The cold wind blows... In a snow-white world, Kara was stunned for a second.

"I... Are we going to heaven?

Li Ang looked at the phase shifter in his hand and said, "He just changed the destination to random, and it can't override my phaser function."

After that, Li Angha took a breath and raised his head to look at the dark sky.

"There is no sun..."

Kara immediately flew high in the air to take a look, and then immediately fell back to the ground: "It seems that we are no longer in the solar system, and the whole planet is moving at a steady speed."

"Could it be that this is a wandering universe?"

Leon pulled Arnold's finger off and turned it into a data cable to connect to the phaser.

Kara also asked, "Can we go back?"

"If you're lucky, you can go back again..."

"You may never find your way back for the rest of your life, or accidentally go to some super dangerous multiverse and be killed by mistake."

Li Ang asked his father to try there to see if he could repair the information, and calculate according to the original route to find a way back.

Now that the syndicate's mission is not over, the profiteer can't open that damn door during the mission period and let him go straight back.

Ten minutes later, Kara sat on the ground and said, "Bruce, or let's try another Earth, I see your body temperature start to drop." Since

there is no sun here, Kara has no source of energy, and although she has a lot of energy reserves, it makes her feel insecure.

(Profiteers, profiteers!) Come out! 【

Ding~ Your location at this time is not in the service area, please complete the current task before calling.

Li Ang cursed secretly in his heart, and then took the phaser from his father's hand.

"Let's get ready for battle first, I don't know where the next universe will go, after each phase shift, you need to cool down for a minute."

Anyway, it's all waiting, why not find a universe that makes you comfortable, and look for it while vacationing.

After pressing the phase shifter again, the three disappeared in an instant....

The scene in front of Leon and Carla changed to the streets of a city in the United States.

There was a sound of glass shattering in the sky, and Li Ang and Kara looked up and saw a strong man breaking the glass and falling down from the tall building.

But neither of them nor Arno meant to save people, but subconsciously took a few steps back to avoid blood splashing on their faces.


After the strong man fell to the ground, Li Ang looked at the man's face, and the yellow smiley badge that fell from the side frowned.

Carla looked at Li Ang's reaction and asked, "Do you know?"

"Laughter... Watchman's universe, get ready to run, otherwise I don't know if there is a chance to run when that guy comes out.

Leon withdrew Arno into his space belt, took Carla's hand and prepared to start.

But the next moment, there was a voice behind him that made Li Ang's hair stand on end.

"Actually, I already knew it when you came in."

Carla and Leon turned their heads and saw a naked man with a blue glow looking at them.

He greeted the two with a smile: "Hello, Leon, Carla..." At

this time, the phaser in Leon's hand had stopped working, and he knew that all this was caused by the Smurfs in front of him.

After coming here, can you go with the other party's consent.

Kara looked at the other and said, "You... Know us?

"Of course, but I only learned about it when you entered this universe."

Li Ang was ready to transform at any time and take out the Yan Demon Knife: "Then how much do you know?"

Dr. Manhattan thought for a moment and shrugged, "Past, present, future... But I see a lot of possibilities for this future.

"The established future of others does not seem to work for you, and the fate of the world cannot be fulfilled in you."

Li Ang looked at the other party seriously and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"I love that unknown fate in you, I used to think that Superman is the center of the world, and the whole universe changes around him."

"But now it seems that in another part of the universe, the world changes around you, and where you set foot in it, the fate of that universe will change with it."

At this time, there was a siren not far away, and Dr. Manhattan glanced sideways and said, "If it's convenient, I want to talk to you guys, change places..." He didn't

wait for the two to agree, and directly waved his hand to teleport the two to an underground base.

Li Ang looked at Manhattan and said, "If you feel that invincibility is also a kind of loneliness, maybe I can change you back to the way you were." Manhattan

laughed, "Use the Yan Demon Knife?" It can only separate, it can't really kill me, it will only make me into two beings, an original human being, and an emotionless god..."

"Without the suppression of human nature, the divine side in my body will no longer have any scruples about doing anything."

Li Ang stared at him coldly and said, "Do you really think I can't clean you up?" Don't force me to shake people..." In

Leon's cognition, profiteers should not be weaker than Manhattan, but if he can't persuade profiteers to define Manhattan as a commodity, he won't make a move.

Dr. Manhattan was silent for a second before looking at Li Ang and said, "You do have the ability to threaten me, but I am not here to take revenge with you."

"So what the hell do you want to do?"

"I can help you find the location of your universe, but in exchange please take me with you."

Manhattan said this to prove that he could not get there on his own.

After all, Manhattan's level of power is too high, which may cause the upper limit of the entire universe to be raised to unimaginable levels in an instant.

At that time, some OAA, God, and giant beasts may pop up.

It is normal that this existence will be excluded by the system.

However, his behavior also proves that the strongest creature in Leon's universe is not close to the level of Manhattan.

Leon stared at Dr. Manhattan and said, "You should know my answer, even so, do you want to take a back seat?"

"Yes, if you reject me, I will propose another deal with you."

"If you have trouble, I can help you solve it, but only once."

"From now on, I will not make any impact on your universe, just observe silently."

After seeing Li Ang's hesitation, Dr. Manhattan also smiled: "That's why I like the unknown, because even I, when it comes to the choice of such a momentous moment, I can't accurately see the future."

Then Li Ang said: "Unlimited times, if I encounter any trouble, as long as I call you, you will come and help me solve it, and if you promise, after you sign a contract with me, I will take you with me." "

The best way to control Dr. Manhattan is not to look for ways to deal with him in the DC worldview.

Jump directly out of DC, find a profiteer to exchange a Mephisto contract or the like, and sign an agreement with Dr. Manhattan.

Use the sword of Marvel to chop the official of DC, this Ganges.

Although Manhattan didn't know what the practical significance of signing a contract was, he still directly said what he thought.

"I'm not afraid of working for people, but I don't want to see everything dominated by personal will, so I lose the joy of free development."

Li Ang looked at him with disdain: "You don't seem qualified to say this..."

Dr. Manhattan was slightly stunned and smiled: "You seem to know me better than me, and some of your memories cannot be spied on even by me." "

Manhattan did everything on his own whim, and he took D.C.'s ten years on a whim to see what would happen.

This led to the birth of the new 52 universe, but as the DC universe continues to expand, the multiverse timeline of the new 52 is only classified as a parallel universe of a larger multiverse.

In the new 52, both Superman and Batman debut earlier than originally set.

Then Manhattan killed all the people who knew his plan, and it can be said that this guy basically plays as much as he wants, and does not care about anyone's life or death at all.

So as long as Manhattan is not willing to reach an agreement, or bargain, then Leon will never let him touch his own universe.

After the two sides stalemated for a while, Manhattan looked at Leon and asked, "Aren't you going to back down?"


this, Dr. Manhattan turned around and said, "As you wish, my universe will not reject guests, you can stay as long as you want, but the premise is to be honest, and when you figure it out, just call me by my name."

After Dr. Manhattan finished speaking, he turned into a cloud of light and disappeared, and then left a few pieces of gold where he disappeared.

Kara stepped forward and picked up the gold bricks and said, "What does he mean by that?"

Li Ang checked the phaser and said, "It means that we have offended the abbot, don't think about leaving." "

He broke the phaser and wanted to put us under house arrest in this universe..."

(Damn blue bald donkey, I'll just open the door when I'm done!) )

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