Tensei Shoujo no Rirekisho

Student Activity Edition: Teaching Uyoli

I went on a long holiday, so I came back to Rubyforn with Mother Koo.

This year, Koo, your mother is at home at the same time.

Last year, I was the only one in Rainforest for a while because it's hard to vacate the store for a long time, but this year seems fine. Regular customers are given the medicine while they are away, and they leave it with someone they know for when something happens.

Maybe it was Mother Kow's concern to have you spend some time in Rainforest at ease, even though she didn't have a problem last year, I kind of thought.

When I arrived in Ruby Forn, like last year, or rather more grandiose than last year, the people of the Mansion greeted me at the Five Bodies Drop-off.

Stop, please, stop greeting me with your forehead on the ground.

Arriving, I greeted Mr. Bash first, and introduced him to the Rotten Spirit Users brought from the King's Capital.

By letter, I had made a request to hire a Rotten Spirit user in Ruby Forn, and I was given permission, so at the time of my return, I brought him from the Wang Capital.

She's a bit of an elderly woman, named Mr. Dahlia. Due to the yarn wheel, Mr. Rotten Spirit was kicked out of Sealambolt territory, a territory northeast of Ruby Forn, and his third year as a window standby employee in Wang Du.

I'm noble, so I enter money from the country, and I shouldn't live in it, but I felt like I was being seen with white eyes by other wizards, and my shoulders were narrow and hard - and Dahlia in the carriage was talking to Mother Koo.

It's been a long time since I've had a job in the realm, and Dahlia cared about what kind of work I was going to do, and in the carriage, she made persimmon liquor, but I was able to make it without any problems, so I was very satisfied.

Dahlia also didn't know such a force was asleep on me......! I was surprised to see that face. And he seemed to like alcohol, and then he was almost alone, drinking and having fun.

Pretty cheerful old lady.

I asked you to come alone this time, but do you want to bring your family? When I heard that, the kids were already on their own, and they were dead apart from their husbands.

Oh, Mr. Dahlia, I was surprised to hear how old she was when I thought you might still look young, but your husband was dying prematurely. I was older than I imagined. Speaking of which, wizards were hard to fool around with. Envy.

In the meantime, when I finished introducing Mr. Dahlia to Ruby Forn, Mr. Bash, the lord of Ruby Forn, said, 'Because Lyo says, I've allowed you to hire me, are you sure you're okay? I'm gonna increase my tax rate, are you okay?' Because he looked anxious, he quickly asked Dahlia to show him, with tomatoes, where he would make alcohol.

Mr. Bash, too, saw that, and he looked like he was jerking off and was about to start his busy days arranging fruits and cereals that would quickly become ingredients for alcohol.

Yeah, yeah. Quite well.

But I, I also want to invest in introducing this fermented wizard, in making alcoholic beverages and other fermented foods, but it's important that I, before I do, really want to ask a guy like Tagosaku.

I don't know, Mr. Claude asked me about 'Uyolithism' and I can't help but worry about it anymore!

Mr. Claude, just in case, talked eye-opening so that Uyoli's teachings wouldn't spread in Rainforest... but if it kept spreading like this, I wouldn't be able to catch up with the fire out either.

I asked bash, with an excited face, who seemed busy giving instructions to his servant.

"I'm sorry, I don't see Mr. Tagosak, but he's not, where is he?

"Oh, if you're Dr. Tagosak, you're going to a nearby village now."

I see, on the go...... What should I do, wait to see if I should go after him......

"Well, I'll be right back. I'm going to talk to you in a village nearby in my usual routine. Originally, I thought the arrival of Lew would be in the afternoon, so we'll be back in the afternoon."

I heard something I shouldn't listen to. "To talk to you in a nearby village"?

I kind of have a really bad feeling about this.

"Excuse me, Master Bash. Could you lend me your horse? And I need you to lend me a knight who knows where Tagosak is."

That's what I said, and when I got Mr. Bash's permission, I decided to get down to the village quickly to see how Mr. Tagosak was doing.


As I followed the guide knight, I reached the common countryside. A knight told me he was going to get Dr. Tagosak, but I'm going to make a stop at that.

Because first we have to see what Mr. Tagosak is doing!

I observe Mr. Tagosak as he hides in the shadows of the building to see what the hell he is doing so that he cannot be sprung by Mr. Tagosak.

He stood outside in an open place.

Around it, many villagers, from children to the elderly, sit and surround themselves.

He seems to be telling me something and making me listen.

"Many fears were born from tampon buds, and the emperor in heaven said: Tampo is a flower that I have blossomed for everyone. Everything that grieves with hunger. Eat my flowers. Eat the roots, eat the leaves, eat the stems. All of Tampo is me for everyone who suffers from hunger. Eat me."

Tagosak said that much, tearful bluffing before continuing the conversation.

"And ever since, the heavenly servants have created many edible grasses before us. That's the seri and the nazna we have here. Now all the grass that feeds us that grows around us, in the mountains, in the roads, in the fields, in the earth, was prepared by him. He was created by cutting himself."

Saying that, assholes like Tagosak can't stand it...! But it was okay. With that look, I started crying out of my eyes.

The villagers look at Mr. Tagosak like that, and he looks harrowed and tearful.

... Shit, what is this scary.

My lord in heaven... it must have been me in Tagosak. So, what was that, my story?

No, but I'm not a tampon. Eatable grass, I didn't create it, and it originally grew on the side of the road.

When I was stunned, out of the villagers, a little boy rose.

"I've already remembered all the grass that your lord in heaven has made! So I know which grass I can eat and which I can't!

When the boy proudly says so, the adults around him praise him by saying, oh, that's splendid.


I want to stop this rally now!

But what do you do, keep talking to Tagosak, stop! Even so, on the contrary, Master Liu! Or so he rubbed his forehead on the ground, and so the villagers were better off, Master Liu, the emperor of heaven! I might say something like that and rub my forehead against the ground.

And at the end of the day, even in this village, I was treated strangely, and it slowly passed on to other territories, and I said to everyone in the school, "Are you a liou, my lord in heaven? It comes from a tampon bud or something...... Uru! 'Or so they might make fun of me.

I don't like that.

I waited for Mr Tagosak's lecture to end as I squeezed my lips together.

And then, aboard the carriage, sneaking after Mr. Tagosak on his way home, caught him where he reached the mansion and called him to his room.

Mr. Tagosak is happy to tear at my return, but even I, am afraid to cry!

"Mr. Tagosak! Trouble! Don't breathe weird, lies into the villagers! I'm not a tampon, and I'm not shredding grass or anything to produce it!

"Oh, Master Liu, what's wrong?

"I was just listening to Mr. Tagosak talking to the villagers! Trouble. Your use in heaven is about me, isn't it? I'm not a heavenly user, and I'm in trouble!

"Oh, I'm ashamed you were listening to my tedious talk"

I glance at Mr. Tagosak in the light, but he doesn't look comfortable at all.

"Don't worry, Master Liu. I only know what is in this mansion that Master Liu is the fearful emperor of heaven. Master Liu's honorable name is too sacred to be revealed in any other village. Master Liu's teachings themselves borrow the pseudonym of the teachings of Uyoli. We know very well that Master Liu is here in the world."

With that said, Mr. Tagosak is the usual Tagosix mile with a tranced look.

Yeah!? What do you mean already? Honestly, I don't know what he's talking about. I'm really tired.

For the most part, I have said many times that I am not a heavenly user, but I have not told this one, but the problem is first of all.

Already, he, I don't know what to do!

In the meantime, when I sort out what he's saying, he's not willing to spread my name "Liu". In other words, I suppose you can assume that the teaching of the heavenly emperor, commonly known as the Uyoli, has nothing to do with me.

Mr. Tagosak and some of you may be like Liu in heaven, but for the villagers out there, I should be nothing to do with the teachings of Uyoli just because I'm an adopted daughter of Ruby Forn.

... then nothing, don't I have to worry about it? 'Cause it spreads because I have nothing to do with your use in heaven.

Besides, Mr. Tagosak's lying stories about that heavenly messenger are well done. In the story, little kids in the village were intrigued and listening to each other and learning a lot because they mixed the wisdom of life and all that with a good feeling.

... Oh, no, you can't. When I asked Mr. Claude about the teaching of Uyoli, he said it was dangerous.

"But, Mr. Tagosak, that tagosak is what you're talking about. It seems to be spreading to those in Rainforest territory. Just in case the royal family sees you, it's tough."

"Well, what else do you teach me? After all, revered teaching is something that spreads everywhere."

Though you say it in a smudged manner, Mr. Tagosak. Because it's not if you're stingy. Because it would be hard if the royal family could keep an eye on me! In particular, royalty like Gesley sucks.

"If you find out you profess a suspicious man who's not a wizard, you could be targeting the royal family! You could get caught up in something, like this, oppression or something like that!

"Hmm, what does the wizard mean? Sure, the wizard who makes it greener is great, but there's no way he's more great than Master Liu, who was used above heaven! Not to mention the royalty who abandoned us..."

Hey, something, Tagosak, more or less a Tagosix Mile, looks unusual and angry in front of me.

Well, the village of Galligari...... that was terrible. Besides, since coming to Ruby Forn, where you can't benefit from magic at all, your mistrust of the wizard supremacy kingdom may have intensified.

But that's why I can't recommend spreading the teachings of Uyoli, even though it might be dangerous for your eyes.

"Mr. Tagosak, please. I do believe that Mr Tagosak's teaching is a very useful one for farmers. But if you're in danger with that, it's the end of the line. The royal family will not tolerate the practice of worshipping the mysterious who are not wizards. Regardless of your knowledge of agriculture, I think you should stop talking about your emperor in heaven."

"But Master Liu! For those of us who can't benefit from magic, Master Liu, the use of heaven is what we hope for! Are you telling us to give up hope!?

Yes, Mr. Tagosak, who is making a sincere appeal.

If Mr. Tagosak, would he even look that serious...

Hope…. There will be no more wizards. I know somehow I need hope for that replacement, but...

"... Still, I think it's better than dangerous eyes"

I know it's hard for people in this country who've had a clear hope of being "wizards," but still, I don't know about it since something happened.

Mr. Tagosak dropped his shoulder disappointingly and looked down, then said, 'Yes, I did. From now on, let us refrain from giving the story of the emperor in heaven when speaking to the villagers, "he said, leaving the room.

... It's so messy.

There's sadness on my back......

Oh, don't be such a dick.

Something, I'm sorry, Mr. Tagosak.

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