And seeing that the vampire was ready to fly out, Tong Zheng was not worried at all.

Although his thunder and lightning power was great, even the enchantment of the master ancestor was scrapped.

But if the master is still on the side, this enchantment can be extended, and the vampire can fly out of the church, and it can't fly out of the larger enchantment outside.

Tong Zheng held the Heavenly Thunder Hammer and the Purple Electric Cone and walked towards the priest who had fallen off the vampire's back.

Good guy, he still wants to fly away with the help of vampires, and he plays well with wishful thinking.


It didn't work.

When the priest saw Tong Zheng walking towards him, he broke out in a cold sweat of fear.

"You can't kill me, I've already spread the news, if you kill me, the people of the Holy See will come and they won't let you go, the provincial church has a high priest, they won't let you go." The priest was incoherent and tried to threaten Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng didn't seem to hear it.

Holding the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, he moved to the priest, and the Heavenly Thunder Hammer raised and slammed it on the priest's shoulder.

The priest's shoulder was smashed into a depression, the ribs of the entire chest cavity were all broken, and the priest's whole person was instantly smashed to his knees.


priest's face twisted in pain, and it was extremely painful.

"I'm here today waiting for your High Priest to come over. Tong Zheng sneered.

"And now, you give me death first!" Tong Zheng drank coldly.

Then, he directly picked up the Heavenly Thunder Hammer and smashed it directly on the priest's head.

A hammer directly smashed the priest's head into the stomach, and the entire chest turned into a meatloaf, killing him on the spot.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a priest with seven hundred years of skill, obtaining 7,000 energy points and 70 merit points]

Only seven hundred years of power.

Sure enough, it's a rookie.

Tong Zheng got up and flew outside the church, looking at the vampire in the air.

The vampire was outside, cursing in anger.

He had just seen that the enchantment inside the church had been broken, and he flew out by luck.

Who knows.

There was also a larger enchantment outside that was waiting for him.

Abominable, there is no escape.

Now, seeing that Tong Zheng had solved the priest, he flew out.

The vampire's heart was full of bitterness.

He regretted that he followed these priests to the East.


"Is there anything you want to say before I overdo you?" asked Tong Zheng, looking ahead of the vampire.

"Can I be your licking dog?" the vampire revealed a flattering look.

The vampire said aggrievedly: "I was captured by these priests, I have not sucked human blood."

The vampire looked at Tong Zheng and said, "As long as you don't destroy me, from today onwards, I will be your licking dog!"

You are a vampire, where did you come from so many scenes

! You haven't sucked human blood, who are you deceiving

you! Vampires don't suck blood, are you particularly vegetarian!

Tong Zheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, the purple electric cone was facing him, and the heavenly thunder hammer in his hand slammed on the purple electric cone, and suddenly a lightning bolt cut through the night sky and bombarded the vampire's body.

The terrifying thunder and lightning, so electric that this vampire, twitched in the air, and smoke rose straight from his body.

The paralysis and penetration properties of the purple electric cone are triggered, and the vampire's body is pierced by lightning and falls from the air.

Like a dead dog, smashed to the ground.

Tong is falling from the air and standing beside the vampire.

"I don't need to lick the dog. Tong Zheng said lightly.

Vampire: "!!"

Tong was holding the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, and suddenly hammered and hammered, violently bombarding down.

The terrifying power carried thunder and lightning, directly bombarding the vampire, and the ground shook.

On the Sky Thunder Hammer, the thunderstorm attribute is triggered.

The thunderstorm exploded, and the terrifying lightning energy destroyed the life in the vampire's body, smashing the vampire into meatloaf, head, body, and all smashed.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost that has been practicing for nine hundred years, get 9,000 energy points, 90 merit points]

There is still no level prompt sounding.

Tong Zheng opened the properties panel to see how many energy points were still missing from the next level.

Attribute panel

: Host: Tong Zheng

] [Level: 76 (41000/21000)] [Skill: 4100 years

] [Merit Point: 2900] [

Mastering skills:

"Body Fixing Spell" (Dacheng+), "Talisman God Pattern", "Bagua Dao Method" (Dacheng+), "Five Thunder Spells" (Dacheng+), "Five Thunder Jade Book" (Xiaocheng+), "Shangqing Great Cave Thunder Method" (Xiaocheng+), " Imperial Qi Technique (Daisei+

)] [Has magic weapons: Devil Slaying Daguan Dao (3rd order), Heavenly Thunder Hammer (3rd order), Purple Electric Cone (3rd order)]

is good.

Although he did not break through to level 77, he also accumulated a lot of energy points.

The further back the level, the more difficult it is to move up.

Now to upgrade one level, it takes more than 40,000 energy points, and you have to kill a lot of ghosts to accumulate it.

But the good thing.

Although his skill cannot be improved, he has accumulated a lot of merit points.

Tong is preparing to spend merit points first to increase points and improve a wave of other means.

For example, the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao, his favorite weapon all time, it is time to upgrade to the fourth level.

There are also the Bagua Dao Method and the Five Thunder Mantra, which should also be upgraded to perfection.

Otherwise, the power will be a little unable to keep up.

"System, spend nine hundred merit points, plus the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao. "Tong Zhengdao.

"Okay. The system replied.

Then, in Tong Zheng's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 900 merit points, increase the level of the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife to the fourth order, increase the attack power of the attribute armor-breaking knife light by ten times, increase the power of the Demon Destroying God Flame by ten times, obtain new attributes, Boundary Breaking Knife]

The prompt sound ends.

The Devil Slaying Daguan Knife was wrapped in endless runes, the light bloomed, the power of armor breaking increased, and at the same time a new Demon Fire Spell was differentiated, and purple-gold flames burned on the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and the quality of the Demon Killing God Flame was improved.

And in the purple-gold Demon Destroying God Flame, one after another boundary-breaking power is mixed in, which is a new attribute of the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao, the Boundary-Breaking Knife.

This boundary-breaking power is not an ordinary power, if Tong Zheng is trapped by a Heavenly Master whose strength is stronger than him, or a stronger existence casting the enchantment.

You can use the boundary-breaking knife attribute of this Demon Slashing Daguan Dao to break a part of the enchantment and let him escape.

Definitely a good attribute for escape.

"Not bad, the ability to upgrade to the fourth level has given me more hole cards. Tong Zheng said secretly in his heart.

Now that he has broken through to the Earth Master, he already knows the horror of this realm, and has obtained the recognition of heaven and earth, and can communicate the power of heaven and earth to form an enchantment, easily trapping people.

That stronger Heavenly Master realm powerhouse.

If he came to capture him personally, an enchantment could make him unable to escape the palm of his hand.

It can be said.

This boundary-breaking knife attribute gave him another life-saving hole card.

Continue krypton gold.

"System, spend another 1,000 merit points respectively to upgrade the Bagua Dao Method and the Five Thunder Mantra to perfection. Tong Zheng continued.

There are just two thousand merit points left, so let's raise these two methods to perfection.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 1000 merit points, increase the proficiency of the Bagua Dao method to perfection] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 1000 merit points, and increase the proficiency of the five thunder spells

to perfection]

The two methods are promoted to perfection.

Coupled with the Demon Slaying Daguan Dao upgraded to the fourth order, as well as the Body-Fixing Spell and the Imperial Qi Technique, Tong Zheng suddenly felt.

He did it again.

With these means in hand, Tong Zheng is sure that with 4,100 years of skill, he will fight against the earth master below 4,500 years of skill.


The Sancai Taoist came to him and said, "Let's leave quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the supernatural situation or Christianity and those who are of the Taoist system will come."

"Hmm. Tong Zheng nodded.


Tong Zheng said, "Wait a minute." When

the Sancai Daoist heard this, he wondered, "Is there anything else?"

Instead, he took out the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and wrote a sentence underground: "Murderers, Voodoo Daoists." "

After writing.

Tong Zheng nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, you can go now." "

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