Seiichi Yukimura nodded and looked in the direction of the Ice Emperor solemnly.

They must hold on to these two doubles! "Fox God Shuangchi, I will definitely fight you again!"

On the field, the battle continues.

Now the score is Lihai University 5:, entering the seventh game, the ice emperor serves.

Now the Ice Emperor's first doubles match could be defeated at any time, and it is in jeopardy.




The referee's voice and the batting sound were endless.

"Damn, I'm really unwilling!"

Xiang Riyue's eyes were unwilling and somewhat annoyed.

For today's battle, they have worked hard for a long time! But now, facing Mouri Juzaburo and Inoue, they are still at a disadvantage.

"Don't be impulsive, we already knew about this result, didn't we?"

Before entering the venue, Shuangchi, the god of the fox, had already judged the ending.

Ninja Yuushi looked cold, but a fiery light erupted in his eyes, and continued.

"However, this does not mean that we are willing to admit defeat!"

He won't allow himself to be defeated without a fight! Step! With a violent shout, Ninja Yuushi stepped forward, and the movements in his hands became more and more sharp and tricky.

This time, Ninja Yuushi's movements were simply agile to the extreme.


Mori Jusaburo looked at Yuushi Ninja in surprise.

He could feel that as the game went on, Yuuji Ninja changed.

But this wasn't the real surprise to him. What he was surprised about was that at this moment, Yuushi Ninzu was unconsciously restraining his movements.

The movement of the line of sight, the habitual small movements, are all under the control of tolerance, and gradually fade away.

"It's a closed heart"

Shuangchi, the god of the fox, looked at the court with some surprise.

Locking your heart is one of the tennis skills controlled by Yuuji Ninja.

After using Lock Heart, Yuuji's gaze, small movements, etc., all the signs of habit will completely disappear.

Thus, it will achieve the effect of making the opponent unable to predict his own actions.

However, this kind of closed heart is still full of loopholes in the eyes of the Emperor of the Fox God Shuangchi! "Unfortunately, his current opponent is Mori Shouzaburo."

Thinking of the ending he saw, Yuhu God Shuangchi shook his head.

Even though Yuuji Ninja opened his heart and closed his heart, the final result is still not optimistic

in the arena.


Mori Jusaburo had a lazy face, and continued with a smile.

"It's a little nerve-wracking, maybe it will really let him win points."

Inoue looked at Mori Jusaburo with some surprise.

He didn't expect that Mori Jusaburo would make such a comment.

Now it's coming from the offensive of Ninja Yushi, although it is indeed very sharp and sharp.

But this kind of offensive should not be too nerve-wracking for Maori Jusaburo.

With a smile, Mori Jusaburo didn't say anything, but instead looked at Yuushi Ninja and Makahiro with great interest.

"Hope this game, you guys can make it more interesting!"

After speaking, he sprinted out, walking like the wind.

Swish! The right arm was raised, locking the tennis ball, and Mori Jusaburo swung down.

Bang! bang! bang!

Five minutes passed quickly.

"Are there any other moves?"

Mori Jusaburo looked at the panting Ninja Yuushi scratching his head and said in anguish.

"If that's the case, then the game should be over!"

As if muttering to himself, Mori Jusaburo made a sound.

Huh! He raised his racket and slashed at the tennis ball. The next moment, the tennis ball formed a beautiful arc across the court.

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