On April 26, 2000, a passenger plane from the United States to Japan ...

Rebecca was sitting in business class looking at the scenery outside, when a flight attendant stepped forward and asked, "Ms. Chambers, what drink do you need?" "

Milk thank you!"

At this time, a woman in red sitting next to her put down the newspaper and said, "Seriously? Don't you have a glass of wine for such a long journey?

Rebecca touched her head and smiled, "No, I prefer something healthier, excuse me... Have we met?

Laila took off her sunglasses and said, "Your surname is Chambers, are you one of the survivors of that raccoon city?"

Rebecca bowed her head slightly, "Hmm... My name is Rebecca, and I thought everyone was going to forget about it.

"How so? You are the hero of those survivors, I didn't expect us to meet here, are you traveling alone?

"I... My boyfriend was on a business trip over there, and I wanted to go with him, but he said that he might not have time to travel this time, but I won the prize the day before yesterday watching a TV commercial, a luxury package for a seven-day trip to Hokkaido!

Hearing this, Laila pretended to look serious and said, "Hokkaido?

This aroused Rebecca's curiosity, and she looked at Laila and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"Nothing, just heard some rumors a while ago, by the way... Forgetting to introduce myself, my name is Ella, I used to be a researcher at Umbrella and now work at WHO, and I hope my poor resume won't disappoint you.

Laila said and took the initiative to extend her hand, Rebecca shook her hand and said: "No, no, I'm not that kind of one-sided person, and if you can still work at the WHO now, it already shows that you are a good person."

"By the way, just now you said that there are some rumors in Hokkaido, can you tell me?"

Laila was a little embarrassed, and after some desire to get rid of it, she had already whetted Rebecca's appetite.

Then she whispered into Rebecca's ear like an agent: "We have been investigating the BSAA recently, and they seem to be planning to start a Resident Evil in Hokkaido."

"What?! BSAA? How can it be? They're anti-biological!

"Have you ever heard of self-theft?"

Laila took out some information from her suitcase and showed Rebecca it.

She quietly handed the document to Rebecca and said, "This is a weapons shipping order that I have tracked, and the US military has secretly transported the weapons and equipment needed by the White Watch to various cities in Hokkaido." "

Despite all this evidence, Rebecca still doesn't believe it, I should say she can't believe it... She was going to see for herself and let Leon tell her that the woman was lying.

On April 27, at 6:12, Rebecca sat alone on the train to Hokkaido, in a daze.

At this time, her mind was full of what the person named Ella said yesterday, and she including Li Ang became a bad person in an instant?

But the information given by the woman was so accurate that she could even say which city Li Ang might appear in.

In her cognition, after experiencing the incident in Raccoon City, how could Li Ang turn his gun on innocent people?

Just as she arrived at her destination, she heard an English announcement at the train station.

"All travelers please note that there is a riot in our city, please leave in an orderly manner... Ding~~~~"

The radio suddenly lost its voice, and then there was a scream from the crowd.

At 18:30, a large number of infected people appeared all over Hokkaido... The wail spread throughout every city in Hokkaido.

The Japanese government immediately announced that it had been attacked by Resident Evil and asked the United Nations to send troops to suppress it, while blocking all roads in Hokkaido.

At 19:00 sharp, the BSAA officially responded, promising to suppress Resident Evil after arriving in Hokkaido within 48 hours, and to let the first advance troops arrive early on transport planes to control the spread of the virus.

At 23:59, Leon with Carlos, Arno, Chris and dozens of heavily armed white watchmen stood on the top of the tallest building overlooking the city.

In addition, there are now nearly a thousand white watchmen scattered on the rooftops of the city on guard.

The 35 cities in Hokkaido are targeted by White Watch and U.S. forces, and White Watch is only responsible for five of the most crowded cities.

The BOW will only be placed in these five cities, and the infected people in other cities will be suppressed by the US military according to the intervention and will not conflict with the BOW.

The place where Li Ang is located is the city with the most people in Hokkaido, and the troops sent out are also the largest.

It's a pity that these forces are not elite, and almost all of them have only recently been transferred from several mercenary organizations.

Li Ang looked at the watch in his hand with a cigarette in his mouth and said, "That's right, zero o'clock to take action."

At this time, a white watchful super soldier asked, "Could it be too early?" Wouldn't it be too obvious to do it now?

(Nonsense, it's not obvious how to grab this handle later?)

Li Ang stepped forward and looked at the soldier and said, "How about you command?" The

soldier suddenly became nervous, although he did not know the true identity of Li Ang, but the person who could be responsible for directing the actions of this city, it must not be simple.

"Listen... This time is completely sufficient from the perspective of the advance troops, I want a quick victory, and now... The action begins!

As soon as the words fell, everyone except Carlos, Chris, and Arno jumped from the tall building, then unfolded their wingsuit and flew down to various places to start a unilateral slaughter.

Super soldiers are highly capable of fighting individually, and one person is equivalent to a squad when there is enough ammunition.

And this afternoon, the US military has dropped supplies and ammunition on the main roads of various cities, greatly enhancing the endurance of super soldiers.

Li Ang turned to Arnold and said, "Now we don't know the specific model and location of the BOW, you observe here, and notify me when you find the BOW."

"Carlos, Chris, you two act in groups to investigate the characteristics of this virus, I will act alone."

This operation, the above did not tell everyone what kind of virus they were facing, but only issued an order to completely annihilate all infected people.

This made Li Ang smell a hint of conspiracy, so the first thing to do was to understand the characteristics of the virus first.

After Li Ang finished speaking, he jumped directly from the stairs, without any equipment to slow down and slide, nor did he have any landing skills.

When he landed, he directly stepped on two zombies, and then smashed the ground out of a pit.

The surrounding zombies were attracted by this movement, Li Ang's hands shook slightly, and black ebony and white ivory slipped out of the cuffs, and then he took the posture of gun fighting...

On April 28, at 2:37, Li Ang came to a vending machine alone.

He slapped the vending machine's glass and took out a bag of potato chips and a bottle of happy water to stand on the side of the road and eat it.

In two and a half hours, he killed thousands of zombies and dozens of uninfected survivors.

When he killed those survivors, not only did he not have the slightest guilt in his heart, but he even felt that he was a great benevolent person.

And this is also the order he secretly received, Wesker said to kill if you see alive, don't have any worries, after all, the more survivors of this kind of thing, the easier it is to make a big deal when the East Window incident occurs.

Although Li Ang did not give such orders to the other soldiers, according to his knowledge of this group of super soldiers from mercenaries, even if he did not say anything, this group of people would still not spare those innocent people.

After all, these soldiers were originally for the sake of profit and could have no bottom line, and many people used this once-in-a-lifetime killing opportunity to satisfy the killing desire they had cultivated on the battlefield.

Even... They will do something worse.

After Li Ang finished eating a bag of snacks, he happened to meet a white watchman coming out of a house, and saw that he was still holding a lot of cash, watches and other things in his pocket.

But looking at his skin color, Li Ang also felt normal.

After the black soldier saw Li Ang, he was stunned for a moment, and then instantly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Li Ang: "What do you see?"

"I saw Nigo's inferiority

..." This angered the black soldier, who threatened: "Forget what you just saw, or I will shoot me now..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Ang made a hole in his head with an American juhe.

And this scene happened to be seen by Chris and Carlos, who rushed over....

Chris immediately asked loudly, "What are you doing?!"

"Before questioning me, why don't you open his bag first?"

Carlos walked up to the body and collected some cash, jewelry, jewelry, watches.

Seeing this, he frowned and said to Chris: "This soldier stole the things of many families..." The

two of them have seen many similar situations along the way, but they both feel powerless about it.

Military discipline is not something that can be cultivated in a day or two, and in the face of a group of temporarily formed teams, Li Ang can only tell them about the approximate tasks on the surface.

Once the mission began, he could hardly control anyone.

Li Ang took two cans of drinks and handed them to the two and asked, "If it had been you just now, what would you have done?"

"Chris? Aren't you going to convince him with your mouth?

Chris's expression looked uncomfortable, the kind of discomfort in his heart.

He took a deep breath and said, "I thought so just now, but... There's nothing wrong with what you're doing, and if it were me, I'd probably ignore it. At

this time, Chris hated it in his heart, but it was not Li Ang who hated it, but his weakness.

He already seemed a little out of place among these soldiers, and he could not have a scale like Li Ang, although this scale was very low, but once someone crossed it, he would not hesitate to kill that person.

Although he still overestimated Li Ang's scale, he was even more unable to become a bandit and robber like these soldiers.

Li Ang patted Chris on the shoulder and said, "Don't force yourself, if you want to quit, just say, I will arrange for you to evacuate." "

No... I can perform tasks.

"Well, the characteristics of the virus are figured out?"

Carlos took out the laptop he was carrying with him and said, "Chris and I observed several groups of objects and found some things that were different from those infected with the T-virus.

"These infected people seem to become stronger after eating, and the type of food they choose is almost alive, the most incredible place..."

"I accidentally saw an infected person eat his dog, and after tracking it for a while, his way of acting began to become canine-like, and it seemed to have a super sense of smell."

"This virus seems to allow the host to continuously evolve itself by feeding to acquire the excellent abilities of other organisms."

Chris also took out a DV recorder and said, "I also recorded something... Some infected people will eat each other, and the one who survives is seriously injured.

"But after eating the other party's body, its injuries were almost healed, and... It seems to be stronger too.

"But we haven't met BOW until now."

Li Ang frowned and was stunned for a second: "It's not that there is no BOW... BUT ALL INFECTED PEOPLE ARE BOW! They are raising cheats! "

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