Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho

Royal Palace Living Edition: Orders from King Tension

Mr. Azur arrived in a panic as I glanced through reports from the Ruby Forn Chamber of Commerce and others in the private room of the Starry Palace.

"Looks like we have something important to talk about in the future, and we have a call for you to come to the viewing hall as soon as possible."

and Mr. Azur says bewildered.

Are you finally here? How much I've waited for this day!

The hall of sight means a call from His Majesty.

That means there's a special story that only a king can command.

I just want to gut pose that it's going to go exactly as I aim, but I also have a samurai who looks like a watchman. I frown like I'm in trouble because I can't let that happen in this place.

"About the future? Well, I don't know."

And after the lady had bewildered herself and shown her, she turned toward the sight of Shizuku and His Majesty waiting.

Between the sights, there is a sight that I feel kind of nostalgic.

It feels just like it did during the Uyolian riot trial. There are great men lined up around it about the throne with his majesty looking bored.

If I were to give you something different than before, I guess it means there's Gesley on this occasion.

The Gessley grinned with a lie that was no different than usual when she saw me go in between her eyes.

"Come on, my fiancée's here too, brother. Let's get started."

When Gesley said that, the sire with that face suddenly opened his mouth like a young man.

"Shut up! Don't call me that, brother! Creepy!"

and His Majesty the King, who twitches and scatters.

Yeah, I'm the same king of tension.

But I also know how it feels to think Gesley's a thin creep.

It's something I was feeling somehow, but the two brothers aren't close.

"Henry, I give you a new title. Earl of Gwennasis. You're going to Gwennasis territory now, go... go..."

And, as he repeated the "go" place with excitement, King Tension rose.

"Kill Alexander!!!

Hoo-hoo, my breath is rough and fierce again.

And yet Mr. Rajaras next door turned to that snuggly smile and lay his own hands on the hands of his trembling majesty.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's okay. There's me by your side."

With that word, His Majesty sits on the throne again, beginning to breathe a little.

Really, it's the same tension.

In anticipation of the king's tense settling, Mr. Ishram, who was by his side, opens his mouth.

"I am afraid, Your Majesty, that you order His Highness Henry to carry out the pacification of the territory of Ghennersis. This is what Gleednig does when he follows Alexander."

When King Tension nodded at Mr. Ishram's words, he opened his mouth with a sung face.

"It's Henry. Stabilize the Ghennassis Territory."

and spoke lightly. It is a face.

"It's okay for me to go, but being here means..."

Gesley turns a blind eye to me.

"Does this mean we're going together, too?

King Tension nodded when the busty Gesley, who described me as' this', his fiancée, asked.

"That's right. Take the woman. I'm tired already. Go to sleep. Ask Albert for more information."

When King Tension said so with the feeling that he had done what he did, how dare he meditate his eyes and stop moving while sitting on the throne.

What, did you sleep? You mean you really slept?

Kings aren't too free......

Mr. Albert coughs and opens his mouth during a glance that gave him some subtle vibe.

"Eh, how this happened..."

"You don't have to tell me how, Albert. Mostly imaginable. I'm guessing you're going to use this to subordinate the rebellious Gwennasis realm inhabitants? The territory around Ghennassis territory had been the subject of widespread agricultural reforms originally pushed by Albert before this. I hear the people worshipped whoever devised this farming method like God. And the contents of the agricultural method have been subjected to the national policy recently put into effect. The inventor of that national policy is the president of the Ruby Forn Chamber of Commerce. If you get this far, people will notice. The one who spread the agrarian reform he worshipped like God said it was her. If her words are worshipped like God's, the stubborn Gwennasis inhabitants will also listen. Is that what you're trying to say?

Gesley began to speak alongside the perky words.

And all of those Gesley words were accurate. No, rather, it's too accurate than what I set up.

I have previously entrusted Mr Tagosak with a letter addressed to Mr Bash in order to create an excuse for me to go to Ghennersis territory.

The content of the letter reads: 'The inhabitants who found out that the proponents of the agricultural reform were me wish to say a word of thanks to me. I am aware that I am a royal fiancé, but can I ask you to come to Ruby Forn for a little while? "

Then even some of the people of Ghennassis will be accompanied by those who so desire.

If I heard that report from Mr Bash, I would say this to those who are worried about the peace in Ghennassis territory, at least Mr Albert.

If it's so popular, I was wondering if I (Liu) could be used to successfully calm down the Gwennasis area.

With that in mind, I sent Mr. Bash a letter instructing him to do exactly what I was aiming for: go to Gwennasis territory now.

But Henry said earlier that he was "worshipped like God".

I didn't ask Mr. Bash to make such an expression.

It is only a matter of people admiring the exchangers who have reformed agriculture.

The expression 'worshipped like God', which Henry said, is more in keeping with the reality of Ruby Voln.

Well, they haven't complained about being treated like a goddess in Wang Du, so I don't think that would be so much of a problem...

I reacted around a little nervously.

The first thing I opened my mouth to. It's Mr. Albert.

"Yes, you're right, Your Highness. Lord Liu has tremendous support in the southern territories. Now it's her support rate that can handle the disturbing movement in Ghennassis territory."

Apparently, Mr. Albert doesn't give a shit about God's time.

"I see. I wonder if she could indeed be worshipped like God"

Even though Mr. Albert didn't care because of this, Henry has said it again emphatically around 'Like God'.

This guy intentionally!? Are you saying that on purpose...?

"In Lord Bash's petition, that shouldn't have meant anything, but like God, or..."

Look! That's what Gesley said, so Mr. Ishram shrugged something and started putting his hands on his jaw with a difficult face!

With evil in my heart, I decided to open my mouth full.

"It's a terrible thing to be like God. So much so, are you saying that agricultural reform was capturing the hearts and minds of the people? I didn't actually spread the word, but with the help of Master Bash... But for the good of the country, and for the stability of the territory of Ghennassis, it is a joy not to be helped."

That's what I say, chuckle. Smile with pure beautiful girl smile.

Please, with this smile all over me, this nasty vibe. Flow away!

I hoped so, seeing my full smile, Mr. Ishram opened his mouth.

"So much influence. On the contrary, is it possible, in her own words, to make the southern territories a major force in conflict with the country"

Ishram! Oh, my God! Look! Look at this extraordinary smile of mine!

There's a chance that you might not even be able to do that... though there is.

But I'm not going to do that, hairy!

I'm having such a hard time right now because I'm not going to fight my hair off!?

"Oh, no, Master Ishram, I've never thought about such horrible things at all!

Tears in my eyes, I look desperately at Mr. Ishram.

Please, be vulnerable to women's tears.

Neighbor Gesley held my shoulder as I looked at Mr. Ishram with his moistened eyes, mindful to say.

"Ishram, will you stop bullying my fiancée?

That said, Gesley, who attracts me all the time to shelter.

Stop bullying me...... this is the kind of development that just happened because Mr. Gethrie said 'worshipped like a god'...

And some gentleman wouldn't hold my shoulder, would he?

When I look up at Gesley's face, he's laughing with a face that looks so funny.

This is it. That's the face I enjoy seeing my livestock in trouble. Damn......

Mr. Ishram, despised by His Highness Gesley, bowed his head small.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. But I'm terrified."

"You don't know what to fear. And now my fiancée. It's mine. If she's trying to do what Ishram says, she's not up to my fiancée by now"

Yeah, yeah, you're right.

Sometimes Gesley helps too.

If I had, I'd be on the run around getting engaged to Gesley.

"Sure, that's true..."

and still reluctant Mr. Ishram. Mr. Ishram, who looks right at me, feels quite alert.

Watching Mr. Ishram like that, Mr. Rajaras, who was kneeling next to the king, opened his mouth.

"Dear Ishram, His Majesty has already given his life. I fear that people like me will be terrified of you, and I fear that it will buy you your unhappiness to continue arguing any further."

Mr. Rajaras said so after seeing His Majesty asleep among the thrones as meaningfully chilling.

Mr. Ishram looks grumpy and looks at Rajaras before turning his gaze to the king of the sleeping woods and sighs small.

"Okay. This is what His Majesty has already decided. I don't know what to say anymore."

That's what Mr. Ishram said, and he left the scene looking so depressed.

Mr. Ishram......

As far as I'm concerned, I'm a nasty opponent, but I can't dislike you enough from the seeping hard-working smell.

And that day, Gesley and I decided to go to Gwennasis.

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