《Tennis Monthly Editorial Department.

At this time, Shiba Saori and Inoue Mamoru were discussing something, and the content of the discussion was naturally inseparable from the champion of this regional tournament, Fudomine!

Today, the two of them were supposed to go to the scene to shoot and share a piece of the pie for the regional tournament.


Shiba Saori was too slow and missed the bus, plus there was a traffic jam on the road.

When they arrived, the game was over...

Just when they thought that the loss was huge this time, they saw a lot of discussions about this regional tournament on the Internet.

The content of the discussion caught the attention of the two.

"Fudomine... is so strong! Whether it's doubles or singles, he's so strong that it's outrageous!"

"But why did they suddenly become so strong? Is it because of Seyfried?"

"According to official information, Seyfried came here to study from Germany, and Germany is the dominant country in tennis. I guess he brought the tennis skills here, right?"

"I guess so too. If it weren't for the introduction of German technology, how could Fudomine have made such progress in just a few months?"

"And there is Tachibana Yoshihei! Tachibana Yoshihei is one of the two heroes of Kyushu, and he is very powerful. I feel that Fudomine has suddenly become so powerful because of the existence of these two people!"



Seeing these discussions,

Shibaori said speechlessly:

"Are these people mistaken... Fudomine has become so strong, isn't it because of Beichen Xiu?"

They were not shocked at all to learn that Fudomine defeated three powerful enemies in a row and won the championship. After all!

They had interviewed Fudomine before and knew Fudomine's strength.

Moreover, Fudomine's rise was entirely due to Beichen's revolution and reorganization of the team.

It is true that Seyfried and Tachibana Yoshihira are strong, but they are not the decisive factors.


Beichen is stronger than them!

Now, the strongest Beichen was actually ignored, which made Shiba Saori a little indignant.

Inoue Mamoru suddenly came up with an idea and said:

"Reporter Zhi, do you remember that we went to Fudomine to interview and filmed the match between Beichen and Tachibana Jiping, but we never broadcast it?"

"What if, when everyone else is praising Jiping Ju and Seyfried, we broadcast the news that Jiping Ju was beaten up by Beichen?……"

"What do you think will happen?"

Shibaori understood what Inoue-sama meant and said excitedly:

"That will definitely make the show a great success and shock everyone! Senior Inoue, you have an idea!"

The two hit it off and prepared to write the manuscript.

After staying up all night,

Shiba Saori finally wrote the manuscript to be published.

The content is naturally...

Beichen Xiu is the soul of Fudo Peak, and he also strongly suppressed Tachibana Jiping. The strongest person in Fudo Peak is actually Beichen Xiu!

Including Beichen Xiu, Fudo Peak has three national-level masters!

The manuscript was broadcast online and offline simultaneously, and this issue of the magazine was really a hit when it came out! It directly raised the popularity of this regional competition to a height that did not belong to it.

Anyone who saw this issue of the magazine exclaimed:

"Beichen's strength is even better than Ju Jiping's! The most exaggerated thing is that this guy is actually Seyfried's instructor?"

"If that's the case, then Beichen didn't use his full strength when he competed with Echizen Ryoma!"

"It turns out that Beichen is the real hidden boss behind the scenes!!"

"What's going on with Fudo Peak this year? Three national-level statues...are they going to win the national championship directly? ?"


Ice Emperor


Atobe Keigo, who always prided himself on being elegant and noble, could no longer hold back.

Fudo Peak had two national-level masters, and he could barely maintain his composure, but.

The news reported again that Beichen was a more powerful figure than Tachibana Jiping!

Two national-level masters, plus a master who was even more powerful than the national-level masters.

Fudo Peak was dreaming!

"Is it Beichen Xiu? The Beichen Xiu who beat up the coach and kicked the senior student after entering the school a while ago, and started a revolution in Fudo Peak?"

"Wasn't it said that he was only at the Kanto level? It turns out that he had been hiding his strength?"

"It seems that this guy is going to steal all my limelight!"

Atobe's fighting spirit is growing in his eyes!

Coach Sakaki Taro read the report carefully, and his brows were furrowed more and more.

"In one day, the old Fudo Peak was wiped out and a new Fudo Peak was built?"

"Strongly suppressed Jiping Tachibana and won the game 6-0. Jiping Tachibana only scored one lucky goal from beginning to end.……"

"The regional competition hides the strength, it's just that the opponent is too weak and deliberately toyed with the opponent……"

Taro Sakaki couldn't help but feel that Fudomine was too abnormal. At this rate, it would be difficult for anyone to resist Fudomine!

"It seems that we ignored Beichen's existence, which was a serious mistake.……"


Rikkai University.

Not long after discussing Fudomine's victory in the regional competition, Yanagi Renji and others saw new news.

Yanagi Renji's face darkened and he thought to himself.

Oops! I guessed it right. This Beichen is really not a small person! Marui Fumita felt that the bubble gum in his mouth was no longer fragrant, his face was stiff, and he said:

"The minister of Fudomine is actually... more powerful than the two heroes of Kyushu, Tachibana Yoshihei?"

"According to this magazine, Beichen Xiu directly crushed Ju Jiping. He is a national master... Even if he is a minister... can he do this?"

"According to this, this Fudo Peak... three national-level……"

Everyone was silent.

What Marui Bunta said was absolutely right.

Tachibana Yoshihei was very strong, but not the strongest. He could barely be sent to the first echelon in Japan.

Yukimura Seiichi and Sanada Genichiro could both beat him.


Winning for sure and crushing are two different concepts!

According to this, is Beichen Xiu that guy much stronger than Yukimura Seiichi? ?

Yanagi Renji shook his head and said:

"This is not the point. The point is that, in addition to his tennis skills, Beichen Xiu seems to be very good at coaching his teammates."

"Otherwise, he would not have been able to convince the German student Seyfried to call him"teacher" willingly.’"

"We are facing a perfect and terrifying opponent.……"

In order to stabilize the morale of the troops,

Yanagi Renji could only comfort them:

"The true strength of the team, it is meaningless to analyze the strength only on paper"

"The competition will also depend on the players' on-the-spot performance, the deployment of troops, and so on, so now we just need to get as much information as possible about Fudo Peak and study all the players of Fudo Peak thoroughly!"

"Our Rikkai University is never inferior to other schools"


Youth Academy

"How...how is this...possible?……"

When Ryuzaki Sumire saw the"Tennis Monthly", her face turned crimson.

Beichen Xiu, actually defeated Tachibana Jiping?

How could this guy be so strong!

Isn't he a Kanto-level trash? ? ?

She always thought that Fudomine was able to win the championship only because of Tachibana Jiping and Seyfried.

If Tachibana Jiping and Seyfried were not there, then Fudomine would be pure garbage.

Beichen would not be able to win the regional championship!

However, every picture in the magazine showed that Beichen Xiu was deliberately hiding his strength in the regional finals and toying with Echizen Ryoma!

A fire of anger rose from the bottom of her heart, burning fiercely.


In the room, there was the sound of Ryuzaki Sumire beating her chest and stamping her feet.

Outside the room, the Qingxue people who had also seen the report looked at each other in bewilderment.

With three national-level masters in charge of Fudo Peak, who in the entire Kanto region could control it except Rikkai University?!

Moreover, Beichen had already made it clear in advance that Qingxue would not leave the Metropolitan Conference.

Beichen and the others understood.

A promise must be made, and actions must be fulfilled!

Since Qingxue is destined to not leave the Metropolitan Conference, then what is the point of staying here and working for a coach who knows nothing?

A common idea arose in everyone's mind.

That is... transfer to another school!

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