At this moment, there are no words to describe the feeling in Long Qijin's heart.

Because... this name, just three short words.

But it is like a soul mark, branded in Long Qijin's heart.

As for her, she was just a little bit poor in teaching ability, plus she was stubborn, and she didn't have any big personality problems.


Two years ago, Beichen entered the Youth Academy, and everything changed.

Beichen didn't follow the rules. When he was asked to pick up the ball, he didn't want to pick it up, and said it was meaningless.

This was the first time Beichen angered Long Qijin.

Then, Beichen always liked to write things in his notebook in his spare time, and those things were nothing more than what he called"tennis principles".

Long Qijin took a quick look and saw that the notebook was either a conic section, a trigonometric function, or some physical formula.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with tennis!

She felt that these things were unorthodox and asked Beichen not to do them anymore.

Beichen actually didn't obey, but took the initiative to ask for a match with the senior students...

The result of the match also surprised everyone.

Beichen won.

And he won easily!

All the regulars combined couldn't win a single point from him!

As for how Beichen was expelled from Qingxue, Ryuzaki Sumire no longer wanted to recall it. When she saw that the sender was Beichen Xiu, she hesitated whether to open the specific content.

"Could it be that you want to apologize to me?"

Ryuzaki Sumire thought it was very likely.

After all, she couldn't control him when he went abroad. But if he wanted to survive in the Japanese tennis world, he couldn't always go against her, right?

She, Ryuzaki Sumire, was a legendary samurai, the teacher of Echizen Nanjiro, after all! She had a certain status in the Japanese coaching world!

It wouldn't be a big problem to make a mere Beichen Xiu unable to survive in the tennis world!

With this idea in mind,

Ryuzaki Sumire opened the text message.

However, what caught her eyes were only six big words :

「"The seven-day deadline has arrived"

The seven-day deadline?!

Ryuzaki Sumire's heart skipped a beat!

These words reminded her of what Tezuka brought that day.

Beichen wanted her to apologize in the newspaper for expelling him from Qingxue within seven days.

If she didn't do it, she would lose her reputation.

She originally thought that this was just a casual talk by a child, but she didn't expect...

Beichen Xiu was serious?!

After counting with her fingers, it seemed that exactly seven days had passed. Although she didn't think Beichen Xiu could cause any trouble, she still felt a little scared when she suddenly saw these six words!

"Humph! Are you trying to intimidate me by sending this kind of text message?"

Ryuzaki Sumire deleted the text message directly, then looked at Tennis Monthly, and then smashed the magazine to pieces!

"Why are you reading such trashy magazines? Just go to training!"

Ryuzaki Sumire left angrily.

After Ryuzaki Sumire left,

Momoshiro Takeshi looked at her back and felt a little scared. At the same time, he couldn't understand why Ryuzaki Sumire was so sensitive to Beichen that she felt uncomfortable when she heard these three words?

What was even more confusing to him was that the feud between the two ended with Beichen being expelled from Qingxue.

Logically, Beichen should be the one who was resentful. Why did Ryuzaki Sumire still seem indignant?

He asked:

"Seniors, do you know what happened between Senior Beichen and Coach Longqi? Why does Coach Longqi seem to have an irreconcilable hatred with Senior Beichen?"

After hearing this question, Fuji shook his head, and Kikumaru didn't know how to explain.

In the end, Qian Zhenzhi could only tell Taocheng and Haitang.

"This is a long story.……"

"Beichen...he is a genius. I once said that he is the greatest genius in the history of Qingxue."

"This is because, unlike others, he has his own understanding of tennis, and he understands it from the most original perspective."

"He can explain all tennis skills in a concrete way and reproduce them perfectly! No one else in the world has this ability except him!"

"However... Coach Ryuzaki is not good at math and his understanding of tennis is limited to hard work and practice. Little did he know that if he mastered the correct principles and methods, he could achieve twice the result with half the effort."

"Therefore, when Beichen was in the first grade of junior high school, he made it clear that he would not do meaningless things like picking up balls, but would concentrate on studying the principles of tennis."

"He once said that he would get to the bottom of all the principles and eventually write a book so that all those who love tennis can have a deeper understanding of tennis and know how to play the game scientifically!"

"It was this approach that angered Coach Ryuzaki.……"

After listening to Inui Sadaharu's narration, everyone finally understood what happened.

"So, the main conflict between Senior Beichen and Coach Longqi is that Beichen does not obey Coach Longqi's arrangements?"

Momoshiro concluded. Qian

Zhenzhi paused and continued:

"It can be said that the superficial reason is indeed like this..."

"However, the tennis club recruits new players every year, and it is not uncommon for some people to be unwilling to pick up the balls."

"These people are undisciplined, and Coach Ryuzaki can only persuade them to quit the tennis club, which is understandable.……"

"However, she had never hated Beichen as much as she did, hating him so much that she went straight to the board of directors and insisted on having him fired and expelled from Qingxue."

After Qian Zhenzhi said these words, everyone actually had the answer in their hearts.

That is.

Beichen is too talented. His ability even exceeds that of Ryuzaki Sumire, who has been coaching in Qingxue for decades, which makes Ryuzaki Sumire jealous.

In addition, Beichen was unwilling to follow the rule of Qingxue that first-year students can only pick up balls, and Ryuzaki Sumire felt that she was humiliated.

But facing Beichen, who is powerful and easily defeated the regular players of the third grade of junior high school, there is no way to suppress him...

So she went to the board of directors to complain and directly expelled Beichen from Qingxue!

Taocheng couldn't help but sigh.

Jealousy can sometimes really turn people into demons...

After talking about what happened in the past, everyone in Qingxue returned to training.

After all, the national competition of the new year is about to start, and the regional qualifiers will be drawn in less than half a month. Everyone hopes to get good results in the new year.



The study room of the tennis club.

Jiping Tachibana holds a book in his hand, reading the contents of the book in fascination.

Apricot Tachibana, who is standing next to him, holds her chin with her hand. Seeing her brother like this, she is extremely confused.

Originally, after her brother lost to that guy Beichen, he was a little depressed, but... ever since Beichen arranged for Seyfried to give him"The Elements of Tennis"... his brother has changed!

He treats this book like a treasure, reading it every day without eating or drinking. He even takes it home and stays up late to read it!

Even his parents would say when they see him like this:

"Wouldn't it be great if you could use the time you spent reading this to study?"

What kind of magic does this book have?

In the study room, besides Jiping Ju and Xing Ju, there was only Seyfried.

Jiping Ju and Seyfried were famous"study kings" in the tennis club.

The others left as soon as school was over, but these two guys seemed to be competing to see who could sit still, and they studied"The Elements of Geometry of Tennis" until dark every time.

Jiping Ju was simply shocked by the content of the book.

Seyfried, on the other hand, was trying to compete.

After all, Jiping Ju's joining made him feel that his status was slightly threatened.

His lifelong pursuit was to be the first, and he didn't want to be the second for a long time.

Xing Ju pushed Jiping Ju and said:


Brother, school is over, it's time to go home.

"You go back first, I'll watch for a while, otherwise my parents will scold me when I go home."

Beichen appeared at the door unconsciously.

Seyfried stood up immediately and said respectfully:

"Teacher Beichen!"

Ju Jiping also stood up and said:


Ju Xing looked at Severide oddly.

It was not the first time that he called Beichen 'teacher'. She thought it was quite strange. Why did he call Beichen 'teacher'?

Before she could figure it out, Beichen had already walked in.

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