Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho

Chamber of Commerce, Long Edition, Liu's Ambition

What a decision to extend the suspension period with the planned resumption date of the school at present.

In line with the planned date, for the students returning to the Wang capital, it was a shock, but I felt like this would happen.

Some of the students have not yet returned to the capital.

Some of those students who haven't come back are all the students in Gwennasis territory.

I mean, Charles and Miss Salome and Miss Katerina are not back in the King's Capital yet either!

I was looking forward to seeing my friend again. It's hard for me.

But not too long ago, they were sending me a letter, and I found out that they were safe, so I feel better now.

In your letter, it was written that Charles, Miss Caterina, Miss Salome, were safe without any particular injury, and that Gwennasis territory was lagging behind in its reconstruction against the demonic disaster and could not yet bring the students back to school.

Until a safe letter arrived, wait, wait. I had a worse and worse imagination because none of the Shalls were coming back to King's Capital.

I still miss you, but I hope you're safe. If you're safe, I'll see you again.

Although I was trying to get the best possible picture of the current situation in each territory in relation to the distribution of matches, I do feel that the territory of Ghennassis was, indeed, a little slower to recover compared to other territories.

But it's not so fatal. I'm sure you'll come to the king's capital soon.

So the school won't reopen yet, so even this morning, I'm headed to the Ruby Forn Chamber of Commerce in Wang Capital, where Mr. Joshua is.

I will receive a large amount of paperwork from Mr. Joshua that I have to check to see what matters about the big deal that I was unable to decide on in my absence.

To Joshua, while I was in Ruby Voln, he even looked for a candidate for a new store, although he had entrusted me with some extraction on my behalf.

Or he prepared me downstairs until I could open it if I put out Okkay.

Thanks to Joshua, there are more stores and the liquor store is more prosperous than before.

Or Joshua, wow. The line pulling of what I don't check is amazing. It's good. Super helpful.

From now on, I, seriously, am really comfortable with Mr. Joshua's presence because he was the one who was going to invest in commercial activities.

Until the new semester begins, go to the tavern every day and do your best.

In the future, we are considering not only running the tavern, but also creating and selling some matches here, as well as new distilled products. One body is not enough......

"Mr. Lew, somehow, you've changed your attitude by being more work enthusiastic than before. But I don't think it's a good idea to pack too many roots."

Melis, Joshua's wife, spoke to me like that and brought me tea when I glanced through the paperwork with all my heart.

"Yes, Lord Lew is overworked."

That's what Mr. Azur, who had refrained next to me from saying to Mr. Melis, nodded.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Azur, who brought him from Ruby Forn, has now been allowed to live in one of Mr. Joshua's liquor stores.

Originally it was an inn, so there's only a little room left.

Mr. Azur was asked to follow the escort work there.

Recently, it seems that there are those who work the wolves with drunken momentum in the tavern, and I am relieved to have Mr. Azur.

Oh, my God, my Mr. Azure still has enough nerve to pack the carcass of a picturesque moving demon in a bag.

It's not enough for her to fear the intoxication there!

With that in mind, I receive tea from Mr. Melis and smile.

"Thank you. Mr. Melis, Mr. Azur."

That's what I said. I'll have a sip of the tea Mr. Melis gave me.

Yum. You know I'm sweet and you put a lot of sugar in me. It tastes good.

I looked at the paperwork with relief and again.

"Oh, again, that's how I'm trying to work. I think we should take a little more time off."

Yes, Mr. Melis spoke to me worried.

"We're almost there... And I want to do a lot of things, so I want to move on quickly."

When I say that, Mr. Melis lowers his brow and looks at my face worried.

"I don't know, I'm really worried. I hope you're not pushing me too hard. Is that also why you have to be in such a hurry?

Um, I mean, there's a reason I need to hurry, well, I'm just thinking...

"Actually... I, I wanted to be the head of the Merchant Guild ten pillars"

When I said I was afraid, Mr. Melis' eyes were opened.

"Ten pillars of the head!? That's an amazing goal. But Mr. Lew will be able to someday, because he knows his name well enough."

Mr. Mellis told me that, but it's not too late.

"Someday, not early, I wanted to be. Sometimes that's why I'm in a hurry. Hopefully… I'd like to be among the students."

"Among the students...? If that happens, it must be the youngest record update! But why?

"Heard that if you can be the leader of the Merchant Guild for ten pillars, you can also speak to national politics..."

"Well, Mr. Lew, are you interested in national politics?

"I mean, I'm interested... a little bit about Ruby Forn territory, and I was just wondering"

Answering the question, Mr. Melis stroked his head with a smile at me without pursuing it deeply.

"If you're Mr. Lew, I'm sure it's something you can do, but don't push it. Mr. Lew is a girl. Will you promise me that you'll never be forced to break your body?

... How sweet of you, Mr. Melis!

"Yes, I won't force you to break your body. I promise."

That's what I answered and nodded.

Besides, if I start working enough to break my body, Mother Koo will be forced to stop me.

Koo, your mother always worries about me.

Desperately trying to make me a nutritional drink or telling me to rest......

I'm blessed. It's just sweet people.

So I won't force it.

But I want to try my best to do what I can.

'Cause with all the hard work you're doing right now, you might be able to put a shadow on Ruby Fallen and the Uyolian religion that's dropping a big shadow on me!

I want to graduate the days when I tremble about Uyolithism in my country!

So for that, I'll be the head of the Merchant Alliance for ten pillars.

And...... make the country recognize Uyolithism.

I can't contain that one, and I can't hide it anymore. Then you just have to admit it already.

I used to think I would never be able to do that, but if the current state of the country is right now, I can.

There are two main reasons why I thought it would be bad if the country ever found out about Uyolithism.

One is that they worship such a demonic person as Uyoli. The other is that it is contrary to the intentions of the country, which is trying not to let the civilian population acquire much knowledge.

But these two big problems, if I become the lead 10 pillars of the Merchant Guild, I can do something about it.

Because right now, the country is totally weak.

Mostly because I, the non-wizard, admit that the state tolerates even when it comes to being called a goddess, and even hustle and bustle.

The catastrophe of last year's heavy rains has disrupted the country's institutions and has weak appeal from the Lords of each Territory.

The country is desperate for popularity now.

Although I did hear that the first 10 pillars could speak to national politics as well, they seemed more influential than I thought.

When I am 10 pillars and can speak up to national politics, I will bring the story of Uyolithism to my country myself.

In fact, Uyolithism has a proven track record of contributing to the reconstruction of the demonic disaster.

You can hold it as part of your future policy of territorial management.

Knowledge spread in Uyoli will surely enrich the country. That's obvious if you look at the ruby-forn now.

It should be eating up in today's country, which is trying not to let civilians gain much knowledge, but which also tolerates placing financial advisors in merchant guilds or me being called a goddess by non-wizards.

Still, if the nation doesn't like the mystery of the most problematic Uyoli, you can set the Uyoli to actually be a wizard and deliver it to the whole country anew, Rubyforn.

Then, rather, the country should be welcome.

The original Uyoli model was me as a non-wizard, so it was almost dangerous for me, but now Uyoli and I are disconnected, and now Uyoli is just a fictional figure that has nothing to do with me.

You just have to change your settings the way the country wants to.

Originally, Uyoli is a mystery that I'm not sure if I might be a wizard, and I just decided that it was a wizard, and you Uyolites don't care so much, maybe......

Even the world of previous life should have been altered by the hands of the powerful if it had gone back in time.

Even for Uyolites, it would be nice to have the country recognize what they believe in.

Now is the time to tell me that I can suck if I say so, but if the country admits it, I say I talked dignified.

The Uyolites, who can't talk grandly outside about what they believe in, looked pretty stressed out, and I think they'll generally accept it.

Yes, I suppose... but the doctrinal alteration that makes Uyoli a wizard, after all, is the hands of his wife, I guess.

Until now, when it comes to Uyoli, it has always followed the diagonal of my predictions.

I'm not alarmed anymore!

Let's proceed with caution in the alteration of doctrine.

If we were to change doctrine and have it spread from the country, there would be people who would probably accept it as it is, but who would never accept it.

That might break up some sectarian stuff. That seems troublesome......

In the meantime, let the country know about the Uyolites and they can use them! The prerequisite is for you to think that.

Be the lead ten pillars of the Merchant Guild for that.

... If it's true, I want Mr. Bash to cooperate, and it's faster for Mr. Bash, who already has the power to be a lord, to move, but I can't do it for Ate until I know what Mr. Bash is up to.

I need to acquire power in my own hands or enough power to be involved in national politics as well.

If I grow up, I'll really be just a civilian, because there's nothing else I can do to influence national politics that makes me the 10 pillars of the Merchant Guild.

"But the Merchant 10 pillars is really amazing. It may be difficult to be without hearing anything..."

If I had been delayed in my own thoughts, I would hear Mr. Melis say those words and I would nod slightly.

"It's okay. Actually, I have a little handover with one of the ten pillars of the Merchant Alliance, and I'm going to talk to you next time."

Mr. Azur, who heard me talk about it, looked disgusted.

"Lord Liu, that legend may bring ruin to Lord Liu! It's not too late now. Let's not meet tomorrow! Let's do that!

and Mr. Azure trying to stop me.

Yes, the handover, or Mr. Azur, is supposed to meet one of the 10 pillars of the Merchant Guild as soon as possible tomorrow.

What the hell does Mr. Azur's father do with that merchant guild head 10 pillars.

Mr. Azur's home is now escorted by the Ruby Volne Chamber of Commerce -! When I sent you a letter with the contents, Mr. Azur's father replied to me asking me to come and say hello, and I received it with the feeling that even this one was where I wanted it.

'Cause I already promised, and I have a purpose, too.'

and Mr. Azur looks bitter when I answer.

I mean, I'm so scared to go see my own family, but I'm so scared of this Mr. Azur. I'm so freaked out.

Is it that scary?

What kind of parents are you...... But I'm named for the top ten pillars of the Merchant Guild, and I guess it's a fearful way to go.

The meeting with one of the top ten pillars is already imminent tomorrow.

I'm getting a little nervous.

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