Under the sun.

Akutsu made a phone call and smiled softly

"Atobe, why did you suddenly think of calling me?

A very iconic, gorgeous and arrogant voice came from the other side.

"Akutsumi, you are the head coach of Hyotei, but there is no news for a month. It is not appropriate.

It is better to give the position of head coach of Hyotei to me."

Hyotei Tennis Club.

Atobe Keigo crossed his legs and looked in a good mood

"When you can beat me, I will hand Hyotei over to you. It's only been a month, have you forgotten the disastrous defeat we had last time?

Tell me about the Hyotei tennis club's situation over the past month.

And you and Tezuka, since you made this call, you must have grown a lot, right?"

Akutsumo smiled faintly.


Atobe Keigo snorted, but didn't say much.

He was just talking nonsense. If he really became the captain of Hyotei,

Atobe Keigo felt that Akutsu Jin would annoy him to death! He would definitely pester him to fight all day long.

Atobe Keigo still remembers the crazy match with Akutsu Jin.

"Hyotei has already passed the regional qualifiers. They are the undisputed first place, and they won the first place with a clean sheet. There are many good first-year players in this class, Oshitari Yuushi, Mukai Gakuto, Shishido Ryo, Taki Oginosuke, Akutagawa Jiro are all stable in the Kanto level.

Add Tezuka and I, and we will form a team with a high upper limit and a low lower limit. It will be easy to get out of the Kanto competition."

Atobe Keigo replied

"I remember that guy Akutagawa Jiro loved to sleep. How about it, has he changed?"

Akuzumo suddenly remembered Akutagawa Jiro, the troublemaker, so he asked a question.

After hearing this,

Atobe Keigo looked at Tezuka Kunimitsu beside him strangely.

"You tell me what to say."

Tezuka Kunimitsu calmly adjusted his glasses.

"It has changed. Now he is training every day."

"You train every day? How do you do that?"

Akuzumo was surprised.

Did the sun rise from the west?

This is not the style of Jiro Akutagawa.

"I defeated him in a practice match, and after that he stuck to me, and he listened to everything I said."

Tezuka Kunimitsu replied.

They noticed the problem of Akutagawa Jiro from the beginning.

Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu had two different attitudes towards this.

Atobe Keigo, who put strength above all else, thought that Akutagawa Jiro was strong enough to defeat several other Kanto-level newcomers, and that it was no problem for him to sleep.

But the serious Tezuka Kunimitsu was determined to solve this problem.

Akutagawa Jiro often sleeps, but his strength is still so strong.

If he trains more, he is likely to become a national-level player and bring another powerful force to Hyotei.

So Tezuka Kunimitsu thought of many ways one after another.

Most of them did not work.

In the end, he was resurrected in an inadvertent practice match.

In that game, Tezuka Kunimitsu simply used the Tezuka domain.

Akutagawa Jiro exclaimed that it was a masterpiece of genius.

Then, Akutagawa Jiro became obedient and only listened to Tezuka Kunimitsu.

"I can't believe it."

Akutsu Mo sighed slightly.

This result was unexpected.

But there is nothing wrong with it.

In the original work,

Akutagawa Jiro lost to Marui Bunta of Rikkai University in his second year. At that time, he was impressed by Marui Bunta's tightrope walking and became a big fan of Marui Bunta.

And Tezuka Kunimitsu's Tezuka domain is indeed much more handsome than Marui Bunta's tightrope walking.

It's not surprising that he can convince Akutagawa Jiro without moving.

In comparison, the fighting styles that he, Akutsu Jin, and Atobe Keigo showed in front of Akutagawa Jiro for the first time were too simple and rough.

It was either a crushing or a bombardment, and there was no technical content. After

Tezuka Kunimitsu entered Hyotei, he was able to produce such a chemical reaction with Akutagawa Jiro.

It's really amazing.

"I know about Hyotei's situation. Very good. If you keep up this momentum, it will be easy to win the championship.

How are you two? Have you met the legendary samurai Echizen Nanjiro?"

Akutsu asked.

In the original work, it seems that Atobe Keigo, Tezuka Kunimitsu and Echizen Nanjiro have little intersection.

Now that the three of them meet,

I wonder what kind of wonderful chemical reaction will occur.

On the other end of the phone,

Atobe Keigo smiled frivolously.

"Akutsumi, I really want to thank you for your recommendation.

But why should we tell you about our situation?

I can only say that our strength has improved far beyond your imagination.

If you want to know, come and verify it yourself!"

Atobe Keigo recalled the first time he met Echizen Nanjiro.

When they first met Echizen Nanjiro, he was holding a bad book in his hand and his behavior was very sloppy.

The two thought that Echizen Nanjiro was a pervert.


When Echizen Nanjiro used a wooden racket + feet + eyes and was still able to beat them easily, the two immediately realized that they had picked up a treasure.

This was really the legendary samurai Echizen Nanjiro.

Atobe Keigo immediately showered Echizen Nanjiro with gifts.

He made Echizen Nanjiro agree to let them come over to play every day.

In the past month, their progress has been so great that they can't even imagine it!

Take Atobe Keigo for example.

Atobe Keigo is confident that if he meets Akutsu Jin again, he will definitely beat him to a pulp!

"It seems that you have gained a lot. When I get back, I will fight with you as you wish.

Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you that I am now the No. 1 team in the Neon U17 training camp. Remember to be prepared.

I have something else to do, so I will hang up first."

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Atobe Keigo's voice sounded very strange.���He was stunned and looked at Tezuka Kunimitsu

"What did Akutsune say just now?"[]

There is a glimmer of sharpness behind Tezuka Kunimitsu's gold-rimmed glasses

"He said he is now the first in the U17 training camp."

The two looked at each other and could see the uneasiness in each other's eyes!

In just one month, he came to the first place in Neon U17.

Akutsumi is too much of a monster!

"We are making progress, and he is also making progress."

Atobe Keigo's eyes flickered.

Tezuka Kunimitsu thought for a moment and said

"Practice more, otherwise when he comes back, even if we fight him alone, we may not be able to defeat him.

The opponents he is about to face are all world-class."


Tezuka Kunimitsu and Atobe Keigo quickly reached an agreement.

Since Akutsumi is the target, we can't let down our guard!


"The shadows of Supreme Shinto Neijibe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu have become more solid?"

Akuzumo was surprised to find this change.

This change came very suddenly.

But I think it should be inseparable from the previous call.

Akutsumo looked far away in the direction of Tokyo.

It seems that

I have to call more in the future.

PS: Please give me flowers and comments! 1000 flowers/100 comments plus one more chapter!

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