Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho

Goddess Edition ④ Feelings of Parental Feelings

"Divide! This is no good!" Please put it together properly! "

“You know that, don't you? I'm not good at this kind of thing."

I'm not good at it!

"It's not a case of saying like or dislike!"

I guess, if you don't want to do that, you can stop the rebellion!?

No more, it's your fault! It's so hard!

If you hadn't hiccuped, the kingdom of Castle would be slowly changing!

I folded my arms together in a rough snort. And I stared at my parent's face, which looked unpleasant.

No, I'm not frightened anymore when I look like I'm good at it.

"Nah, I'm going to replace you with a knight commander instead of me."

How irresponsible!

Kou's mother looked reluctant, whether my anger had been passed on or not.

"You're going to say something and get out, right?" No, Alec. You've got a lot to do. You clean up after your war, you clean up after yourself, you clean up after yourself, you clean up after yourself, you clean up after yourself, you clean up after yourself, you make a warm home with me. "

"... you don't want the last one, do you?"

It's the most important thing!

Having said that, Kou's mother was plumply angry.

That's right, that's right! There's so much to do for our parents!

But my parents won't give in to the fierce protests of my mother and Kou.

"But actually, without me, this country would be built, right?" Young people who have been following me until now have not listened to me lately because of what happened to Yori and Tagosaku. "

The people who were gathered in admiration of their parents also had the demonic hand of Tagosaku...!?

"No, no, that's not why my parents throw it out, yeah..."

Although I feel a little sorry for my parents.

"Do you know? The last time I saw him, he had a wooden doll called the Reaper of the Quamar." If you have that, you can say that your luck will increase..... "

Quamal's brother!!!!!

Quamar's brother is falling into the Tagosaku Dark Side!

"But honestly, there was something about Quamar's brother that was easy to get on..."

Besides, Guy's guys are starting to drink dandelion tea, believing in the words around Tagosaku

Tagosak-san's surrounding words?

”Indeed...” If I drank this, I would have been able to put muscle on a woman with the strength of Master Uholi ”

Ga, Guy...!

It's like an advertisement at the end of a magazine like that!

"Guy, the silent big guy, is pure..."

I was distracted by the current state of the Holy Knights, which was told by my parents.

Unexpectedly sighed, and my parent continued to tell me, "I mean..."

What, is there something else?

"My mental strength is already at my limit..."

"Without me, we'll manage." Until now, I've been a pillar. But our people are starting to see things differently for their own purposes. I was like a flag to them, standing at their destination. Once you get to that destination, you won't need a flag anymore. Everyone should do what they want there. "

"Parental responsibilities..."

I unexpectedly took a breath.

Indeed, my parents may be right.

The parent's report was a serious mess.

I don't think my parents know much about the Knights either.

But for now, I don't see anyone taking any trouble with the Knights, and it looks like they're all in one place.

In other words, you can't do it without your parents.

"But that's..."

"Why don't you deliberately try to make your parents free?"

Looking at the parent with a fuzzy look, the parent stuck in the words looked obliquely upward as if to deceive.

This is exactly what the eyes say in their mouths!

"My parents... I just want to dismiss the Knight Commander for what's right, right?" How many are you going to look for Mr. Rodil? "

When I ask that in a bitter mood, my parents turn to me with a tense face.

And the parent probably unconsciously touched his flank.

There was a scratch on Henry's body when he tried to stab Rudyll.

"... I don't know what he's doing."

"That's true, but..."

My parents' words remind me of when Rudil disappeared.

The magic of Henry's sandstorms torn us apart after he stopped Rudyll in a semi-frenzied state.

And when the sandstorm subsided, Mr. Ruddill was gone.

Six months after that, I don't know where he is.

He's gone somewhere.

"There's no clue so far, maybe he's dead..."

I know how my parents feel about finding it.

But... I don't want to be suddenly out of it for my parents.

“Whether a new country can do well or not, this is an important time. It is said that it is fine even if the parental portion is dropped, but if it can be dropped suddenly, the part that is troublesome will always come out. Honestly, there's a lot of things I need to prioritize over finding Rudil right now.”

When I said that, my parents banged their heads.

"Are you afraid of seeing him again?" Can't you forgive him for what he's done to you? "

That's what my parents told me, and I raised my eyebrows.

It's not like I'm angry or I can't forgive you.

... but I'm afraid I'll see Mr. Rodil.

But that's not what I'm talking about!

“Don't change the subject! Apart from Rudil-san, I'm telling you that I'd be in trouble if my parents left on their own!"

"I didn't change it, but, well, it's like I changed it." But let me tell you, Rudyll wasn't the only one who tried to hurt you. I tried to use you for a purpose, too. You know that, don't you? "

That's what my parents told me, and I suddenly squealed.

Although it was Rudil-san's discretion to meddle me, I heard that he knew that he had used Uholiism to bring me into a civil unrest.

Honestly, I'm a little bit hurt, but I can't help it if I'm a parent, so I think I can't help it, and I forgive you.

I think that I am stupid, but after all, my parenthood is special to me.

Well, that's why I got quite hurt!!

"I know, and I'm mad enough about my parents!" I haven't forgiven you, so I'm going to use it from now on! "

It's kind of frustrating to say that I forgive you honestly, and when I say that, my parents laugh at me.

"Haha, I see, that's how you tie me up with your guts." Well, that's no use. I'll stay here for a while. Even so, he became a narrow-minded man. It's not as far as the saints around them say. "

That said, my eyes twitched as I grinned even more.

No, no, no, it's quite selfish, isn't it?!

I haven't even punished myself yet!?

"But I'll tell you one thing." Like I said, even without me, this country is going to be fine. And so are you. Even if you're gone, it won't suddenly be no good. Rather, if it's a country that will be ruined as soon as you disappear, you'd better crush it right away. "

Straight through my eyes, my parents softened their expressions.

"That's why, if you want to do something, you can do it." No one's tying you up. You're the one who's tying you up. "

When I opened my eyes to the words, my parents turned their backs.

I put my hand up and walked away, saying that this was the end of the story.

"Hmm, Alec isn't honest, is he?" I can only say it in such a roundabout way. But I like it there. "

Kou's mother's bright voice comes to her ears.

"Maybe you're telling me to go to the Rainforest if you want to..."

You're the one who's tying you up.

Sure, it could be.

When I was told by Alan to flee to the next country, no one told me to go.

I went to the Tension King thinking I had to do it myself.

I don't regret it. I didn't do it.

"No, I wonder if you're regretting being so worried about Alan..."

I refuted over and over again what my parents were trying to tell me.

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