Tong Zheng took out the Devil Slaying Daguan knife, and suddenly slashed towards the roof, and the dazzling knife light penetrated the space, from the bottom up, illuminating the night, and beheaded on the cross of Jesus.

With a loud bang, the sword light blew the entire cross apart and fell from the roof.

Several missionaries in the church heard the movement and hurried out of the church.

I saw Tong Zheng holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and the three talented Daoists, standing in front of the church with great momentum!

Looking at the Holy Cross that fell to the ground, and the knife qi that was still surrounding Tong Zheng's knife.

His eyes became cold.

These Chinese people, have they come to attack the church!

They are ostracized by the Chinese everywhere, which is the lowly Chinese people, the sick man of East Asia.

Dare to openly resist them.

If it weren't for the order of the headquarters church to keep a low profile for a while, they would have released vampires and given these Huaxia people some power.


Unexpectedly, their low-key permissiveness actually made these people in Huaxia more and more intense, and dared to openly destroy their holy cross.


Do you want to die?" The leading missionary roared.

"No, you want to die!" replied Tong Zheng.

Then, without hesitation, on the Devil Slaying Daguan knife, the light lit up, and suddenly slashed out horizontally, directly decapitating the missionary in front of him!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 500 years of skill, gaining 5,000 energy points and 50 merit points]

Listen to the prompt sound in your mind.

Tong Zheng couldn't help but sigh that it was worthy of being a provincial church.

The skill of missionaries is one level higher than that of small cities.

A few missionaries in the rear were directly frightened.

They didn't expect that Tong Zheng was so direct that he would cut people when he came up.

Without hesitation.


Tong Zheng's burst of breath was not something they could afford to provoke at a glance.

No way.

It's a good idea to slip away.

People of this level came to the door, and only the few remaining priests of the church could deal with it.

But Tong Zheng, how could he give them a chance to escape.


Provincial churches, don't think about living.

Tong Zheng slashed the Demon Daguan Daguan Knife and swung it, and a terrifying knife qi covered the remaining three.

The three were directly strangled, and the corpses were burned by the Demon Exterminator Flame.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 500 years of skill, gaining 5000 energy points and 50 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 300 years of skill, gaining 3000 energy points, 30 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 500 years of skill, obtaining 5000 energy

points, 50 merit points]

【 Ding, congratulations to the host, the level has been raised to level 82]

When I just killed the four High Priests, I only upgraded two levels, accumulated some energy points, and now I haven't killed a few missionaries.

So he upgraded again.

Not bad.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Knife and stepped into the first church.

In the first church.

There were still a dozen missionaries left, along with a priest who presided over the ceremony.

"Who are you who dare to break into the Holy Land of the Church with a murder weapon!" the priest said angrily: "Kill the believers of the Lord, you will go to hell."

"That's a lot. The Sancai Daoist suddenly stepped forward and cut off his legs with an axe.

Then, he looked at Tong Zheng and said, "You solve him."

"Yes, Master. Tong Zheng said with a smile.

It seems that Shizu is also a person who does not say much ruthlessly!

He raised his devil-slaying knife and suddenly cut off the head of the priest on the ground.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a priest with a thousand years of power, gaining 10,000 energy points and 100 merit points]

"Godfather. One by one, the missionaries were shocked.

Looking at Tong Zheng, the two said angrily: "Everyone released the devil and killed these two rampant Huaxia people." "

And then.

One by one, the missionaries around opened the powerful ghosts they usually raised seals to deal with Tong Zheng.

Just in time.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and looked at a dozen ghosts and angry missionaries in front of him.

The power was running, the terrifying qi and yang qi on the body were intertwined, and the dark red demon rune on the knife lit up, and suddenly slashed out.

Behead the missionaries in front and the ghosts they have released.

Terrifying Zhen Demon Dao Qi.

Directly covered the entire church, all the missionaries with their ghosts, these missionaries with their ghosts, were strangled with a knife, and the ghosts were scattered on the spot.

The corpse of the missionary was also covered in the flame of the Demon Exterminator and burned to ashes.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with 800 years of Daoism, gain 8000 energy points, 80 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 600 years of skill, get 6000 energy points, 60 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with 700 years of Dao, get 7000 energy points, 70 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with 700 years of Dao, get 7000 energy

points, 70 merit points]


Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 700 years of skill, gaining 7,000 energy points and 70 merit points....

[Ding, congratulations to the host, level raised to level 83] [Ding, congratulations to the host, level raised to level 84]

More than twenty prompts sounded in a row.

Killing more than a dozen ghosts with a knife who had practiced between six hundred and eight hundred years, and a missionary with a skill of six or seven hundred years, made Tong Zheng's level directly increase by two levels, reaching level 84.

The first church, cleaned up.

Go on.

The next church.

The second church is the Basilica of St. Louis.

Just after coming out of the first church, Tong Zheng saw it.

In the second church, missionaries have already arrived here.

Fang Cai's movement was too great.

The people in the second church, seeing the dozen missionaries of the first church and the ghosts they raised, were all destroyed.

Endless shock looked at Tong Zheng.

This man

, too, was too fierce,

and killed so many of their missionaries and devils with one sword.

How the is this fighting!

Fast tactical retreat.

Don't go up and send it first, and then group when there are more people.

"You hold him back for a moment, and I'll go inform the high priests in the cathedral. The priest of the second church spoke.

Finish speaking.

He slipped straight away.

The missionaries who left the Second Church to deal with Tong Zheng.

The rest of the missionaries were all dumbfounded.

Block for a moment, you say it easily, you go to block it.

Everyone looked at Tong Zheng in fear.

Do not dare to step forward.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw the power of Tong Zheng's sword.

Dare to step forward to block, is to hit a stone with a pebble.

The missionaries released their own ghosts, but instead of letting the ghosts attack Tong Zheng, they let the ghosts block them.

They began to retreat.

Retreat into the depths of the church.

Now they can only deal with Tong Zheng if the priest informs the High Priests that the High Priests come out with vampires!

Tong is the Eastern Mage, although the cultivation is high, vampires are not afraid of charms, Tong Zheng must not be able to take vampires.

Tong Zheng knew what they thought.

It is estimated to die laughing.

Which of your eyes saw me use a spell.

Lao Tzu is a physics superlative.

Tong Zheng looked at everyone, standing a little scattered, chopping one by one, if he couldn't quickly hack to death, it was estimated that there would be fish that slipped through the net.


That can only be magnified, and it is best to kill all of them in one move.

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