Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho

National Policy Enactment Edition • Red-dyed Tampo Previous

I woke up early out of my mind.

It's still dim when you look out the window.

I dressed a little rough out of my bedtime clothes, although I'm still early to wake up, but I'm not even willing to sleep again from now on.

I made quite a noise at the party yesterday, but the excitement still doesn't seem to cool down.

'Cause something, I knew I was happy.

No, really, I tried really hard to do something about Mr. Tagosak spreading the word on his own.

Well, mostly thanks to Mr. Albert.

... but you can take it slow today or so, right?

I had a national policy enactment party with everyone at the Chamber of Commerce yesterday, and today, the Chamber of Commerce is closed.

Koo, let's go to your mother......

At the party yesterday, Mother Koo came at first, but she left early because she said she needed a little help after that, didn't she?

I wonder if I've done my errands yet.

Thinking so, the knocking noise of the door hurriedly rang and Mr. Azur came in in desperate shape.

"Lord Liu! Lord Alisha is here, and you say you need to talk to Lord Liu!

"Mr. Alisha?

"Yes! Something about a hurry! Oh, and things are not right!

How's it going...?

Mr. Alisha is a member of the Chamber of Commerce who came to Wang Du from Ruby Forn with Mr. Bash.

Earlier this morning, all of a sudden, what happened...?

"Wow, I get it! I'll be right there."

Answer me, when I got out of the room quickly, there was a blue-faced Alisha around the front door.

When I saw that face of Alisha, I thought something terribly wrong had happened.

"Mr. Allisha, what's wrong?

When I spoke that way, Mr. Alisha, with a serious face, ran up to me and said, "Chairman Lew! Run away from Wang Du! shouted."

"Oh, so suddenly, what's wrong!? Explain first."

I thought I'd calm down first, and I spoke to him that way, but Mr. Allisha clinging to me in a way that my words were not in my ears.

"We are indebted to Chairman Liu. I was put to work at Chairman Lew's Chamber of Commerce and was able to contribute to the reconstruction of the village. I appreciate it, I'm here! So run away!

So why!?

Without worrying about me confused, Mr. Alisha desperately keeps talking.

"The people of Ruby Forn, who are in the King's Capital angry that the country has desecrated the teachings of Master Uyoli, are about to push against the Royal Castle!

"Huh? What do you mean...?

"Master Uyoli's anger dyed the tampons red............! Oh, my God! So the people of Ruby Forn, who knew that a national policy blasphemous of the teachings of Uyoli would be enforced, headed to the royal castle!

No way, you're telling me you're rioting, knowing you tried to spread your teachings as a national policy?

I felt the blood pull off all at once.

Why, I can't believe the riots...

Their Don, Mr. Tagosak, had admitted to me.

That's why I'm fine, no, Mr. Tagosak admitted it because he knows I'm a uyoli...?

Yeah, but, after all, I don't think the inhabitants of Ruby Forn are going to riot until that's all this momentum, pushing them against the royal castle!

"A, Mr. Alisha! Why do you think, uyoli, you're angry? U, Master Uyoli is a generous man and shouldn't be angry about anything like this!

And when I pushed out Master Uyoli's theory of generosity and said so, Mr. Allisha put his hand in his pocket and took out something.

What was there was a tampon flower tainted with blood red and black stuff......

"Ko, is this...?

"When I was about to go back to Ruby Volne, there was a large amount of bloody tampons scattered in front of the mansion where I was staying! This is one of them...! In this national policy, I am so angry that Master Uyoli shed tears of blood!

Mr. Alisha's words didn't come to mind well.

Blood-swet tampons, uyoli rage?

Say what...?

Oh, no, you can't.

Not if you're freezing your head.

"So, who, look at this, said it was Uyoli's wrath...? Master Bash, is it?

When I heard that, Mr. Alisha blinked her eyes and opened her mouth with a slightly lost look.

"Speaking of which, I wonder who told you... Indeed, one of the servants who came with us from Ruby Volne said so. By the national policy decided by the country, Master Uyoli said he was angry... and one of his servants shouted out to the country that tried to blaspheme Master Uyoli in a vocal voice that justice was in which way. In such a way that the momentum prevailed, so many people headed towards the royal castle together, and I was going to follow along..."

Such as Alisha stopped talking there once and looked at me again.

"Master Bash spoke to me and I found out that it was Chairman Lew who proceeded with that national policy. If anyone else finds out about it, think Chairman Lew is in danger, and I'm here! Honestly, I, too, feel unforgivable Chairman Lew for selling that honorable thing to the country...... but! Chairman Lew is also grateful. You put us to work at the Chamber of Commerce and you gave us a boost in rebuilding the village. So I borrowed a horse from Master Bash and rushed over here......! So, please, run away from Wang Du!

Alisha's face was serious when she tried to scream like that.

Run...? I can't do that.

You can't let me escape.

Besides, I think someone's pulling a thread in the back.

A red, dirty tampon said it was the wrath of Uyoli and someone fanned the inhabitants of Rubyforn......

No, you can't do this.

If we stop them! If I do this......!

It's going to be a war between Ruby Voln territory and the country!

Now the state is on guard against insurgents, those who are not in keeping with the intentions of the state, also about the return of Sir Gwennasis to his title.

In the meantime, if anyone finds out he's in Ruby Fallen, like pushing him to the castle, saying he doesn't know if the national policy that came into force the other day is blasphemy or something...

Besides, more importantly, if, in this uprising, the country's gatekeeper and knight would hurt the inhabitants of Rubyforn, no, or take the worst of their lives... the mysteriously bound Uyolites are not silent.

Moreover, it is all the more so if the injured Uyolites saw red and black dirty tampons and knew that the Uyolites were angry enough to shed tears of blood.

I was relieved.

That catastrophe was successfully overcome, and the management of the territory was stable, and now Ruby Forn had no reason to bother to defy the country.

But with this uprising, if anything happens to the Uyolites, I can get a reason for it.

Both the kingdom side and the ruby-forn side will be given a pretext to wage war!

"Mr. Alisha means you drove your horse here, right? The others headed for the castle gate!?

"Probably headed on foot..."

"Then we can still make it!

That's what I said, I ran out.

In front of the front door, there was a horse that Mr. Allisha rode, and when I grabbed the reins to snap, I jumped on.

It's all right.

We can still make it. Absolutely, I'll try to stop it.

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