After the light of the sword,

the ground exploded, and the muddy aisle of the church was directly cut out of a ravine, and the chaotic stones and dirt flew around, and the priest and the ghost general were strangled by the sword light on the spot, and they would never be born.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general who has been practicing for 1,100 years, get 11,000 energy points, 110 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a priest with 1,100 years of skill, get 11,000 energy points, 110 merit points] [Ding

, congratulations

to the host, the level has been raised to level 87]

There are still three levels left, and you can reach the ninety level mark!

Ahead, the vampire raised by the priest who had just been killed by Tong Zheng flew over.

Tong Zheng raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife, took a good position, and slashed out with a sword.


He's just a ruthless output machine.

Seeing Tong Zheng holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife with both hands, he directly slashed at him.

The vampire flying over was shocked.


Chinese people don't talk about martial virtue


The vampire was split in half by a knife, and the body was burned to ashes by the Demon Exterminator Flame.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a vampire who has been practicing for 1,100 years, get 11,000 energy points, 110 merit points]

This vampire is also a 1,100 years of practice, which is not bad.

Keep moving.

Tong Zheng and the three talented Daoists continued to step forward.

Soon we came to the third church.

At this time.

In the church, the remaining missionaries and their ghosts, as well as vampires, have been assembled.

Waiting for Tong Zheng and the two.

In the third church, a priest exists.

"If you do this, you will not be afraid of triggering a big war between the Chinese and Western monk worlds. The priest spoke, and said in an icy voice.

"Cause a big war?" the Sancai Daoist spoke, "You take you too seriously, and killing you people is not enough to start a big war."

"Moreover, our Eastern Taoist system did not go to your Western preaching." The Sancai Daoist snorted coldly.

The meaning of the words is overflowing.


The Chinese Taoist system is the most national Taoist system.

Only preach in the territory of China, only accept Chinese people.

Shushan, Kunlun, Emei these Taoists, whichever one comes out, all beat Christianity.

But they never go to other countries as missionaries.

Only the Chinese people are qualified to inherit what our ancestors left behind.

A pot does not shake, half a pot jingles.

Only a garbage sect like Christianity, which harms people by brainwashing and ignoring all living beings, will spread their teachings all over the world and fool people into believing in the so-called God.

The priest was speechless by the words, but still stubbornly said: "You Chinese people are willing to believe in our Lord, which means that our Lord is higher than your so-called Tao." When

Tong Zheng heard this, his killing intent boiled.

Holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife in both hands, his power operated, as if he had transformed into a world-killing god.

As far as you dare to speak.

Tao, above all else.

Some brain-dead people in China will believe in Christianity.

If Christianity has the ability, it still needs to fool people, and it also needs to raise vampires, and raise ghosts to harm people.

Christianity accepts everyone, everyone receives, as long as you believe in him, you are their so-called Lord's child, it doesn't matter if you commit heinous crimes, the Lord will forgive you.

It's like the bullshit of the Buddha family, put down the butcher knife and stand on the ground to become a Buddha.

If a person commits evil and kills someone, if he only believes in God and Buddhism, he can become a Buddha.

No need to pursue it.

Taoism has very strict requirements for recruiting disciples, and those who are unfaithful and unfilial and those who are not righteous in their minds are not accepted.

The Japanese invaded Huaxia, and the Taoist priests went down the mountain to join the army, killing the enemy and serving the country.

Buddhist monks, closing the mountain gate, chose to escape from the world.

Wait until the Japanese invaders are defeated, and the world is peaceful.

The Taoist priests returned to the mountain to cultivate, and the Buddhist Taoist priests began to open the mountain gate and recruit believers.

That's why.

Taoism disdains to argue with Buddhism, Christianity and this garbage.

The three talented Taoists around Tong Zheng.

It was also the operation of the power, and the terrifying aura on his body appeared, and runes lingered around him.

On the giant axe of the three talented Daoists, the murderous aura roared.

"Dao, how can you speak in vain!" the Sancai Daoist snorted coldly, and suddenly slashed down with an axe, and

Tong Zheng also slashed at everyone in front of him.

The light of the sword and the light of the axe slashed down, and Tong Zheng's knife cast a complete Bagua knife technique, blocking the eight directions, priests and missionaries in front, and ghosts.

Directly killed one by one, the Demon Destroying God Flame burned to the point that it could never exceed life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a priest with two thousand years of skill, get 20,000 energy points, 200 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general who has been practicing for seven hundred years, get 7,000 energy points, 70 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a vampire who has been practicing for nine hundred years, get 9,000 energy

points, 90 merit points



[Ding, congratulations to the host, level raised to level 88] [Ding, congratulations to the host, level raised to level 89]

This move.

Tong Zheng and the three talents did not leave a hand.

A large part of the missionaries and ghost generals died at the hands of the three talents of the Daoist, causing Tong Zheng to lose a lot of energy points.

But that's okay.

Tong Zheng has also obtained a lot, and now the level has reached level 89, only one level away, and he can reach level ninety.

Tong Zheng and the two continued to walk forward.

Come to the fourth church.

It is also the last church in front of it.


The remaining high priest and several priests came out of it.


The positions are, missionary, priest, priest, high priest, bishop father, cardinal archmaster.

The whole church.

Just now, the four strongest high priests took four vampires to Liangang City, and now there are no powerful vampires in the church.

The dozen or so vampires left behind were also intercepted and killed on the way to intercept Tong Zheng and the Sancai Daoist just now.

The remaining high priest's voice was extremely cold: "I wait for today, sacrifice for the Lord and return to the Lord's embrace, I have already spread the news to the Imperial Capital General Church, you destroy my church, the arrival of the Imperial Capital's red-clothed Great Sect Master will definitely make you die a good death!"

It was the only master of the Heavenly Master realm sent by Christianity to Huaxia.

"Okay, I'm here tonight, waiting for your red-clothed sect leader to arrive. Tong Zheng said lightly: "Before this, let me send you back to the arms of your lord." The

Devil Slaying Daguan Knife in Tong Zheng's hand flashed with demonic light.

"High Priest, you escape, the four of us block him." A priest spoke.

"No need to be humble, none of you can escape. "Tong Zheng raised the Demon Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife and directly slashed it out, slashing at this priest.

The blood-red sword light slashed horizontally, and the speed was extremely fast.

Slashed on the priest's body, the terrifying sword light directly tore the priest apart, and the body was burned to ashes by the Demon Exterminator Flame.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a priest with two thousand years of Dao, gain 20,000 energy points, 200 merit points]

Looking at the other three priests and the high priest, Tong Zheng cast the spell.

Fix all four of them.

Then he raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and a gossip pattern appeared above his head, and suddenly slashed at the four people.

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