When Beichen's racket glowed with a turquoise light, Seyfried recognized it.

It was that move!

「"Light Hit Ball·Tongbi"!

He has been following Beichen for a while, and before this, he had only seen Beichen use it once.

At that time, during the German training camp, Beichen and QP were sparring!

Facing QP's two reserved lights, Beichen blasted out a tennis ball with a jade-white light, which directly smashed through QP's racket.

The game ended in vain!

He still remembers how shocked he was at that time.

And he will witness such a shocking scene again.

Ju Jiping felt a little trembling all over!

Because... although this light is not aggressive, but...

I don't know why, a fear will arise from the bottom of my heart!

Beichen undoubtedly found the real tennis ball among the ball shadows in the sky, and then, the snow-white racket hit the tennis ball at the moment.


A dazzling light exploded directly!

And then.

The tennis ball dragged a very long green and white tail, as if it cut through time and space, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

There was no earth-shattering explosion.

It was like a scalpel, piercing all defenses accurately and elegantly.

Ju Jiping and others had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

Because he did not feel anything unusual.

And when he turned his head to look at his racket... his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip!

I saw that his racket had been completely pierced at some point!

The broken end of the racket's net was exactly the size of a tennis ball.

After seeing this, Seyfried's eyelids twitched fiercely!

The scary thing about this ball was not that it could directly break the net, but that... the broken end was so neat.

This means that the net line was cut almost in an instant.

For a power player to break the opponent's racket, the net line must be twisted and messy. Compared with Beichen's move, the difference is obvious!

"Is this what is called...penetration?……"

Tachibana Jiping said in a daze.

In fact, when it comes to shock, he, as the person involved, must be the most profound!

Because in addition to the neatness of the broken edge of the net that amazed him, what completely impressed him was... he didn't feel the tennis ball hitting the racket at all!!

In other words, the penetrating power was too strong, like the sharpest gun tip in the world, piercing into the body, fatal, but without any feeling

"Xiao Xing, get your brother a new racket.

Beichen said to Ju Xing who was also dumbfounded outside the court.

"Um... yes……"

Originally, Ju Xing couldn't stand Beichen's arrogant attitude and thought this guy was annoying, but now, she didn't know how to describe her opinion of Beichen.

In short, she almost didn't dare to look down on him anymore!

So she obediently went to get a stronger racket and handed it to Ju Jiping.

Beichen said to Ju Jiping:

"I just demonstrated it. If you focus all your power in one direction and use some"sweet spot" techniques, you can also play very penetrating tennis."

"Of course, your"Ball Blast" is also a good skill, which can be used as a skill to add icing on the cake."

"Next, continue to attack me."

Tachibana Jiping adjusted his breathing.

He began to recall the 'sweet spot technique' he had learned these days.

The so-called sweet spot is the effective hitting area on the racket face.

The sweet spot can provide enough power, ball control and solid hitting.

When hitting the ball with the sweet spot, it will feel very comfortable and with little vibration.

From a scientific point of view, the sweet spot is the point on the racket face that can feedback more than 40% of the ball speed.

For example, if the ball flies at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour and the speed of the ball hit can reach more than 40 kilometers, the hitting point is within the sweet spot.

Thinking of it.

Tachibana Jiping gathered his spirit and threw the tennis ball……


Beichen hit the ball back with his backhand:

"Angle too high"


"It’s low again!"


"The intensity continues to increase. Haven’t you eaten?"


"It looks a little bit better, but the swing is too slow"


After hitting more than a dozen balls in a row, Ju Jiping gradually found his feeling and his understanding of the"sweet spot" of tennis deepened a little.

Under Beichen's constant guidance, he found that he could hit a very fast and powerful ball without exerting a lot of strength!

In this way, he could save a lot of energy!

"Is this the sweet spot technique?"

Ju Jiping was very excited, and he played more and more freely.

Under Beichen's constant encouragement, he opened up his beastly aura to the extreme, gathered all his strength, integrated the sweet spot technique, and hit the strongest ball!


A very faint light, so faint that it was almost invisible, flashed.

Beichen did not choose to catch the ball, but wanted to let Ju Jiping see with his own eyes how destructive the ball was.


The tennis ball fell to the ground, and a small dent was immediately created on the rubber floor, with debris flying everywhere.

This was much more serious than before, when he could only leave a shallow dent!

"Is this my strength?"

Ju Jiping couldn't hold back his excitement.

Beichen looked at Ju Jiping, then at Severide, and felt slightly satisfied.

He wanted to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and train Ju Jiping and Severide to become the sharpest spear and the strongest shield under his command!

"Very good, you guys learned faster than I thought. Next, let's start the game."

Seyfried and Tachibana Jiping, who had improved their strength in a short period of time, cheered up.

The game officially started... and...

20 minutes later���

The game was over.

The scoreboard showed...


Ju Jiping and Seyfried lay on the ground, sweating.

They tried their best, but they couldn't win a game against Beichen!

Beichen looked at the two people lying on the ground, with no strength left, and put his hands in his pockets, saying:

"Your physical strength is too low. Starting tomorrow, the long-distance running distance will be increased by ten kilometers."

The two of them had no complaints.

Ju Jiping suddenly became curious and said:

"Minister, the content of the book"Elements of Geometry of Tennis" that you gave us seems very similar to what you just talked about... Could it be that……"

Ju Jiping had suspected it since Beichen had instructed them, but he was not sure.

Seyfried answered for Beichen, saying:

"Of course, the guide book you are studying now,"Elements of Tennis Geometry", was compiled by Teacher Beichen!"


Ju Jiping was really impressed.

The book was very detailed and clear, better than any other tennis instruction book. Whoever could read it would be very lucky!

I originally thought that it was written by a leading figure in the field of tennis theory research.

Unexpectedly, it was written by Beichen Xiu!

At the age of fifteen, he wrote such a masterpiece...

Ju Jiping admitted that he was a little jealous!

The difference between people is sometimes greater than the difference between people and pigs!

Beichen waved his hand and said:

"This is no big deal. My original intention of writing this book is to let everyone know the correct tennis skills, not for any false reputation."

"Moreover, books are dead, but people are alive. If you don't practice diligently and have a little talent, even if you have this book, it will be useless."

Ju Xing lowered her head and listened.

Beichen was so capable, yet so humble, which made her feel ashamed of her previous rudeness.


At this moment. In

Seishun Gakuen.

The selected students were training.

Ryuzaki Sumire walked in from outside the school, followed by another strange figure.

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