Tong Zheng looked at the enchantment shrouded outside the Christian headquarters in front of him, revealing disdain.

An enchantment of the consummation level of the Earth Master.

I also want to block him.

Pipe dream.

Tong Zheng held the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and one after another terrifying knife qi began to converge on his knife, and the Demon Destroying God Flame burned on the blade body.

Terrifying coercion covers all around.

People dare not look directly.

"Brother Tong Zheng, come on." Xiao Rou shouted, and at this time, Tong Zheng, who was holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan, raised his momentum to an unprecedented level.

It's so cool.

"Come on, big guy." Lin Jing'er also shouted with Xiao Rou.

"Come on male god." The female anchors present also began to shout for Tong Zheng.

They also broadcast live on their mobile phones.

Everyone's live broadcast room is very popular, and the number of people watching online and online has added up to tens of millions.

You can imagine the popularity of this live broadcast.

Christian headquarters.

The red-robed Great Sect Master at the Heavenly Master level and the four Earth Master-level Godfathers walked out with a large group of Christian High Priests and Priests, priests, etc.

Behind them.

There was also a group of vampires wearing red cloaks and dressed like a Western count, and there was a vampire, who had reached the level of a celestial master, a submarquis of the vampire family, who stood beside the red-clothed sect leader.

Tong Zheng, who looked at the air, showed a sneer.

With him and the red-clothed Great Sect Master present, the Christian headquarters is equivalent to having two Heavenly Master-level combat powers, how Tong Zheng is their opponent.


Their vampire family, in addition to one of his marquises, and four viscounts who have reached the level of earth masters, follow the four godfathers.

Beside the four godfathers, there are not only four viscounts of vampires at the level of the earth master, but also four demons at the level of the ghost king.

This Huaxia people who came to provoke will undoubtedly lose today.

The red-clothed sect leader and the others stood within the enchantment, looking at Tong Zheng in the air, full of fighting intent.

Today's battle not only represents their battle with this Chinese man, but also represents the battle between Western culture and Eastern culture.

and the struggle for hegemony between East and West.

If they lose, I am afraid that they will be directly expelled from China, and Christianity will not be able to preach in China in the future.

Huaxia has a large population and many brain damages, which is easy to fool them into believing in Christianity.

In the whole world, there is no place that can replace the market in Huaxia, and only in Huaxia can they obtain countless brainless believers.


In this battle, they can only win, not lose.

The red-robed Great Sect Master said to the vampire marquis who had reached the Heavenly Master level beside him: "Nicotine Marquis, do you think that this Huaxia person can destroy the enchantment we left behind with a few moves.

"At least ten moves, I think." Vampire Nicotine Marquis replied.

"Ten moves, you think too highly of that Huaxia person, I said that he can't destroy the enchantment with fifty moves." A godfather of the Earth Master level spoke.

"Don't take it lightly, this Huaxia person is not as weak as we think, without some strength, he can't come to challenge, specific moves, let's wait and see." Another Earth Master level godfather said.

Everyone looked at Tong Zheng, who was charging power in the air.

At this time, the Sancai Daoist had already retreated to the area of everyone in Maoshan, leaving the stage to Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng was suspended in the air, and now he had enough power, and suddenly slashed towards the enchantment, and the dazzling sword light penetrated the space, illuminating the night, and slashed at the enchantment of Christianity.

The moment the enchantment was struck by the sword light, it was directly shattered, and it did not play the slightest role.


Tong Zheng's sword light slashed at the cross of Jesus on the top of Christ Church.


With a loud bang, the light of the sword blew the entire cross apart and fell from the roof.

One knife.

Not only did it break the enchantment, but it also cut off the signboard of Christianity.

"Good!" In the rear square, Zhang Laodao roared, too domineering.

With one sword, it directly cut through the enchantment, and at the same time cut off the signboard of Christianity.

Tong Zheng's strength is much stronger than he thought, and I am afraid that among the Heavenly Masters, he is also a leader in existence.

In the square.

Kunlun's Nine Yang Heavenly Masters, as well as the Heavenly Masters of the Great Dao Sect, all looked at Tong Zheng in shock.

The strength that Tong Zheng displayed was far beyond their

imagination, and the complete enchantment of the Earth Master was cut open with a single sword.

No wonder Tong Zheng dared to directly challenge the Christian headquarters, it seems that he really has this strength.

Lin Jinger looked at Tong Zheng's gaze, full of little stars, big guys, really handsome.

It's so cool.

It is completely that she likes the type, meets all her standards, she must cultivate hard in the future, get the recognition of heaven and earth as soon as possible, and catch up with the footsteps of the big guy.

And quite shocked by the Chinese avenues, the Christian side is ugly.

The enchantment they were proud of was cut off by a single sword.

Moreover, even the holy cross representing holy Jesus above the church was also cut down by Tong Zheng, which is simply a naked insult.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, slowly landed on the ground, stood in front of the main church, and stepped on the Holy Cross that fell to the ground, and the knife was surrounded by the Zhen Demon Dao Qi.

Looking at the Christian people, his eyes were very disdainful.

"There is a problem with his knife, it seems to have some kind of enchantment-breaking attribute, and when the sword light touches the enchantment, the enchantment is automatically broken." The red-robed sect leader spoke.

"Not bad, just relying on a good weapon, this person is not much stronger." Vampire Nicotine Marquis replied.


Tong Zheng looked at the Christian crowd and said, "Whether you want to single out or fight in a group, I can, you want to go up one by one or together, I will take both!" "

It's too much of a deception." Seeing Tong Zheng stepping on their holy cross, an Earth Master-level godfather roared, "Ten Great Priests, go up!"

His voice just fell.

The ten high priests behind him carried crosses on their backs and slaughtered.

Ten people surrounded Tong Zheng.

The ten of them are all strong people with three thousand years of skill, but they have not been recognized by heaven and earth and preached the land immortals.

However, ten of them can use the Holy Light Technique, and the ten of them can cast the Holy Light Art together, even the Earth Master cannot stop them.

The ten of them can be regarded as the first wave of Christianity to fight against Tong Zheng.

It's a challenge after all.

It must be from weak to strong, otherwise it seems that they have no one in Christianity, and they will send the red-clothed sect leader from the beginning.

"Grandstanding!" Tong Zheng snorted coldly and looked at the ten people who surrounded him and began to cast the Holy Light Technique.

When the ten people performed the Holy Light Technique, behind them, white holy light rushed straight into the sky, merging into a holy cross in the sky, killing Tong Zheng!

Tong Zheng's power was running, the qi surrounded, the Bagua Dao method was cast, and on the slashing demon knife, the light of the Zhen Demon Rune lit up, and suddenly slashed out horizontally.

Slashed on the cross of holy light that killed him, directly cut off the cross of holy light, and the flame of the demon destroyer god stained the cross of holy light, burning it into nothingness.

Moreover, Tong Zheng's sword light kept on and directly slashed one of the ten high priests in front of him.

After the sword light, the high priest turned into two halves, and the Demon Exterminator flame stained his corpse, turning him into ashes.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a high priest with 3,000 years of skill, gaining 30,000 energy points and 300 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host,

the level has been raised to level 91]

Listen to the prompt sound in your mind.

Tong Zheng smiled and upgraded again, breaking through this imperial capital general church today, I don't know how many levels can be raised to the level.

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