Outside the stadium, after Akutsu Mo and Akutsu Jinya started to synchronize, the crowd was suddenly in an uproar.

"Will Akutsu Moku and Akutsu Jin also be in sync?"

"It seems that he is not only good at it, but also as skilled as the Mutsu brothers."

"Both of them activated Synchro, but the increase after Akutsu Jin activated Synchro is obviously greater.

It seems that the doubles of Akutsu Mo and Akutsu Jin are more powerful."

"It should be because Akutsumi is too strong. I heard that the doubles synchronization effect is related to the strength of the two players."

No comparison, no harm.

Both sides are synchronized, but now Akutsumi and Akutsu Jin can beat the Mutsu brothers, and the difference is obvious.

It is obvious that the doubles combination of Akutsumi and Akutsu Jin is stronger.

This point.

Everyone can see it.

"Not only is he strong in singles, but he has also mastered synchronization in doubles."

Betweenin Phoenix frowned slightly.

So will Akutsumo be positioned as a doubles player or a singles player in the future?

At present, the combination of Akutsumo and Akutsujin is already the strongest doubles player among the U17 rookies.

If Akutsumo is positioned as a doubles player, he will have a chance to compete with Akutsumo in the future, right?

Thinking of this,

Byodoin Phoenix had a headache.

He wanted to compete with Akutsumo.

Just now, Akutsumo showed a glimpse of his strength. He is excellent in strength, speed, and reflexes.

Byodoin Phoenix sticks to his first instinct.

Akutsumo is definitely a player who can compete with him.

"No wonder this kid, Jin Akutsu, was qualified to be invited to participate in this U17 training camp."

Toono Atsuki immediately understood.

Jin Akutsu's strength is good and he has already entered the national level.

But that's not enough!

He is not qualified to be invited!

Among the high school students who were invited, only Mutsu Yuuho and Mutsu Yuma, two doubles players, are similar in strength to Jin Akutsu.

Others like Banri, Date Otoko and even Akiba Momiji are much stronger than Jin Akutsu now.

But if Jin Akutsu came as a doubles player with Akutsu Momo, then he is completely qualified!

"There are many strong players, so you still have to observe carefully.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will not perform well.

It’s okay to lose a tennis match, but you can’t ruin the performance."

Irie Kanata adjusted his glasses in the crowd, looking very inconspicuous.

In order to perform better, or to play the pig and eat the tiger.

The extremely strong Irie Kanata did not show his strength at the first time.

Irie Kanata has the self-cultivation of an actor, he can keep calm and control his temper. It’s just an initial ranking.

The U17 training camp is still some time away from the final selection of the first team.

Irie Kanata has calculated.

Whether or not to participate in this game will have little impact on the result of the final selection of the first team.


After Akutsu Moku and Akutsu Jin started to synchronize, beating the Mutsu brothers was like an adult beating a child.

No matter how the Mutsu brothers struggled, they would be easily scored.

No matter who served, the winners were Akutsu Moku and Akutsu Jin.

The score gap between the two sides quickly widened.







"The game is over!

Akutsu Moku and Akutsu Jin win! Enter Court 8!

Mutsu Yuuma and Mutsu Yuho are eliminated!"

Kurobe Yukio's voice came through the radio, calm and ruthless.

A whistle sounded.

"Yobu, we're eliminated."

""I'm so unwilling to be eliminated right after I came up."

Mutsu Yuuma and Mutsu Yubu were so tired that they looked up at the sky.

They lost!

They lost completely!

From childhood to adulthood, they have never lost so badly!

This time it was a big fall.

What's even more despairing is that they can't see how big the gap is with Akutsu Mo and Akutsu Jin.

This makes it even more difficult for the two brothers who claim to be geniuses to accept it.

In the coaching meeting room,

Saito Shi lightly tapped the table and sighed softly.

"Honestly, the Mutsu brothers have performed very well. They can control the synchronization independently and rank in the top ten among all the U17 rookies in pure doubles.

In addition, they are twins, so their potential is still huge.

But unfortunately, they met Akutsu Moku and Akutsu Jin."

Takushi Ryuji said with a grim face.

"Losing is losing, there is nothing to say.

However, their obsession is very deep. Send them to the back mountain quickly. Not only them, but also those who dare to stand up are unwilling to admit defeat.

Letting them contact with head coach Mifune in advance can also help them tap their potential as quickly as possible."

Kurobe Yukio appeared at this time

"Compared to this, I am more curious about how strong Akutsumo's real strength is. Akutsumo has not used the five major ball moves used against Reinhardt in the American Youth Challenge. Mutsu Yuuma and Mutsu Yuho are still too far behind this pervert Akutsumo. They may not be able to beat him in a two-on-one situation, and their strength cannot be tested.

It has been a while since the American Youth Challenge. With Akutsumo's talent, he will definitely make a lot of progress."

The other two coaches fell into thought.


Akutsumo hasn't shown his full strength for a month.

How strong is Akutsumo now?

No one knows

"If you want to test Akutsumi's strength, I guess only Byodoin Phoenix can do it. If these two meet, it will definitely be a fight between dragons and tigers."

Saito thought for a while and said

"Not only the Phoenix of Byodoin, have you forgotten the young man named Oni Jujiro?

I don't think Oni Jujiro is weaker than the Phoenix of Byodoin. From a professional point of view, Oni Jujiro's physical strength is not inferior to that of the Phoenix of Byodoin!"

"I just don't know when this ghost Jujiro will arrive.���Mouth.

Kurobe Yukio said in a deep voice

"It shouldn't take long before they arrive.

Haha, it will be interesting when Onijujiro arrives.

Akutsu Moku, Byodoin Phoenix, Onijujiro.

From what we can see so far, the playing styles of these three people tend to be upright and domineering.

If the three of them fight together, it will definitely be very exciting."

The remaining two coaches stopped talking and thought about what Kurobe Yukio said.

The contest between Akutsu Moku, Byodoin Phoenix, and Onijujiro is indeed very exciting.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will be a peak showdown that everyone is looking forward to.

PS: Please give flowers and comments on the new book. 1000 flowers/100 comments will add one more chapter.

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