Sakaki Taro values basic skills the most.

Pure strength.

The difference between professional and amateur players is actually in the basic skills.

What are the consequences of an amateur player not receiving the ball?

Actually, nothing, harmless.

But what happens when a professional player can’t catch the ball?

The career is over!

Whether it’s tennis, badminton, table tennis.

All the same.

The strongest thing about a professional player isn’t how good they are.

It’s about who can make it to the end.

Skill is not unimportant.

But Sakaki Taro knows what the most important core is.

Kitagawa clearly already has the core of a professional tennis player.

Powerful catches and back-shots!

With this hand alone, it can crush 99% of the players.

Sakaki Taro took advantage of the gap between the referee’s announcement of the score and walked over to the trail.

“Take a good look at how Kitagawa fights.”

Trace raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not refute it.

He also saw a lot of things.

Know what Sakaki Taro is talking about.

There is a big gap between laymen and insiders.

The more expert you are, the closer you see to the essence of things.

Sakaki Taro explained and returned to the sidelines.

But did not immediately sit down.

Instead, stop Kitagawa .

“Are you sure you want to challenge everyone?”

Kitagawa smiled and nodded, “Yes. ”

Originally, Sakaki Taro thought this was nonsense.

One person beats two hundred people, tired to death.

He sent Oginosuke Taki directly to the field in order to test Kitagawa ‘s strength.

If Kitagawa loses, then today’s challenge will end here.

If he wins, it is exactly what he wants, the person who is used to hone the team.

But now Sakaki Taro looked at the relaxed and indifferent Kitagawa and realized that it turned out to be true!

Kitagawa wasn’t kidding.

It really has to challenge the entire Ice Emperor tennis club alone.

It’s not that no one has challenged it before.

But it’s basically about challenging the right choice.

And it’s all the kind of one to one.

Sakaki Taro dared to guarantee that even if the overlord of the national competition, Tachikai Daipai, was selected, it would be a result.

Seeing Kitagawa such outstanding strength, Sakaki Taro did not want to give up such a good opportunity.

Now he’s having some trouble.

Should I send ordinary members to the field first, or let the main selection go directly.

Either way, it will eventually damage the reputation of the Ice Emperor.

Thinking of Trace’s self-esteem, Sakaki Taro came up with a compromise.

“Kitagawa , whoever wins ten goals first wins, how?”

“Wild ball?” Kitagawa was surprised.

“Sort of.”

In playing wild ball, there is a rule of winning ten goals.

There are few places to play wild courts, and there are many people to go.

If you play according to the normal game, it is completely insufficient.

So slowly there was a default rule of ten balls.

Table tennis has a similar eleven-point rule.

You won’t play all the matches.

Kitagawa readily agreed to Sakaki Taro’s request.

That’s fine, just beat your opponent anyway.

You don’t have to play six rounds.

Kitagawa roughly guessed Sakaki Taro’s thoughts.

I hope he can use his good condition to fight with Trace and others.

Ten goals may seem like a lot, but it’s enough.

Not to mention the opportunity to watch from the sidelines.

Kitagawa couldn’t help but look up at Sakaki Taro.

He didn’t think that the wheel battle would drain his physical strength.

Not only did he propose to leave him time to rest in the middle, but he also took the initiative to shorten the time of the game.

If you change to a coach with a small measure, I am afraid that I can’t wait to let the whole school go together.

Sakaki Taro saw that Kitagawa agreed, so he spoke to the referee.

The members of the tennis club who acted as referees were a little surprised, but obediently obeyed Sakaki Taro’s words.

The rules of the competition were newly announced.

Everyone listened and talked about it.

“How did it become a ten-ball system?”

“Playing wild ball?”

“This is more beneficial to Beichuan!”

“Beichuan alone wants to fight with so many of us, let a little is also deserved.”

“Indeed, otherwise the wheel war would be too ugly to hear!”

“Taki Oginosuke is not Kitagawa ‘s opponent, so it’s better to change to someone else.”


Due to temporary changes to the rules of the competition.

The score became 0-4.

Still served by Oginosuke Taki.

However, nothing has changed in the results.

“Zero to five.”

“Zero to six.”

The referee’s voice sounded one after another.

After losing ten goals in a row, Taki Oginosuke’s body relaxed.

Only on the field do you know what kind of pressure you need to face Kitagawa with.

“The game is over, Kitagawa wins, the score is 0 to ten.”

Clean sheet!

The former Ice Emperor was chosen by a clean sheet.

It was a fiasco!

The members of the Ice Emperor’s tennis department all felt a little unable to hold on to face.

So they scrambled to get on the field.

Kitagawa saw this scene and smiled very happily!

Having just defeated Taki Oginosuke, he could feel a white light mass floating out of Taki Oginosuke’s body.

The light mass finally melted into his body.

The short-spent stamina was restored.

This is also the real strength of his daring to challenge the Ice Emperor, who has two hundred tennis members.

The photophore not only restores physical strength, but also has other effects.

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