Seyfried, who was watching the game from the sidelines, also looked at Tachibana Jiping with a slightly more serious look.

No wonder.

No wonder Beichen teacher didn't let him compete with him.

Judging from Tachibana Jiping's current performance, he is indeed a national-level player.

Especially after opening this strange aura, the sense of oppression is even stronger.

In addition to Tezuka Kunimitsu, there are actually masters in such a small country like Japan?

Seyfried secretly marked Tachibana Jiping in his heart.

Shiba Saori pointed the camera at the ball pit on the sideline of Beichen's court and couldn't help but said in shock:

"You are indeed one of the two heroes of Kyushu! The power of this ball is too great. Even in the national competition, it is rare to see a ball of this level, right?"

Inoue Mamoru agreed and said:

"Indeed, among all the junior high school students in the country, the only one who can compete with Tachibana Yoshihei in terms of strength is probably Ishida Gin from Shitenhoji."

"But... why did Tachibana Yoshihei suddenly become a completely different person, with a completely different aura?"

Shiba Saori couldn't help but wonder.

Inoue Mamoru, who was well-informed, explained:

"This is... the aura of a beast from Tachibana Jiping... This can be said to be not a skill, but a talent that he was born with..."

"He is keen on the clash of strength and power. Once he gets excited, he will have the momentum of a lion."

"Once this kind of momentum is generated, his mental strength, speed, and power will be greatly improved!"

Shisaori whispered:

"Then Beichen... can he still hold on?"

Of course, the ring on Beichen's ring finger can almost confirm his identity as the German captain.

However, so far, he has not shown the dominance that the captain of the world's number one tennis power should have.

At least in the last ball, he lost half a chip.

Inoue Mamoru said with a faint smile on his face:

"From the beginning to the end, have you ever seen Beichen use any skills? He completely relied on the most basic and original techniques in tennis skills to force Ju Jiping to this point. How could he not be able to withstand it?"

At this time, on the court,

Ju Jiping was in high spirits.

He held the racket and said in a low voice:

"Since you have forced me into this state, you better be careful!"

Beichen nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Playing a game this way is fun."

The fourth ball.

Ju Jiping threw up the tennis ball, and as it slid up, he also jumped up and swung his racket.

With a"bang" sound, the tennis ball flew to Beichen's front court like a bullet!

However, when the tennis ball just landed and bounced up, less than three centimeters away,

Beichen's racket had already pulled up from the bottom.

This was an extremely fast bottom-picking ball, and Ju Jiping had quickly moved to the midfield.


The two started a tug-of-war-like offensive.



Ball after ball.

Constantly stimulating the nerves of the spectators.

This is undoubtedly a hearty showdown of strength.

However, after this situation lasted for a while, Kamio Akira, the referee, saw it clearly.

That is, under the continuous rush, Tachibana Jiping's breathing gradually became uneven.

This is no wonder.

No one can support too long in the anaerobic state of physical energy explosion, not even Tachibana Jiping.

There is only one exception!

That is Beichen.

Obviously, he was in the same fierce fight with Tachibana Jiping, but Beichen performed very steadily!

Breathing is even, his face is not red, and he is not out of breath!

Ju Xing was watching the game happily, but gradually found something wrong, and his eyebrows were squeezed into a small lump.

My brother is already a little tired, how can this guy still be so stable?

Isn't he a bad guy who only knows how to fight and make trouble!!

As Beichen's opponent, Ju Jiping naturally discovered this.

He couldn't figure it out. Although Beichen was tall, he was not a muscular man. How could he have so much physical strength?

Could it be that his muscle quality and density exceeded his own?

"Looks like we have to make a quick decision!"

After figuring this out,

Tachibana Jiping's eyes darkened and locked onto the flying tennis ball. A fierce aura permeated his body. Everyone could feel that this shot contained a... strange power!


Just after this smash, swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, something happened that shocked everyone.

After the tennis ball flew out, it suddenly broke into dozens of pieces!

"This… what is going on!"

Ibu Shinji, Ishida Tetsu, Sakurai Masaya and others all lost their voices.

Some viewers even rubbed their eyes, thinking they were seeing things wrong, but they were not seeing things wrong at all. There were really so many phantoms, and it was impossible to tell which one was real and which one was fake!

""Runaway Lion!"

After Ju Jiping hit the ball, he looked at Beichen coldly and thought to himself.

I want to see how you fight back against me!

Ju Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

This 'Runaway Lion' is her brother's famous skill.

With this move, he has established a firm foothold in Kyushu and is called... the Lion King!

In her opinion, Beichen has absolutely no chance to fight back. After all, there are so many ball shadows, and it is impossible for him to try one by one.

However, facing this ball, Beichen was not panicked at all. His clear eyes just glanced in the air and said indifferently:

"Using the vibration of the tennis ball to create a large number of phantoms is indeed an idea, but... this technique is still too simple."

As he said this,

Beichen decisively swung his racket and hit one of the tennis balls.


A solid crashing sound was heard.

"Actually...hit it? ?"

Tachibana Jiping's eyes suddenly widened.

This move of the Raging Lion is a technique that is difficult to use even in a national competition.

Even if someone like Yukimura Seiichi or Sanada Genichirō received it for the first time, they would not be sure that they could receive it back.

However, Beichen in front of him not only received it back, but also explained the principle of this move clearly.

"You actually investigated me so clearly?"

Ju Jiping questioned as he turned around to receive the ball.

Beichen smiled faintly. It was no wonder that Ju Jiping was suspicious. After all, there were only a handful of people who could catch the Raging Lion in the first ball.

Beichen's innate talent allowed him to handle any technical tennis with ease.

For example, just now when Ju Jiping swung the racket, in his perspective, the rotation amplitude, vibration frequency, and splitting trend of the tennis ball were all transformed into visual data and transmitted to the brain as if they were analyzed geometrically.

Therefore, it was naturally easy to determine which tennis ball was real.

In the next three minutes, the Raging Lion had no effect on Beichen.

And the score was changed from 30-15 to 4-0.

In the three whole innings, Ju Jiping only won one ball.

This was something no one had expected before the game.

"As one of the two heroes of Kyushu, Tachibana Yoshihei has national-level strength... Unexpectedly, he was beaten 3-0 by the minister!"

"In other words, the Minister... already has the power to surpass the national level? ?"

"That’s how I feel! After all…the performances of the two people are so different!!"


Everyone was talking about it.

It was Beichen's turn to serve again. Beichen held the tennis ball and said to Ju Jiping calmly:

"You still have one last trick left, Ju, just go ahead and do it.……"

Ju Jiping raised his head suddenly.

He actually... took the initiative to ask him to use that move?

Hearing this, Ju Xing couldn't help but feel disdain for Beichen's"ignorant" behavior.

The power of that move was beyond the control of even his brother. There was only one reason for not using that move... his brother wanted to protect his opponent!

Ju Jiping took a deep breath.

He didn't want to use that move, but the successive failures made him feel very depressed, and the restless flames in his body also burned faintly.

What's more.

Beichen took the initiative to ask for it, so... it doesn't matter!

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