On the court.

Kuki Takashi was half kneeling on the ground, his face was bruised and swollen, he looked extremely embarrassed. His whole body was in a state of brain failure!


He lost.

He was defeated by Fudomine's singles three, 6-0!


It's not just as simple as 6-0.

When he was playing against Seyfried, he felt oppressed all the time, as if every return of the ball was in vain.

The opponent could have defeated him in one game, but he insisted on playing six games, which was also deliberately humiliating him.

Seyfried looked at Kuki Takashi opposite with contempt and said:

"Is this what you were expecting, 'Father beats his son', Kuki Takaichi?"

"I wanted to smash your stinky mouth with a tennis ball, but my teacher said not to be so bloody, just teach you a lesson."

"So, thank Teacher Beichen." Hearing this , Kuki Takaichi was shocked!

It sounds like...

there is a master in Fudo Peak?!

Even, he can surpass Severide, can make Severide bow down and respect him as a teacher? Wait!

Beichen? This name...

I seem to have heard it somewhere...

That's right!

Kuki Takaichi remembered.

The student who beat up the coach after entering the school seemed to be called Beichen!


Isn't that guy in the third grade? Why is Severide calling him"teacher" all the time? His eyes followed Severide's gaze and saw a handsome young man with a half-smiled expression, as if everything was under his control, looking at him with the eyes of an ant.

And it was this kind of eyes.

He felt ashamed, as if the other party had descended from a higher dimension.

The god who came, he was not worthy to look him in the eye!

As the referee announced that Fudomine defeated the second seed of the regional tournament, Kakinoki, 3-0, the audience was boiling!

Fudomine broke everyone's imagination again and again.

From obscurity to defeating Bando Junior High School, then defeating the fourth seed, Sunaden Second Junior High School, and now defeating the second seed, Kakinoki Junior High School...

Many people are already looking forward to the battle between Fudomine and the regional tournament, Seigaku!!

Yanagi Renji was shocked by Sefried's performance.

In the last game, Sefried and Kuki Kiichi played a full six games.

Through these six games, he collected Sefried's data in detail.

The conclusion is.

One hundred percent national level!

Moreover, this person has a very deep understanding of rotation and the solution to rotation, and is an opponent that cannot be underestimated!

"I didn't expect that such a person would exist in the unknown Fudo Peak.……"


"He called Beichen 'Teacher’……What does it mean?"

As smart as Yanagi Renji is, he couldn't figure it out.

At this time, the big screen showed instructions that the teams that entered the finals should go to the main stadium to meet up and decide the final champion!

The two teams quickly came to the main stadium and stood on both sides of the stadium.

On the Fudomine side, the atmosphere was relaxed.

On the Qingxue side, because of Ryuzaki Sumire's stinky face, the atmosphere seemed a little depressing.

"Why do I feel like... the regional champion, Seigaku, is a little nervous?"

"It’s not a feeling, it’s nervousness!"

"By the way, Fudomine can't even crush Seigaku, right?"

"That's not the case. Seigaku has won the regional championship for many years. It's impossible for him to be defeated by Fudomine, right? Even if he is a dark horse, he can't be so dark."


The doubles match was about to begin.

Ryuzaki Sumire's expression was as if everyone owed her 5 million.

She tried to act as natural as possible, but some of her micro-expressions revealed her inner anxiety.

"You all muster up your energy and play at your best. You must not lose to Fudomine! Did you hear me?"

This sentence did not relieve the pressure on the players, but instead added a lot of psychological pressure to them. Momoshiro Takeshi and Kaido Kaoru walked onto the court with a stiff look on their faces.

Fudomine Tetsu Ishida and Sakurai Masaya were obviously in better shape.

After guessing first, it was Seigaku who got the serve.

Momoshiro Takeshi took a deep breath, threw the tennis ball up, then straightened his back and swung the racket!


The tennis ball flew out at high speed!

This move was Taocheng Wu's unique skill, called"Bullet Serve". As the name suggests, the tennis ball hit out was as fast as a bullet.

Everyone in Qingxue nodded slightly.

This ball really showed Taocheng's level.

Sakurai Masaya nodded:

"As expected of the regional champion, the doubles of Qingxue are much stronger than the ones we met before."

Having said that.

After he finished speaking, he rushed to the point where the tennis ball landed, and then swung out with one racket.


Successful counterattack!

This was obviously beyond Momoshiro Takeshi's expectations. Kaidou Xun said:

"Don't be distracted!"

Facing the ball that was falling back quickly, Kaidou Xun bent his arm and gave the tennis ball a spin, and after the tennis ball flew out, it actually produced a large arc.

"Snake Ball."

Seeing this move, Beichen quietly explained to the people around him, saying:

"Kaidou Xun has good physical condition. With the advantage of long arms and legs, he can hit the ball from bottom to top with strong topspin, which will be accompanied by centrifugal force and rotation, producing an extremely exaggerated curved ball path."

Kamio Akira listened to the side and couldn't help but admire Beichen's eyesight.

He was able to analyze how the opponent's skills were completed in an instant, and he could also explain it in simple language.

"However, this is just a superficial use of rotation, and it is just the bonus of the innate advantage of the body, not worth mentioning."

Sure enough.

Beichen just finished speaking.

On the court, Sakurai Masa also chased the snake ball, swung the racket, and the tennis ball was hit back again.


This time, it was Kaidou Xun's turn to be surprised, and when he quickly ran to the landing point and hit back, he found that this tennis ball... was also spinning!


Because the ball's rotation was not judged correctly, the angle of the racket was wrong and the ball flew out of bounds.

"15-0! Fudomine scores!"

The referee announced the score.

The pace of the game continued the trend of the first goal.



"The overall score is 1-0!"


"The overall score is 2-0!"


In less than ten minutes, the score was 5-0!

At this time, Momoshiro and Kaidou Kaoru were sweating profusely, with sweat dripping from their foreheads, and their hearts were pounding!

In the process of playing against Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masaya, they found that their opponents' speed, strength, and other basic abilities were much stronger than theirs.

Moreover, they seemed to have a thorough understanding of tennis skills and could accurately analyze the rotation of the tennis ball.

It seemed that no matter how they played, they would be suppressed by their opponents!

It seemed that with only one game left, they were going to be shutout.

At this time, a lazy voice came from the preparation seat:

"Ishida, Sakurai, the ten-minute limit is almost up. If you exceed the time, you will have to undergo three times the amount of training."

Looking in the direction of the voice,

Beichen fiddled with the watch on his left hand and reminded Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masaya.

It was this sentence that shocked everyone.

So, there is a time limit for Fudomine to play a game?

Winning the game in ten minutes...

Wouldn't that be too much of a disrespect for the former regional overlord, Seishun Gakuen!!

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