After the three disappeared, Li Ang walked out unhurriedly with a cup of coffee.

"She went with her?"

Diana looked at Li Ang with a look of indifference and asked, "This is also within your plan?" "

Almost... Karana's personality has to suffer a little to grow, she has always wanted to express herself in a hurry, not to mention that she is fully armed to get the state, even the supermaster may not be able to take her.

"If she can learn to be smart, she will hide her strength and show weakness first, and then cooperate with us when we fight back."

"And the ability of the Nighthawk seems to be beyond my imagination."

Diana recalled the Nighthawk's actions and said, "Yes, he seems to have divine speed... If he could control this force perfectly, the virus would have no effect on him.

Li Ang analyzed: "I'm afraid it's not just divine speed... And if he really is a god speeder, he will definitely use this power the whole time, not after I leave. "

It can be seen that the divine speed force he uses seems to have a limit, it should be that he has created some kind of special energy reservoir to store the divine speed force in his battle suit."

Diana suddenly realized, and then asked: "You said that his ability is not only divine speed, what else will there be?"

Li Ang raised his watch and took out his mobile phone: "I noticed that my device and the time of the watch had an error of 5 seconds.

"And my feeling is not quite right, that nighthawk should have used some means to reset the time in a certain area for 5 seconds."

"But he can't move freely in this reset process, otherwise we would have been killed long ago, even so, this ability is still very troublesome, and if you can't kill him if you start a war with him rashly, it will only expose our hole cards."

Wesker pushed his sunglasses and said, "So you treat us like guinea pigs?"

"Come on, Lao Wei, didn't you make a move?"

"So what are your plans now?"

Li Ang took out the belt of the Night Lord, and said, "He has a lot of interesting things here, a more advanced phase mover that allows targets to teleport in the multiverse.

"I've modified the permissions, and I can use this to kill them later."

Wesker asked, "Is there a difference from the Super Queen one?" "

The one on the Super Queen can only locate and transmit signals, and whether to transmit or not can only be decided by the people of that universe, but I also secretly modified its signals before."

"There is also a space transfer device, with which it is possible to move the position of the target directly in the same space-time, but with weight and distance restrictions, it is possible to transfer a target of up to 200 kg in 100 km."

"That's how the Nighthawk took out the bomb in the head of the Super Queen."

"The rest are tactical toys..."

continued after putting all of this in his space belt, "In exchange, I was embarrassed to let them go empty-handed, and specially let Kara and the Super Queen bring our universe's specialties as gifts.

Wesker instantly understood what Li Ang meant: "You let them bring the virus over?"

Li Ang nodded and said, "Well, after learning the lesson that Diana can see the virus, I improved it later, but the effect will also be affected to a certain extent." "

What virus?"

"A deteriorated T virus, which is chronic, has some neurotoxins added to it that can spread through the air."

"Even Kara needs to be particularly attentive to see that this deteriorating virus does not strengthen the infected person."

"It will only cause the other party's cells to constantly collapse, and eventually cause the cells, blood, and organs of the whole body to ulcerate and fail, although this is useless to the physique of Kryptonians, but everyone cannot escape the influence of the mental level."

"Spiritual level?"

"This virus has a strong ability to split, so even a little virus can infect people in a base within hours."

"After each division, the neurotoxins it carries will also split, and the infected emotions will gradually tense, occasionally hallucinating and seeing the things that they fear the most."

"The longer the infection, the stronger the effect."

After speaking, Li Ang took out a breathing instrument and handed it to Diana: "This is an air antidote, you may all be infected."

After Diana and Wesker finished smoking the antidote, Leon said to them again.

"As long as we wait for a while, maybe we don't make a move, and they will also cause the group to be destroyed due to infighting under strong mental pressure."

Diana is now very glad that she and Li Ang are together, and how many times this kind of black belly is unable to fight him, it will be Li Ang who wins in the end.

She took a deep breath and asked, "When did you get the virus ready?"

Leon explained: "When I heard him say that the syndicate gathered allies in other universes, they began to prepare, and they will definitely try to win over the strongest forces in each universe to join."

"So Kara will most likely be taken away by him, even if he can't be successfully recruited, he can reduce the combat power of this universe in advance."

Wesker couldn't help but say: "I have to say that Batman with no bottom line like you is terrifying." "

Although the Nighthawk is also the same Batman who does not kill, the difference in strength between the two itself is too large, and Li Ang still has profiteers and system support.

How can such a wyvern riding face lose? Unless they make a wild laugh and the Dark Knights come out, they will have the power to fight.

"So when do we do it? And what to do with bombs?

Li Ang pondered for a moment and replied, "After some of them come..."

"The Nighthawk doesn't want to destroy this earth, unless they are cornered, otherwise he can blow it up when he escapes again."

"If the Super Queen tells the syndicate the peculiarities of this world according to the facts... Then I'm sure they'll make this a necessary goal.

"When they are ready, they will definitely send enough combat power to invade, but they will definitely not be all over."

"At this time, we will go to steal the house, bring Carla back by the way, and cut off their back road."

Li Ang took out his mobile phone and glanced at the positioning: "As for the bomb... I detected that when the Nighthawk came here, brain waves were sent to the South Pole, and he must have checked to see if the bomb was still there.

"It can be seen that the Nighthawk has more control over the bomb than the Super Queen, but that's why I was able to catch this signal."

After speaking, Li Ang took out the Yan Demon Knife and slashed twice out of thin air, cutting the space into a cross-shaped crack.

"You guys wait here for me for a while, I'll go get the bomb first, and I'll be back in five minutes."

Three minutes later, Leon returns with a portal opened with the Magic Knife, and Diana and Wesker discuss Leon's plan.

After seeing Li Ang return, Diana stepped forward and asked, "Did you find it?"

"Well, it's a super quantum bomb that can instantly turn the earth into dust, but since it's in my hands, then I'm still grateful for the rocket sent by Lao Tie."

Diana continued: "This plan... I think something is wrong, what if we don't resist after their people come over?

"We should get rid of the people here first, and then go over there."

Li Ang replied: "No, if they feel that the cost of conquering this earth is too great, they may withdraw early and destroy our earth."

"But didn't you find the bomb?"

"I think they have more than that... Listening to the Nighthawk, the syndicate seems to have conquered more than one earth, and the methods used should be much the same.

"The least risky way is to destroy their nest so that they can't go home, so that they don't dare to detonate on this planet."

"Even if we can't hold them back in the short term, the virus will make them weaker and weaker over time."

"The worst scenario is a stalemate and forced negotiations."

In addition, Li Ang has other plans, if Black Watch wants to become the most powerful force in the world, he cannot always act in the shadows.

To make a name for yourself, you have to take on enemies that are strong enough, and you have to strike when the world is desperate.

Wesker sensed Li Ang's intentions, but if Black Watch wanted to appear, it would mean to destroy White Watch, but this would undoubtedly anger Li Ao.

He looked at the floor and asked, "Are you sure to deal with Li Ao?"

Li Ang looked at Wesker seriously, "If a one-on-one encounter meets his death match, I am not sure of victory, but if I give me a year to prepare, I can't win him..."

"Are you going to take those people with you?"

Li Ang replied: "I am enough alone, this kind of solitary deep into the enemy's base, the fewer people, the better, you can stay here to deal with the invaders."

Diana looked at Li Ang firmly and said, "No, I want to go with you."

"Not this time, Kara and I are gone, if our own people can't resist their attack, in the end it will only alarm Li Ao and let him come out early."

Wesker said: "We also have several clones of the Motherland, each of them is several times stronger than the Motherland, and they can completely resist it."

"It's useless to be a hundred times stronger, we want five or five, don't let them lose confidence in victory until I return, in case they jump off the wall and blow up the earth."

Meanwhile, another universe on Earth.

Supermaster had already gathered his manpower, and the Nighthawk glanced at the personnel participating in the battle and said: "You can't transfer all the elites, that person took my phase shifter."

Supermaster looked at the Nighthawk impatiently and said, "Are you afraid that he will come and destroy this place?" Don't forget that it's something you made, and you promised that no one but us could use it. The

Nighthawk responded flatly: "According to the Super Queen, that person is called Bruce Lee, and he is the same as me and Batman.

"Although the probability is very small, if he really cracks it, then when we invade each other again, we may also be invaded."

Supermaster walked to the Nighthawk with angry eyes, but the powerful sense of oppression did not make the Nighthawk take half a step back, or even make the Nighthawk's heart beat a little faster.

The two looked at each other closely, and Supermaster stretched out his hand and slowly put it on the shoulder of the night lord: "Are you too conceited?" You know, when I pinch Batman to death in other universes, it's like pinching an ant to death. "

None of the Batman you meet has superpowers, although the Superqueen doesn't say anything about his detailed strength... But according to what I told him, his speed was faster than my godspeed of 50% power.

"And he can reach such a speed without the help of any external force, his own strength alone, but according to my calculations."

"If you can reach this speed without using divine speed, his physical fitness can even threaten you."

"Besides... We need someone strong enough to watch over that Kryptonian woman. "

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