don’t know how much hard sweat you have to put in.

What’s even more frightening is that Kitagawa is only in the first grade.

There’s plenty of room to grow.

It’s hard to imagine how far Kitagawa will grow in two years.

Even if you look up, it is difficult to see the top of the mountain.

Only the mountainside obscured by clouds can be seen.

Fuji patted Gan’s shoulder, “Don’t use Beichuan as an imaginary enemy, his level has already surpassed us too much.” ”

Dry stunned!

It was the first time he had heard the words of defeat from Fuji’s mouth.

In the past, even if he met a strong person at the level of a national competition, he would only smile and play.

I know than before.

But now the meaning of what is said is obvious.

Even he can’t beat Kitagawa either.

It’s just a matter of skill and don’t think too much.

But Qian is not like Fuji, who has no sense of victory or defeat.

Data Tennis is his faith.

It is also his motivation and pillar to play tennis.

After watching Kitagawa match, his pillars were torn apart!

How can he not care.

Gan made up his mind that when the game was over, he would talk to Beichuan.

He wanted to ask Kitagawa if [Data Tennis] had done anything.

Otherwise, what is the use of him continuing to collect intelligence.

Dry value data.

Now the data tells him that Beichuan is the strongest!

Even stronger than Tezuka.

Kan looks at the real singles ace – Tezuka.

Is there a World War I?

But Tezuka’s expression made it impossible to see anything.

“Tezuka, let Kitagawa enter the tennis club.”

Dry words attracted the attention of several people nearby.

Kikumaru opened his mouth wide and said in surprise, “Agan, Kitagawa is competing with the imp.” ”


“Ghosts are our teammates, of course we support Ghosts. Although Kitagawa is really strong! ”

Momojo also said, “That’s right. Echizen is our teammate. ”

Qian said meaningfully, “Originally, Beichuan was also one of us. ”


Indeed, if it weren’t for Ryuzaki Pansy’s obstruction.

Kitagawa joining the tennis club must be one of the main candidates.

“Minister, you have a word.”

Tezuka said expressionlessly, “Watch the game.” ”

“The imp has no chance to win. Kitagawa is too strong! ”

Kikumaru glanced at the big pit in the arena and couldn’t help but shiver again.

“If Kitagawa comes, I definitely won’t play practice matches with him. It’s terrible! Taocheng, or you come. ”


Momocheng coughed lightly and said with an embarrassed smile, “Hahaha, let the stinky viper come.” ”

Peach City is already empty.

Anyone who sees Beichuan’s [Light Shot] will be empty.

Unless there really is someone who is not afraid of death!

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