Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho

Consolation Society Edition: The Targeted Demonic Scripture

Seeing Miss Caterina rush towards the library tower, we rushed straight after her, too.

View the top floor of the tower with the blast as you rush. It's dark and it doesn't look good, but the burnt smell drifts this far.

Really, Sir Gwennasis is here to take away the Scriptures...?

If, as it were, the magic of salvation would belong to Sir Gwennasis......

Though I thought about the mess and the possibility of stuffing my breath, I entered the library building and rushed up the stairs inside, once I went out into the large room.

This is the floor we always use to study and read general books.

From there, proceed further back to where the staircase leads to the top floor.

And where I reached, out of breath, the big door was open defenseless.

The door, which should be magically protected and tightly closed, is open.

And I saw more stairs at the end of that open door.

A long spiral staircase, where this staircase leads to where the Saviour's Demon is kept.

Where I, the non-wizard, would never have gotten in......

In those of us who stopped unexpectedly by an unexpected sight, Miss Caterina called to pop out.

"Katerina! Wait!

That's right, Miss Salome went after her, and me and Alan and the others followed.

I couldn't even get in at the end of this door back then, when I used to want to see the Savior Scriptures.

On the door itself, this spiral staircase where magic is planted and you should not be able to pass without a wizard.

"And I can't believe it......! Until the jamming magic of the stairs, haa, it is solved......!

Alan moaned about that while running.

Disruptive magic...?

Speaking of which, I've heard from Alan a long time ago that this spiral staircase also has powerful jamming magic that prevents non-wizards from climbing.

It should be so powerful magic that even Alan, who is said to be an amazing wizard again, can't solve it.

But now, both me and Miss Salome, who are non-wizards, are able to climb after Miss Caterina's back.

Sure, I feel something like climbing spiciness on this spiral staircase, somehow.

I feel uncomfortable every time I step in.

However, the magic effect to obstruct the stairs is weakened due to the proper ascent, I think.

Someone who broke in here used some kind of hand to break what had long been known as a powerful bond.

Really, Sir Gwennasis is going to take the Demon Scriptures...?

What would I do if I ran up like this and there was Sir Gwennasis in that place?

That much explosion. They'd already know I was on the castle's guard, and maybe some of the castle people are already on their way here.

If Sir Gwennasis, even if he took the magic as it were, or could not, civil war would no longer be avoided?

Besides, there are relatives in Gwennasis territory.

No more, keep it up...... no, no, it's too dangerous!

But then, what can I do...

Oh, what shall I do? I don't know. I don't have an answer......!

... No, calm down.

Now at the run up the stairs, my breath is rising, I just can't think together.

I'm sure if you calm down, it's what you need to do.

Besides, I'm not sure yet. At the end of this staircase, give me something...!

At first it was the staircase that was going up, trying to follow Miss Caterina, but sometime I was ahead.

Forward, I can see the orange light shaking from around the place leading to the top floor.

And then, feeling the enthusiasm and what an unpleasant feeling, he finally ran up to the top floor of the tower.

My breath is up, and my leg hurts.

However, I could see the sight in front of me enough to blow away such tiredness.

Unexpectedly frowning at the glare and throat scorching heat.

Running up the stairs, right in front of us is a sea of flames, in which one figure stands.

The man had a big book with one hand.

"I see, is it a mechanism that doesn't burn with magically created flames"

He, speaking so, took the match out of his chest pocket, lit the fire and transferred the fire to the book.

"Oh, that! Of salvation, the scripture!

That's what Alan screamed as he ran up from behind, so I knew that the book he was holding in his hand in front of me was that.

That book on the black cover. The back cover looked spicy in the light of the flame.

It says' Magic Book (Japanese Song) 'in endlessly nostalgic Japanese.

Something else might have been written in Japanese, but the book burned instantly when it was caught in flames, and those who had the book in their hands also let go on the floor.

On the floor, the book is burning with momentum.

"Ahhh! Hey, why! Are you here? And why! The magic of salvation!?... Your Highness Henry!

Miss Caterina, who raised her voice to scream so, fell to her knees.

"Has anyone noticed the noise yet? You're early."

It was not Sir Gwennasis, nor the wizard of any other territory, but of the kingdom, of the royal family, His Highness Henry, who so plainly said away.

"Why is His Highness Henry here..."

That's what I say, I look at him flashly.

I don't know what the hell's going on.

Why, there's Gesley here, and why, taking away the Scriptures... oh, no. I burned it.

This man, now in front of him, was burning something like a symbol of the kingdom.

"Look, don't you see? I burned a book."

"I'm asking why you burned it!!

My voice accidentally got rough in the kind of fluent tone that I used to eat people as usual.

'Cause why, he's here, burning the Savior's Scriptures, and it makes sense..., I don't know what it means!

"Ha ha, did Hyoko look like I was keeping the book warm by putting it on fire? I'm just burning something I don't want.... I can't believe the royalty I've ever had. The foolishness of not disposing of such a dangerous thing and leaving it here."

I felt uncommon in his face when I said that, and I saw something like a rush.

But it was for a moment, and I turned to him with my usual refreshing smile.

"If this happens, the Saviour's Demon is just ash"

That said, Henry stepped on what turned out to be a black hunk of ash when the fire went out.

Its black hunk of ash was what was called the Savior's Demon.

At some point the flames have also gone out enough to cover the whole room.

That was apparently the magic of His Highness Henry and disappeared with the magic of disarming.

The only light I have now is some flames on the candlestick in the room.

"This, this is what I mean! Because this is from us wizards...! Of the heroes who made this country, the wizards, history...!

From birth, it seemed like a pretty shocking event for Miss Caterina, who had lived as a wizard. Next to it, Miss Salome held her shoulder so that she could fool Miss Caterina.

Miss Katerina, who is more disturbed than you can imagine, and although she has not uttered any words, Ritz, you, Alan and Charles both have a stunned look.

Even I can't believe what happened in front of me.

When Henry smiled as he looked down at Miss Caterina, who could grate and wolf, he tilted his neck.

"More than that, what shall we do now? You've seen something weird. Well, I didn't mean to hide it..."

When he muttered so, he heard footsteps running up the stairs.

Looking back, several people are climbing up the stairs and coming this way.

All the people in tailored clothes, probably all wizards.

One of them was Alan's grandfather, Mr. Albert.

"Your Highness Henry, this is..."

Mr. Albert, who ran up the stairs, checked the situation around him and came forward like a wolf.

Alan, who was right behind me, put a small "grandfather......" in his mouth, but Mr. Albert's gaze nailed to His Highness Henry.

"That was close, Albert. The others are ahead of us."

In this situation, Gesley said that with a smile like he ate a person.

"Oh, what the hell did you do!? What about the Savior Demon?!?

Mr. Albert was more wretched than Gesley, and when he told him to scream like that, Gesley stepped on his right foot to the floor.

"It's under my feet"

When His Highness Henry said so, Alan's uncle shifted his gaze to his feet.

What's there is just black ash.

Alan's uncle held his head as he perceived everything.

"No way, you burned it, did you!? If you are, what the...!

"I'll hear the novel later. You're pretty tired of getting up here, aren't you?

Alan's grandfather made his nose even rougher at the way Henry spoke like a jerk.

"Even if it's His Royal Highness Henry, you can't overlook your own self so far! Let's hope to return to the castle first and foremost!

His Royal Highness walks to Mr. Albert, with his usual spare grin, after hitting and changing with the angry Mr. Albert of such a screaming momentum.

"Fine. Okay, I'm going back."

To His Highness Henry, who said so plainly, Alan's uncle wrinkled further between his eyebrows and seemed to have opened his mouth to say something, but kept his mouth shut again.

And when I exhale like I gave up, Mr. Albert opens his mouth small.

"To take His Highness Henry to the corner room beneath the North Tower."

Mr. Albert said so in a tired voice to someone who seemed to be a subordinate nearby.

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