Seeing the surprised expressions of others, everyone in Rikkai felt a little proud.

"No one would have thought that we would let Niou transform into Renji and form a doubles team with Inui!"

Marui Bunta chewed bubble gum gently.

Niou is known as the most terrifying fraudster on the court, and can easily imitate other players through Niou's phantom!

During this period, he has been practicing with Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu.

In addition to imitating Yanagi Renji's skills, he also learned the cooperation between Yanagi Renji and Inui Sadaharu.

This pair of combinations has already become as powerful as Yanagi Renji himself and Inui Sadaharu!"

Kirihara Akaya admired Yanagi Renji's arrangement in his heart.

Because, if Yanagi Renji himself played, then.

In the absence of Yukimura Seiichi and Tezuka Kunimitsu, the only candidate who has the ability to play singles and can balance Fudomine's national level is Sanada Genichiro.

And Sanada is Rikkai University's last trump card, and he must be against Beichen Xiu.

So, how to raise the level of Rikkai University's singles?

Yanagi Renji started thinking about this problem as early as after the end of the Nagawa Conference.

In the end, the result of thinking is.

He played as singles team three, and let Niou, who transformed into himself, and Inui Sadaharu form doubles team one.

In this way, the quality of doubles team one was maintained to the greatest extent, and at the same time he could also withdraw to play against the national-level masters of Fudomine!

Kirihara sighed.

The military advisor is worthy of being a military advisor.

His arrangement can be said to be survival in a desperate situation. In the absence of hope, hope was dug out.

Moreover, his vision is far-sighted.

The deployment cycle is as long as two months!

His painstaking efforts and careful steps are all for the purpose of achieving results in this game!

Kirihara looked at Fudomine and others, and said to himself:

"The reason why we, Rikkai University, can dominate Kanto is not because of luck, but because of the painstaking research of our predecessors. The sweat and effort we put in are no less than anyone else, so we will definitely win this game!"

On the Fudomine side.

Seeing that Niou Masaharu had turned into Yanagi Renji, Kamio Akira said directly:

"This... this is a foul!!"

However, the current situation was actually within Beichen's expectations.

Although Niou Masaharu is not strong in singles, he is the strongest doubles ace in the entire Prince of Tennis chapter. He even performed extremely well in the world championship chapter. In the world championship, the Japanese team faced the German team. Niou and Duke Watanabe formed a doubles team and defeated the professional doubles of the German team by transforming into the Phoenix of Byodoin, the Greek Zeus, and the French captain Camus, becoming famous in one battle.

"Through the changing characteristics of Nioh, we can complete the doubles data and free up Yanagi Renji, who is close to the national level, to make up for the shortcomings of singles... Renji, you really have an idea!……"

Beichen changed the subject

"It’s just that… the two heroes of Kyushu are also a mountain in doubles, and you… may find it difficult to climb over it."

The audience also made predictions about the outcome of this match.

"Speaking of which, the Kyushu duo versus the data doubles... I feel that the Kyushu duo are still better!"

"Of course, when Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato were in Shishile, they once led their team to the national top four. Each of them is a top player, so it would be strange if they didn't win!"

"Don't be so confident! It's true that they are both very strong individually, but doubles is all about cooperation!"

"I really laughed! Don't you know that the Kyushu duo used to play doubles?"


The audience was talking in a flurry.

After guessing first,

Rikkai University won the serve.

On the court,

Inui Sadaharu tapped the tennis ball a few times to make sure it was elastic.

Then, the tennis ball was thrown high into the air.

He bent his legs slightly and jumped hard. His whole body was like a fully drawn bow.


Instantly, the tennis ball was shot out!

"What a fast speed!"

Tachibana Jiping didn't expect that a seemingly unremarkable player like Inui Sadaharu could hit such a fast speed with just one ball!

Over 210km/h. What he didn't know was that during this period, Inui Sadaharu practiced in the mountains and rivers, constantly washing his body under the waterfalls to strengthen his body.

At this time, his physical strength was no longer the same as it was a few months ago.

This waterfall serve was proof of his progress!

The speed of the ball also surprised Chitose Chisato, but it was not enough.

Chitose Chisato rushed to the landing point of the tennis ball, and when the tennis ball bounced to the right height, the racket had already swung out


Successful counterattack.

Qian Zhenzhi's face remained unchanged, and he spat out a series of data:

"Speed: 184km/h Spin strength: weak topspin, landing point, front right side!"

After saying these words, Nioh rushed to the net and lowered his racket:

"The probability of me scoring this goal is... 99%!"

Ju Jiping frowned:

"Are you going to hit a topspin ball near the net?"

He was about to move towards the net, but


Ryooh's racket fell vertically.

A super fast slice shot shuttled between the two of them. It was actually a fast slice shot attacking the baseline!

The two were unable to react in time, and the score was won by Rikkai University.

"15-0! Rikkai University scores!"

"Actually... scored first……"

Akira Kamio's expression froze.

During normal training, he had seen Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato team up in doubles. They were so heroic and invincible.

However, when they came on the court, the opponent scored first.

The opponent seemed to be able to accurately judge Chitose Chisato's return habits, and was also able to grasp Tachibana Yoshihei's anticipation psychology. In just one round, the initiative was completely controlled by Rikkai University.

"Is this... similar to the data tennis of Mitsuya Akuto?"

Sefried could tell at a glance that the ball path of this duo was very similar to that of Mitsuya Akuto in the Japanese U17 training camp at that time.

Beichen explained it and said:

"Mitsuya Akutsu was the pioneer of data tennis in Japan. Inui Sadaharu and Yanagi Renji's data tennis, either directly or indirectly, all originated from him."

"Data tennis is divided into three levels. The first level is to collect opponent data, make targeted confrontation strategies, predict the opponent's hitting direction and speed during the game, and achieve the effect of preemptive strike. At the same time, training plans can be tailored according to the actual situation of oneself and teammates."

"The second level is to improve your speed and physical fitness through a lot of training, and avoid the defect of being able to predict tennis data but not being able to hit back."

"The third level is to improve the depth of data collection while ensuring data accuracy, to thoroughly understand the opponent's batting habits and ball paths within a few innings, and to develop targeted tactics in mind."

Sefried asked:

"So... now they have reached the second level?"

Beichen said:

"No, they have already reached the third level.……"

Beichen paused and continued:

"No data can be guaranteed to be accurate, because data always has a lag."

On the field.

Niou was very excited.

After all, their opponents were the two heroes of Kyushu.

They were famous all over the world from Kyushu.

And such opponents actually lost a point under his attack.

The hard training during this period was not in vain!

Niou smiled and said to Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato:

"Do you know that for this match, we have studied all the public matches you two have played in the past few years over and over again."

"Your ball returning habits, the power, rotation, and angle of each of your balls, A-Qian and I already know them by heart!"

"As soon as you raise your hand, we already know where the tennis ball will land. As soon as you start to move your feet, we can guess where you want to move."

"You have nowhere to hide from us!"

Tachibana Yoshihei and Chitose Chisato did not reply, but their expressions became more serious.

Inui Sadaharu whispered:

"Niou, there is no need to talk about these things."

Niou stuck out his tongue.

He was just too happy.

After a long period of hard work, he finally got the desired result. In a moment of excitement, he couldn't help but say a few more words.

Inui Sadaharu was ready to continue serving.

Although his face always maintained an unbiased direction, the eyes hidden under the glasses pointed to the right side of Chitose Chisato.

It was decided to be there!

"Bang!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Inui Sadaharu once again hit a waterfall serve at a speed of over 210km/h!

It went straight to Chitose Chisato's right wing!

On the court,

Yanagi Renji said quietly:

"This ball already has"[]

Yanagi Renji doesn't usually brag. Every word he says is based on data predictions, and he will only say it when he is almost 100% sure.

Kirihara and others also know the reason.

That is, when collecting data before the game, they found that Chitose Chisato had been injured in the eye by Tachibana Yoshihei.

Although, he later rejoined Shitenhoji and picked up tennis.

But the vision of his right eye has never recovered, only a part of it has been retained.

This is undoubtedly a fatal flaw for a tennis player!

This means that there are many blind spots on his right wing, which is equivalent to half the court wide open!

Inui Sadaharu seized the opponent's weakness and made a precise strike. This ball can be said to be a must-win!



Yanagi Renji's face changed greatly.

Because he saw that Chitose Chisato was not panicking at all, but closed his eyes!

"What does he want to do? Just give up? ?"

Kirihara Akaya was even more puzzled.

He already had problems with his eyesight, and now he just closed his eyes. Is he going to give up?

However, Chitose Chisato's performance made them completely silent. Chitose closed his eyes, but his movements did not stop at all, and were even more natural than when he did not close his eyes!

Eye of the Heart.

Beichen taught Chitose a skill. After a period of training, he can now master this move perfectly.

This move made up for Chitose's vision defect and brought his skills back to the peak level!

Although Inui Sadaharu's ball was fast and hit the blind spot of his right eye, with the help of the Eye of the Heart, he still passed the ball just right.


Easy to fight back!

"How could this happen?"

Inui Sadaharu was totally surprised that the ball he thought he would score was so easily hit back by the opponent.

"How can you fight back if you close your eyes?"

Ren Wang was also shocked.

"Is it... a coincidence?"

Ryoou hit a backhand flat ball, also hitting Chitose's right wing.

Tap tap!

Chitose took two steps back, swung the racket suddenly, and hit a backhand high ball.

Inui Sadaharu quickly defended, jumped up, and hit the tennis ball back at the maximum distance.

But before his body fell, Tachibana Yoshihei's racket had already hit him hard.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Dozens of golden tennis balls enveloped Inui Sadaharu and Niou like a violent storm.

"This is!!"


The real tennis ball left a small hole in the ground and flew out.

"15-15! Fudomine scores!"

The referee announced the score.


After this round, the whole stadium became unusually quiet.

Because the performance of the two heroes of Kyushu just now was really amazing.

First, Chitose Chisato closed his eyes to catch the ball, and then Tachibana Jiping's golden return skill, both showed the strength of national-level masters to the fullest! Yanagi

Renji's face turned ugly:

"There is a problem with the data."

Data tennis is an invincible way of playing if you can fully master the data.

However, the most feared thing is to collect wrong data and lead to misjudgment.

According to the current situation.

Chitose Chisato's right eye vision is still problematic, but he seems to have found a technique to overcome this problem.

Tachibana Yoshihei's explosive ball dance has also evolved and become a more powerful light ball dance.

These two key data are missing, which suddenly put Rikkai University at a disadvantage.

And Inui Sadaharu's next few serves can no longer pose a threat to the Kyushu duo.

Because he decisively activated the beast's aura, his speed and reaction ability increased.

Although Nioh can predict his route of action, his own strength and ideas cannot match, and he cannot fight back.

After all.

Yanagi Renji, who was transformed by Nioh's phantom, is only 70% of the original's strength.

Even if Yanagi Renji himself comes to challenge Tachibana Yoshihei, he may not be able to compete!

The score continues to be pulled apart.

"Game-over! Fudomine 1-0!"

The audience began to cheer

"Awesome! As expected of the two heroes of Kyushu! They won this round fiercely!"

"So this is Rikkai University's doubles stats? I thought they were amazing! Haha!"


Seyfried looked at the situation on the court and was confident. He looked up.

Although the people from Rikkai University looked a little serious, they did not seem to be too worried.

Could it be that they had some other cards?

On the court.

It was Fudomine's turn to serve.

Chitose Chisato held the tennis ball and raised it to the same height as her eyes.

With a slightly mysterious smile, she said:

"You guys have to see my shot clearly.……"

Tennis ball toss


With a crisp sound, the tennis ball flew out.

The speed of this ball was not very fast, but just after it landed, it suddenly... disappeared!

After a few seconds, the tennis ball fell from the air and bounced out of the court.

"15-0! Fudomine scores!"

"What happened? The tennis ball... suddenly disappeared?"


Chitose Chisato's special serve.

When serving, a vertical spinning force perpendicular to the ground is applied to the ball, so that after the ball is hit, it will rise up at a high speed in an instant, as if invisible, hence the name Kamikaku!

Qian Zhenzhi calmed down the King and said:

"This should be a powerful vertical ball. Since it will rise directly after landing, we can intercept it on its rising path!"

Ryo nodded.


Chitose's second serve came.

"So... intercept it on the rising path... right!"

Ryooh swung the racket almost at the moment the tennis ball landed.

However, this time, the tennis ball did not rise, but bounced out along the normal trajectory!


It turned out that Chitose didn't use Kamikakushi this time.

Inui Sadaharu thought he had found the secret to cracking it, but he didn't expect that Chitose Chisato would take advantage of this mentality and defeat him!

Outside the court.

Beichen's mouth curled up a faint smile.

Tennis is not only a competition of physical skills, but also a competition of brain power!

Excellent players can constantly set traps for their opponents through psychological games and wait for the opponent to step into the trap.

And Chitose Chisato is a person who knows this well!

Just through a serve, Inui Sadaharu and Niou were already dizzy. The national level is really not a boast.

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