Attracted by Kamio's words, the game on the field was temporarily stopped, and everyone looked towards the door.

Beichen put his hands in his pockets, walked slowly in front of everyone, and said:

"I just came back. It seems that I almost missed a wonderful game... Don't worry about me, let the game continue."

Just like that.

Beichen joined the crowd and the game between the two sides continued.

After being hit in the eye, Tachibana Jiping was slightly affected. Chitose Chisato won two games in a row.

However, he quickly recovered and controlled the rhythm of the game.

In the end, the game ended with a total score of 6-4.

The two walked off the court sweating.

They were good brothers who had a close relationship. Just now, Tachibana Jiping took the initiative to receive a ball from Chitose Chisato, and the knot in his heart was untied. The two smiled at each other.

Kamio and others discussed:

"I have to say that Senior Qiansui is also very strong. If it weren’t for his eye injury, he might not have lost, right?"

"That’s right, I feel the same way!"


At this time, Qiansui Qianli said:

" has nothing to do with this...because in this game, Tachibana never hit my right eye from beginning to end."


Kamio Akira and the others were stunned.

Unexpectedly, Tachibana Jiping deliberately avoided Chitose's blind spot, so Tachibana Jiping's victory was fair and square.

Beichen commented on the game just now:

"Your game is very exciting, but there is still room for improvement"

"Ju, I have no problem with your choice to fight back against the tennis ball just now, but if it is during the game, you can't act on impulse."

"Qiansui, you focus on skills when playing tennis, which is a good thing, but you also need to improve your physical quality accordingly. Without a strong body to support it, no matter how gorgeous the skills are, they are just castles in the air."

Everyone nodded as they listened.

Beichen's words were not only for the two heroes of Jiuzhou to hear, they could also learn from them.

Then, Beichen"803" asked the others to do daily practice first, waved to Qiansui, and said:

"Qiansui, come with me.

Qiansui Qianli knew that Beichen might be teaching him the method of playing blindfolded, so he took a deep breath and followed him nervously.

When they arrived at the outdoor stadium,

Beichen threw him a racket, and then the two stood on both sides of the court.

Then, Beichen took out a tennis ball from his pocket and said:


Next , catch my ball with all your strength.


A loud explosion was heard.


A tennis ball, under Beichen's slam, was instantly hit into two shadows!

Two balls?

Qiansui Qianli was not too surprised.

He had sparred with Ju Jiping several times in the past two days. Sometimes, Ju Jiping could also use the sweet spot technique to hit three, four, even five or six balls.

So, with relevant experience, he took the racket and calmly rushed to the landing point.

First a flat shot, then a short lob, successfully hitting the tennis ball back.


Beichen hit another shot, this time with three balls!

Not only did the number of tennis balls increase, but the speed of the tennis balls also increased a lot!

"Is tennis that fast?……"

Thousands of years and thousands of miles, no time to think




After three consecutive swings, he finally hit the ball back.

Beichen swung again!

This time, he hit four tennis balls directly!


Facing Beichen's four tennis balls, Qiansui felt a lot of pressure, a pressure he had never felt before, even when facing Tachibana Jiping's six tennis balls.

He could no longer think about the situation and could only play with his mind.

With four consecutive quick counterattacks, four ball shadows were hit back.

As expected, Beichen's next counterattack turned into five, and the speed was much faster than the previous four attacks!

"This speed!"

This time, Ren Suizhi couldn't control his consciousness.

In order to hit back these four balls, he played by instinct!

It seemed that he saw that Qiansui had reached his limit.

Beichen did not continue to accelerate, nor did he play more phantoms. He kept suppressing Qiansui Qianli with the same force just now.

It lasted for about three minutes.

Qiansui finally ran out of energy and didn't have time to hit back one of the five balls. The tennis ball bounced out of bounds.

Huh! Huh!

Qiansui Qianli half supported his knees and breathed heavily.

Beichen then asked:

"Chitose, answer me, what were you thinking when you returned the ball just now?"

""What am I thinking about?"

Qiansui thought for a moment.

It seemed that he was not thinking about anything.

After all, under the high pressure of Beichen's continuous attack, he couldn't think at all. Everything was controlled by instinct!

" mind was blank, I didn't think of anything."

After hearing Qiansui's answer,

Beichen nodded and said:

"Remember this feeling, do not think, rely entirely on instinct, and fight back as you please."

"If you can control this state freely, then... you don't even need eyes."

"Because your heart acts as your eyes, you can call it... the pupil of the heart."

That's right.

What Beichen is teaching Chitose Chisato now is nothing else but the pupil of the heart!

Not relying on vision, but only relying on memory and intuition to play, with a high degree of concentration, this move can even break the state of selflessness!

This originally belonged to Fuji Shusuke, but Fuji didn't really understand it until the national competition when he played against Kirihara Akaya.

That was because he was injured by Kirihara's violent tennis and directly lost his eyesight, so he learned it with this opportunity.

Beichen believes that with Chitose Chisato's understanding, she will definitely be able to learn this move.

Once blessed with the pupil of the heart, Chitose can erase the weaknesses brought by the visual defect of her right eye and exert her full strength.

Such Chitose can easily form a doubles team with Tachibana Yoshihei or play singles.

"I have given you the essentials. Whether you can fully master it depends on your own understanding. Come on, keep practicing."

Beichen continued to serve five balls.

Two figures kept running on the court.

And Akutsu didn't know when he stood outside the court, observing the two.

Or, to be more precise, he was observing Beichen.

He was not sociable. He had been alone in Fudo Peak these days.

Beichen was back, but he had a feeling of wanting to get close, but he didn't show it. His face was still full of coldness and arrogance.

Half an hour later.

Chitose Chisato completely adapted to the feeling of playing by instinct, and was able to catch a few tennis balls with his eyes closed.

Although he was still very unskilled, he had made some progress.

Beichen said that today's practice would end here.

He turned his hand and hit the tennis ball to Akutsu on the side!

Swish, swish, swish!

Five tennis balls were directly covered!

Akutsu didn't expect that Beichen would actually serve to him.

However, his extremely sharp reaction nerves made him raise his racket instantly and block it in front of him at the critical moment!


Instantly, five tennis balls were thrown back.

Chitose Chisato looked at Akutsu like he was looking at a monster and said:

"You just...actually...hit back five balls?"

Akutsu snorted, disdainfully:

"What's so difficult about this!"

Beichen clapped his hands, walked towards Yajiutsu with a smile on his face, and said with a playful tone.:

"Not bad, not bad, you mastered the five-ball game in half an hour. It seems that you have studied my"Elements of Tennis" a lot, right?"

When it comes to this, Akutsu's expression froze for a moment, and then he said with a face-saving tone:

"I'm not interested in reading that kind of book!"

Chitose Chisato heard this and shook his head with a wry smile.

Although Akutsu didn't often interact with everyone, he often saw Akutsu holding"Elements of Tennis Geometry" and reading it.

Now when asked about this, he denied it...

This kind of lonely and somewhat arrogant personality is really inexplicably... cute.

Beichen didn't expose him, but just put his hand on Akutsu's shoulder and said indifferently: (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't care whether you learned these tricks by reading my book or using some other method. I just want the results."

"The Kanto Tournament is about to begin. If you cannot participate in the competition as a regular player, then the prize money of the national tournament will have nothing to do with you."

"So, keep working hard."

When it comes to money, Akutsu's pupils shrink, he grits his teeth and says:

"I know it without you reminding me!"[]


At this time.



U17 training camp.

A dark-skinned man with curly hair was browsing the web in the conference room.

He was not someone else, but the captain of the Swiss team, Alexander Amadeus.

He had just finished his professional tour and returned to Switzerland without stopping to prepare for the World Cup in Australia in a few months.

As the BIG4, the Swiss team seemed to be in great glory, but in fact, it was already shaky.

Because he had been the leader in the past two years, he was able to hold the BIG4 throne.

But this year he was already 17 years old, and he would not be able to continue to lead the team in the World Cup next year, and the Swiss team was in a state of lack of talent.

Coinciding with the change in the World Cup rules, the American team, the Australian team, and the British team were also ready to move.

The world pattern will change dramatically in the next two years!

This made Amadeus a little anxious.

Therefore, every day he would browse the official website of the World Cup to check the expedition trends of countries around the world.

In a certain sense, the expedition race can reflect the ambition of a national team.

Weaker teams will not choose to launch an expedition if they lose confidence in their World Cup rankings.

Countries that try to reach a higher level and enter the group stage without pressure will play as many expedition games as possible.

First, to accumulate experience, and second, to increase expedition points.

He noticed that the US team has played nearly 20 expedition games this year, and ranked fifth in the world.

This is a team that needs to be seriously guarded against!

Amadeus quickly clicked on the details page of the US team.

But he found that the first game record was... a game against the German team!


When Amadeus saw this match record, he felt it was a bit outrageous.

Logically speaking, even if the US team is fifth in the world, it is definitely not in the same echelon as the German team.

Although theoretically, it is possible to launch an expedition against Germany, but... isn't this too arrogant?

Amadeus has played against Polk in professional competitions.

That scary guy reflects the overall strength of the German team.

Even if the US team has scored a lot of points this year, it shouldn't be so bold as to launch an expedition against the German team, right?

He took a closer look and found that it was not the US expedition against Germany, but Germany's expedition against the US.

Amadeus was even more puzzled.

The German team has never launched an expedition against other countries for so many years.

How could it launch an expedition against a mere American team?

When he saw the result of the game, his eyelids twitched fiercely!



A crushing victory without any suspense.

The American team used all their strength, but they didn't even get a single point.

The German team, with the expedition points having no effect on them, didn't even give up a single point and shaved the opponent's head. This sent out an intriguing signal.

"So, it was the Americans who were deliberately looking for trouble, which made the old-fashioned German team break the rules and launch an expedition to teach the other side a lesson.……"

Amadeus continued to check the lineups of both teams

"Bismarck singles three? P doubles one? Polk singles two? This junior high school student is singles one? ?"

Amadeus felt that this game was full of weirdness and he had to study it carefully.


The other side.

Spain, Barcelona.

U17 training camp

"Long Ya...lost?"

A long-haired man looked at the match record on the webpage, with a few traces of surprise in his eyes.

This man is the main player of the Spanish team, Medanore, who is known as the genius heretic!

In the past two years, he has been troubled by injuries, so he has faded out of the tennis world.

In fact, his strength is unfathomable!

Some people even said that if Medanore had not been sick, then Polk would not have been the strongest in the profession!

During the time he was sick, he would often go to the baseball field to relax, and it was by chance that he met Echizen Long Ya.

The terrifying strength of the boy attracted his attention.

Later, the two became good friends.

Medanore knows Long Ya's strength very well.

In his opinion, in today's world tennis, those who can pose a threat to Long Ya can be counted on one hand.

And those who can defeat Long Ya... are even rarer!

"In the third year of the national exam, he already has the power to defeat Long Ya. Beichen Xiu... who is this guy?……"

Medanore's eyes were fixed on these three words.

In the brackets behind the other party's name, the words"National Three" were written in black and white.


Tokyo, a temple.

A figure who had not been seen for a long time walked in.

Long Ya saw Nanjiro lying on the floor reading a magazine, and the cover of the magazine was exactly the same as in his memory.

Shaking his head, he walked over and took the magazine from Nanjiro's hand:

"Old man, you were so engrossed in watching that you didn't even notice someone coming in?"

Nanjiro was stunned when he saw Long Ya, then sat up awkwardly:

"Why did you come back at this time, you little brat? Are you tired of playing in Europe?"

Long Ya shrugged and said:

"No, I just miss that kid and want to play tennis with him."


Nanjiro frowned and said:

"Long Ya, didn't I tell you that you can't play ball with the kid until he really grows up? This is good for both of you."

Long Ya didn't answer, but walked to the courtyard, picked up the wooden racket that Nanjiro usually used when playing ball with Long Ma, and then sent a ball to Nanjiro:

"Now I...have the qualifications!"


The tennis ball flew past.

Nanjiro raised his hand.


The tennis ball was firmly caught.

The moment he caught the tennis ball, Nanjiro's expression changed drastically. He lost his usual playful smile and said seriously:

"Your ability...disappeared?"

Long Ya smiled bitterly and said:

"It didn't disappear, it was... taken away."


Long Ya briefly told what happened yesterday.

Including how Beichen deliberately let his strength be devoured, and then inexplicably regained his strength.

Including the dark shot that Beichen played, which actually devoured his devouring black body dimension!

Finally, he also said that his strength would be restored in a week, so he rushed back to play tennis with his brother.

After listening, Echizen Nanjiro asked directly:

"The Beichen you are talking about...isn't he called Beichen Xiu?"

Long Ya was surprised.

"Old man, how did you know?"

In Nanjiro's mind, there emerged the scene of the German team coming to support Beichen at the award ceremony of the Tiandu Conference.

The name and identity all matched.

It was undoubtedly the Beichen Xiu that he knew!

Nanjiro laughed dumbly, feeling a little helpless.

What a Beichen Xiu.

It was not enough to abuse his youngest son, but he actually abused his eldest son as well.

I only have two sons, and you beat them both.

Next, are you going to beat me, an old man?

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