The last artifact in Devil May Cry, Li Ang thought for a while.

After seeing that Li Ang was undecided, the profiteer smiled and said: "Do you want to try Pandora, after you have it, you can play 666 long-range weapon tricks."

Li Ang lifted the suitcase with one finger and asked, "Can it be turned into a Star Destroyer weapon?" "

If you have enough magic power... OK.

"So can it turn into a Gundam?"

"It's no problem to become a Pioneer Titan... The Gundam is too big.

Li Ang looked at the profiteer with disdain: "I thought there was nothing in this world that you couldn't do..." Then

Li Ang put his hand into the ball of light, and then took out a pale yellow cowboy hat.

I saw that the cowboy hat instantly turned black, and after Li Ang put it on the top of his head, a black and red scarf made of magic appeared.

This is Faust's hat, although it is not very powerful, but handsome and troublesome is a lifetime thing.

In that moment of life and death, Dante put on this hat and did not forget to dance a raucous embarrassing dance.

The profiteer looked at Li Ang and asked, "Don't you jump to show me."

"Do you think I'm really a pizza hunter?" In other words, what special abilities does this hat have besides being handsome? "

You dare to exchange it without even knowing?"

Li Ang shrugged and said, "This ball of light has no room for me to improve, at most I just take some toys." The

profiteer reluctantly explained, "Okay... I've made some improvements to it, so that after fighting and killing targets with it, it automatically collects the energy on the opponent and converts it into yours.

"In addition to this, it increases the maximum power of your mana attack, and I have also made special changes to that mana scarf."

"It helps you automatically block a partial attack, then absorb some of your own energy attacks, and if you continue to inject mana, it can also improve its defense."

Hearing this, Leon took off Faust's hat: "Automatic resistance? Do I have the freedom to do it and need it to automatically help me resist? "

Freedom is not omnipotent, you should know this better than me."

Leon put the Faust's hat into the space belt, and then took out three more tokens... Two Super Tokens and one Limited Token.

Super Tokens can replace any sub-epic quality token, as well as limited tokens, but limited tokens can only draw limited types of items.

The exchange content of limited tokens is updated every day, and Li Ang is watching what good items can be exchanged almost every day.

Once before, Li Ang almost exchanged it when he brushed the superpower class, but he still held back, after all, superpowers and the like are not very compatible with himself.

"First help me see what items can be exchanged today."

The profiteer conjured up a list out of thin air and said, "Let me see... Today's is a mythological class, do you want to redeem it? The last time you were a mythical token, you won a lot of good stuff.

Li Ang touched his chin and muttered, "What can a legendary level mythical class have?" Can you give me a template for God. The

profiteer leaned over his head and quietly said to Li Ang: "To give you spoilers, the legendary mythology class has added the 'Genesis Power' and Saint Killer templates today, do you want to try it?" "

The power of Genesis, which is a supreme power, has the ability to follow your word, no matter who the other person is, no matter how outrageous your words are.

It can bring it to life, even if you're an angel, a demon, and a god.

As for the Saint Killer template, super strength and super speed, as well as the immortal body, the most terrifying thing is its two guns....

These two guns have unlimited bullets and unlimited range, even if they shoot at the ground across the earth, they can kill targets on the other side of the world.

Once shot, it will definitely hit the target, and the target after hitting will definitely die, even God.

Unless someone jumps out and blocks bullets on the target.

If he could attach that effect to ebony and white ivory, the absolute rate of fire combined with the absolute lethality, with these two powers, Li Ang felt that he could even compete with profiteers.

If it is really useful, then kill the profiteer together, and then snatch all his goods, and then turn on the lottery machine to see what is inside.

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Ang's mouth had unconsciously turned up.

The profiteer saw Li Ang's careful thinking and said, "If you can really draw the power of Genesis and the template of the Saint Killer, maybe it can really work for me."

"I'll be able to retire then."

"Well, if you voluntarily retire one day, maybe we can sit down and have two drinks, and then let me see your true face."

The profiteer put his hands on the counter, and then his British accent suddenly changed to fluent Mandarin: "You want to see my true face?"

Li Ang frowned and stared at the profiteer: "Should you be

..." "No, of course it's not what you think, you're you, I'm me, but what you guessed is not completely wrong, anyway, when I retire, or when you die one day and can't read the file

..." "I'll let you see..." "

Now let's decide whether to draw or not."

Leon put the three tokens into the coin box, and then rolled out the second legendary quality prize.

After opening it, Li Ang looked like he had lost a lot of money after hearing the sound of the system: "Are you sure this thing is a legendary quality?" The

profiteer explained: "This is a gift package, and the accompanying equipment is full level, this is an absolute god-killing weapon, which can cause additional damage to all ghosts, gods, and demon races in the world."

"After absorbing this template, you will also awaken additional abilities when facing enemies such as ghosts and gods, but its power may affect your mood and make you belligerent and murderous again... And violent.

Li Ang put away the template ball of light and said, "Then use this template later, first look at the weapons and equipment attached to it."

Li Ang was about to pick up two knives when the profiteer suddenly said: "Be careful, once you pick it up, it will automatically bind, no one in this world can use this pair of weapons except you, he will leave a permanent mark on your body and soul."

"Sounds like a curse... Can I return it?

"No, and it's not a curse, it's at most... A sense of ritual. "

Can you help me cancel this damn ritual?"

"Of course."

Li Ang did not touch the two knives, and then loaded the other equipment attached to the gift bag with him.

When he was holding the last big sword, the sword body smiled and said to Li Ang: "Brother, this sword can only be used when you crush that template, and its power will definitely not be under the Yan Demon Dao."

"Now it's enough for me to have Sparta and Rebel."

The profiteer nodded and smiled: "I understand, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, right?" After

Li Ang drew the two grand prizes, the frozen time of everyone was also restored.

After everyone upgraded their weapons with the remaining points, this time the strengthening was also over.

12 November 2000 ....

Media around the world are reporting the emergence of mysterious continents, and with the emergence of mysterious continents, the size of the earth is slowly getting bigger.

Of course, most people are unaware of this change.

The Hawaiian Islands, which are close to the mysterious continent, have almost been submerged by the sea, and although they float up again, there are almost no living land creatures on the Hawaiian Islands.

In addition, all forces tried to land on that continent, but no matter how powerful the army went, the navy and air force would never return.

A U.S. fleet hundreds of nautical miles away even fired a missile towards the huge golden tree to test it, only to be blocked by an energy barrier.

After provoking that demon, a large number of monsters suddenly appeared in the sea near the naval fleet, destroying the entire fleet.

Junction, under the World Tree....

The tentacles on the ten-meter-tall demon are connected to the roots of the World Tree.

It looked up at the World Tree and muttered, "Pangu has been absorbing this power, and when the Demon Fruit is ripe, I will become the king of this universe." Then

the demon raised his hand and placed it on the golden world tree, and the next moment... The golden sky giant tree instantly turned gray and white.

Those golden apples on the tree quickly withered and fell to the ground, leaving only one... Apples as bright red as blood still hang on it.

And the whole earth also shook, and many gray-white giant trees grew in the world's most populous places almost instantly.

Japan, India, Morocco, etc... There are nine in total, and although those giant trees are not as tall as the World Tree, their size is also very shocking.

These are not the new World Trees, they are just branches of the Devil Manipulating the World Tree to regrow, and even a part of the World Tree that everyone sees now is only a part of it.

The whole world is irretrievably moving towards chaos, and many demons have appeared all over the world, all in different forms, but with only one purpose... Homicide.

Use human blood and soul to nourish the World Tree.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the New York building, Ida looked at the chaotic Times Square and said, "What the hell did you do... Leon. Ida

had felt that Li Ang had become extremely weak, and just when she was about to use the Flying Thunder God to go to Li Ang's side, she suddenly felt that Li Ang's strength became stronger again.

But his energy signal is scattered... Although the latter two signals merged into one again, the most powerful energy signal felt very evil.

She wanted to go to the junction to investigate, but was stopped by Li Ang telepathy.

She guessed that all this chaos must have been caused by that evil force, and that force was still getting stronger, stronger day by day.

Now all that everyone can do is wait....

Li Ang knew how many people he had indirectly killed by his actions, and he also knew that if he allowed that demon to continue, more people would die.

But ever since he connected to the supercomputer, he knew in his heart that humans were just consumables.

As long as it is not extinct, he will basically not stop it.

According to his calculations, the fruit of the devil would ripen thoroughly before the extinction of mankind, and it would be able to merge after he ate it.

At that time, you can not only become stronger, but also be the savior of mankind by the way.

This is the script that Leon planned... Heartless and cruel, built on countless corpses, only Ares is behind it.

Everyone saw that it was Ares who released the demon.

But he didn't know that Leon was deliberately stabbed by Ares... Otherwise, how could he have separated those weaknesses and characters so accurately.

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