“Spectators, welcome to watch the game.”

“The Round of 16 of the Akihabara Tennis Tournament will start immediately!”

The referee’s voice fell, and the first of the sixteen groups appeared.

The trace department took the lead, and a figure on the left hand side was very abrupt.

Definitely over two meters tall, full of white hair.

Such a distinctive feature is not doubted at all.

It is the former head of the tennis department of the Ice Emperor Academy, Yuezhi Yueguang.

With his physical advantage, the Mach serve created could not even be blocked by professional players.

With the Ice Emperor, he broke out of the trough and shocked Neon again.

It is also a seeded player in the eyes of Neon U17.

He is a demonic teenager with high ball quotient, high IQ, high talent, strong personal charm and leadership ability.

The Ministry of Traces knows even more.

Yuezhi, a group of players who entered the U17, will have explosive growth in a short period of time.

One reason for this is, of course, that the U-17 camp has some of the most advanced training facilities in the world.

But the core key is because of the existence of Kurobe, Takushiki Ryuji, and Saito to three head coaches.

Above them, there is also a rumored head coach.

Three boats into the road.

If the Ministry of Traces is not mistaken.

Byodoin Temple enters U17 and suffers a low point defeated by Onitoshi Jujiro.

It was in Mifune’s hands that he received devil training.

Later, he wandered the world, spending nearly two years.

Successfully reached the peak of his career.

Moreover, he has created more world-class skills.

Moreover, when fighting against Onitsujiro, he also comprehended the deepest core of the sweet area technology.

Light batting the ball.

In addition, even the Asura Shinto and Byodoin have understood.

After wandering the world, it directly condensed the statue of a god of another dimension – Captain Skeleton.

And comprehend the realm of another dimension – the pirate ship.

The talent of Byodo-in certainly played a big role.

However, without the inspiration and guidance of Mifune’s entry, Byodoin Temple is likely to miss the golden period of development.

Once missed, then comprehended, and then targeted training, the improvement will be very limited.


Jibu noticed something strange and swept his gaze towards Yuezhi.

Seeing Yue Zhi staring at him, Jibu smiled and did not speak.

Yue Zhi also nodded and walked quietly to the competition field.

At the same time, the public notice board also shows the list of matchups in the next round of 16.

Unfortunately, the opponent of the Jibu happened to be the companion who defeated Yakuzu yesterday.

“The competition is about to start, please enter the competition venue and prepare for the competition.”

The referee’s voice is transmitted to every corner of the playing field through the radio.

The rules for competing for the championship are clear.

16 categories, two by two, until the championship is awarded.

It didn’t take long for the track to enter the field with the racket in hand.

Generally, the track department will choose to warm up before the game.

But if the opponent is a companion, it is too weak, and warming up is a waste of time.

The audience was already full.

Most of them came for the Ministry of Traces.

Female fans value the appearance of the tracks, and club scouts value the potential of the tracks.

The reporter of the tennis monthly pays attention to the topicality of the track department.

The Ice Emperor was selected, of course, there was no hesitation, and they all came to see the Trace Department competition.

Tezuka is strong, but it is already difficult to face the caddy Momiji.

Compared with the title winner of the Trail Department, the attraction is certainly not in the same grade.

“Keigo Jibe? I heard that Yakuzu is from the same school as you? ”

In front of the net, the companion also said meaningfully when shaking hands.

“So what?”

Jibu glanced at Ban Li Ye indifferently, and the cold words made Ban Li also can’t help but be shocked.

The cold through the bones penetrated into the bones, so that the companion did not even dare to look directly at the traces.

“What a terrifying momentum!”

The companion even felt that he was about to enter the national elite level.

But in the face of the tracks, since there is an incomparable panic.

“This can’t be!”

Companion also did not believe it at all.

Just in the first grade, how can it be so strong.

Facing the Ministry of Traces is like facing Byodo-in.

What do you think, Jibu is too lazy to know.

Guess first, it’s the starter of the track.

“Is it finally about to start?”

“It’s a really exciting battle.”

“Is it the success of Jibu’s revenge for Yakuzu, or will the companion force continue to win?”

Until the trail tossed the tennis ball, everyone present couldn’t help but hold their breath.

Facing the slowly falling tennis ball, the trace directly swung the racket and struck.

Swept by a gust of wind, the tennis ball flew over the net at great speed.

After landing, it hardly bounces and glides against the ground.

Don Weiser’s ball skills, a sublimated version.

Comparable to Tezuka’s Zero Ball Skills.

According to the rule that the serve must bounce to be considered an effective hit.

Don Weiser’s serve is completely unsolvable.

He didn’t react until the tennis ball rolled down at his feet.

“This kind of ball….”

He wanted to take it, but he couldn’t.

The tennis ball does not bounce, even if the racket scrapes sparks on the ground, it is impossible to return the ball.

“Trail player scores, 15-0!”

The referee read the score, and the companion Liye’s expression was very ugly.

The expression staring at the trace was full of resentment.

“Is this revenge for Yakuzu?”

When it comes up, Don Weiser serves, and he is not given the opportunity to connect the ball.

This is to trample on the dignity of his companions.

“It has to be Keigo Jibu!”

The audience couldn’t help but marvel.

Even though I’ve seen Jibu play many times, I’m pleasantly surprised every time.

The furious style of the ball, one ball burst Tono Atsukyo and retreated from Byodoin.

Now, with delicate skills, he can make his companion glare.

“The victory is the Ice Emperor’s!”

“The victory is the Ice Emperor’s!”

The people of Natsutake shouted loudly, and Takashi Kawamura and Ryo Shishido immediately spoke.

Under Yakuzu’s eyes, there was a touch of emotion.

He understood that the Ministry of Traces was looking for him a venue.

Companionship was actually easy to win yesterday.

I played Yakuzu and dragged it until the tie-break.

That is, Yakuzu broke through and saved some face.

However, the high-profile appearance of the companion still made the ice emperor candidates very unattractive.

Strong is strong, simply and neatly win the game, can only be said to be inferior to people.

But playing with his opponent strongly, the trace department couldn’t help it.

Let the companion also feel the humiliation of being teased.

“Are you kidding me?”

The companion is not a fool, of course, he can see the purpose of the track.

After a low drink, the trace was another Don Weiser serve, as a response to the companion Liya.


The tennis ball fell to the ground, did not bounce at all, and slid forward quickly.

The companion also stared dryly, and his face turned green.

“Trace player scores, 30-0!”

“You have to, don’t you? Keigo Jibu? ”

The companion of the double standard also roared angrily.

Jibu ignored him and scored easily with Don Weiser’s serve in a row.

The more relaxed the trace, the more humiliating the companion felt.

Just because Jibu is in his first year, and he is a genius about to enter U17.



“ACE! Score 1-0! ”

In the opening three minutes, Jibu won the starting game.

Ban Liye’s anger was almost uncontrollable.

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