
When Tong Zheng's Demon Slaying Knife slashed into the neck of the red-clothed Great Sect Leader, his holy clothes automatically burst out with divine light, protecting the red-clothed Great Sect Leader's neck.

Tong Zheng's sword only cut out the holy robe on the neck of the red-clothed Great Sect Leader, and a bloody cut on the neck of the red-clothed Great Sect Leader.

The red-clothed sect leader hurriedly ran the holy light to gather on his neck to stop the bleeding, and then distanced himself from Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng's attack power is too strong.

Coupled with the speed of Tong Zheng's attack, although he wearing the holy robe can block Tong Zheng's sword and kill, it is not a way to go on like this!

While the red-clothed sect leader was thinking.

Tong Zheng cast the Bagua Dao Technique again, and slashed at the neck of the red-clothed sect leader, and cut out another hole.


You still can't kill him with one cut.

This fourth-order holy robe is too strong in defense, and it can be repaired automatically.

He had just cut off the holy robe around his neck, and it was automatically repaired in the blink of an eye, so when will it destroy him?

This will.

The red-clothed sect leader had moved some distance away from him, and he was probably thinking of a way to deal with it.

He also had to find a way to break the holy robe of this red-robed Great Sect Leader.

Tong Zheng stopped and asked the system in his mind: "System, do you have any good ways to deal with the fourth-order holy robe on this red-robed Great Sect Leader." "

Yes." The system replied.

"What a way." Tong Zheng heard the system say that he had a suggestion, and he immediately became excited.

Sure enough, the system is awesome.

There is a way to do anything.

The system said: "For a thousand merit points, I can give your fourth-order Demon Slaying Daguan Dao to open a new attribute, the Breaking Saint Blade." "

At present, your Devil Slaying Daguan Dao is a fourth-order Zhen Magic Weapon, if you want to improve the rank, you have to spend three thousand merit points to add points, you don't have three thousand now, although our relationship is iron, but we can't give you credit." The system picks the way.


"However, you have more than a thousand merit points, I can choose another plan for you, spend a thousand merit points, give the Demon Slaying Great Pass Knife, open the Breaking Saint Blade attribute, this Breaking Saint Blade, can break all the defenses of the Holy Light, with the Breaking Saint Blade attribute blessing on the Demon Slaying Great Pass Knife, one slash to cut down this red-clothed Great Sect Leader, easily." The system explains.

"Okay, then give me the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife and open the Saint Breaking Blade attribute." Tong Zheng replied.

Seeing that Tong Zheng and the red-clothed sect leader both stopped, everyone present was a little puzzled.

What's going on.

As he fought, he actually stopped.

Seeing Tong Zheng holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife in both hands, his gaze stayed on the knife.

Zhang Laodao and the three talented Daoists in the rear, Niu Zhentian and the three showed their essence in their eyes.

If you think he is tired and resting, then you are very wrong.

Because at this time, he is probably hanging up!

Many of the anchors present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, were all puzzled.

The red-clothed sect leader in front saw that Tong Zheng suddenly stopped, did not move, and his face was full of question marks.

Why did this guy suddenly stop and stop chasing and cutting him!

And at the same time.

Tong Zheng's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 1000 merit points, open new attributes for the Demon Slaying Daguan Dao, and obtain the Holy Breaking Blade]

The prompt sound ends.

Looking at the blood-colored runes on the Demon Slaying Daguan Dao, a new rune was born, the Broken Saint Rune, and the Broken Saint Rune covered the blade, making the fluctuations of the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife several times stronger than before.

Tong Zheng knew that although the grade of this Demon Slaying Daguan Dao had not improved, it had more Saint Breaking Blade attributes, and the defense of the Holy Clothes was already a void in front of him.

Tong Zheng raised his head and looked at the red-clothed sect leader who was still looking puzzled in front of him, and his smile gradually changed!

Feeling that on Tong Zheng's Daguan Dao, the fluctuations emitted became more and more terrifying, and at the same time an inexplicable force was born, which made him very palpitated, and the red-clothed sect leader secretly said that it was broken.

What he cultivated was the divine power, the divine power could feel the power of the nemesis, and on Tong Zheng's sword, a power that could restrain his divine power was born at this time.

He hurriedly stepped back.

It's a pity it's late.

Tong Zheng jumped up with the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand, fell from the sky, and directly slashed at him.

The Bagua Dao Method was cast, blocking the surroundings, and at the same time, on the Devil Slashing Daguan Dao, the blade light of the attached Saint Breaking Blade directly slashed towards the red-clothed Great Sect Leader!

In the hands of the red-robed sect leader, there was no magic weapon that could resist, and his silver cross, just now, had been cut off.

Watching Tong Zheng's sword light get closer and closer.

The red-clothed sect leader felt an unprecedented terrifying attribute power from the sword light, which made him tremble from the bottom of his heart, if this knife was cut off, he would not be able to survive one hundred percent.

The red-clothed sect leader desperately retreated back, while desperately condensing the divine light in his body to form a shield to resist Tong Zheng's sword.


It was useless, Tong Zheng's dazzling sword light cut down.

Chopped on the shield condensed by the divine light of the red-clothed Great Sect Leader, cut the shield directly, and then cut off on his holy robe, the terrifying Saint Breaking Blade directly broke the red-clothed Great Sect Leader's holy robe like an ordinary piece of cloth.

When it matters.

The red-clothed sect leader chose to avoid important parts.

Let him be physical.

Most of them dodged this knife, and Tong Zheng's stab slashed at his waist, and blood flowed.

However, the red-clothed sect leader also did not die because he avoided important parts, but looked at Tong Zheng with great fear, struggling on the ground and fleeing into the distance.

The four earth master-level godfathers hurriedly stepped forward to protect him.

The vampire Nicotine Marquis also came to the front, blocking Tong Zheng's way.

Tong Zheng was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, when he reached the Heavenly Master cultivation, his vitality was so strong, he was cut off by a knife, and he was not dead.


The red-clothed Great Sect Master was using the Divine Light to repair his injuries, and it was estimated that as long as he picked up his severed lower body, it would not be long before he could connect it again.

Tong is landing.

He looked at the church and said, "You have lost." "

This sword, the red-clothed sect leader was cut off by the block, and lost his combat effectiveness, which means that Christianity no longer has the strength to compete with him.

He won.

"Since you lost, evacuate within three days." Tong Zheng's voice said indifferently.

This moment.

He has accomplished a goal, a goal he has set for himself.

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