Maoshan Zhong.

After the Sancai Daoist sent the battle letter to the General Bureau of the Imperial Capital Spiritual Bureau.

Tong Zheng then consulted with the three Heavenly Masters of Maoshan.

"Tomorrow, I can directly kill those high-ranking members of the Paranormal Bureau who participated in the assassination of me, what will be the problem?" Tong Zheng looked at the three Heavenly Masters and asked.

The relationship involved in the General Bureau of the Paranormal Bureau is relatively complicated.

Although Tong Zheng was not afraid, it was better to ask the opinions of several Heavenly Masters.

"Yes." Qing Void Heavenly Master said: "The people who directly participate in the pursuit of you can be killed directly, with your current identity, no one dares to say anything, but the rest of the people can be not involved."

Tong Zheng nodded.

That's what he thought, too.

There must be many people who know about this Dragon Tiger Mountain.

But he only kills those directly involved.

Right at this moment.

Several Maoshan disciples hurriedly came to the main hall and reported: "Several masters, it's not good, you guys come out and see, there is that vision in the sky again."

"What vision?" Wanfu Heavenly Master asked.

"Blood Moon reappears!" The disciple who came to report replied.

"Blood Moon reappears!" Hearing this, Jing Xu Heavenly Master, Clear Void Heavenly Master, and Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master all stood up directly.

Tong Zheng also frowned.

The blood moon has reappeared, is the degree of terror recovery intensified?

Tong Zheng's memory.

There is a record of the Blood Moon.

Three years ago, the first blood moon reappeared.

That was the beginning of a resurgence of terror.

The ghosts of the prefecture, the gods in the city god temple on earth, the land temple, and the mountain temple suddenly disappeared.

Ghosts began to appear all over the world.

The origin of the blood moon is very strange, and it seems to limit the immortals in the sky and the ghosts of the earth to come to the world.

Let ghosts from all over the world appear.


The Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was revived, and the concentration of Spiritual Qi increased dozens of times overnight.

Many awakened beings have appeared, and they can quickly improve their cultivation.

The second time the Blood Night appeared, it was two years ago, and the second time was more powerful than the first.

The degree of terrifying recovery intensified, and there were already ghost general-level ghosts who were revived one after another, and the concentration of spiritual energy increased dozens of times again, and more awakened people appeared, which could directly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice.

Now the third Blood Moon has appeared.

The level of terror resurgence will reach a terrifying level.

The world is estimated to be changing.

Tong Zheng, Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master, Clear Void Heavenly Master, and Jing Xu Heavenly Master walked out of the hall.

Come to the outside of the Maoshan Hall.

Look at a blood moon in the air.

At this time, many Dao Elders of Maoshan were also staring at this round of blood moon.

The Blood Moon appeared at the same time.

Everyone could clearly feel that the concentration of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi around them began to increase.

"I'm afraid catastrophe is coming." Qing Void Heavenly Master spoke, he was the strongest Heavenly Master in Maoshan.

From the beginning of this horrific recovery, he knew that this matter was not simple.

From the first appearance of the Blood Moon.

The ghosts of the prefecture suddenly couldn't come to the Yang Realm to detain their souls.

As a result, the ghosts in the Yang world were rampant, and if it weren't for the spiritual bureau and the suppression of the various avenues, the Yang World would have been in chaos.


The resurgence of terror has intensified, and I am afraid that something even more terrifying is coming.

Tong Zheng looked at Blood Moon thoughtfully.

What is the origin of this blood moon?

It can actually cut off the passage between the earth and the yang, so that the ghosts can't come up to the yang, and it can also make the gods in the sky not come to the realm, and manage the life and death of the world.

But whatever the reason.

It's right that he has steadily improved his strength.

In the next big change, it is the most stable to become stronger than its own strength.

He is only now a Heavenly Master cultivator, not even the Immortal Realm, the mastermind behind this terrifying recovery, but even the Immortal Buddha in the sky and the ten halls of the Earth Mansion Yan King dare to offend the existence.

In this change, it is estimated that it will play the role of a testing ground, and if you want to keep yourself and the people around you, you must constantly improve your strength.

"All Maoshan disciples, starting today, cultivate on Maoshan and hurry up to improve their strength to cope with this change." The Void Heavenly Master spoke.

"Yes, Master Ancestor." The Maoshan disciples present took orders one after another.

"Tomorrow, do you want us to go to Guiyun Mountain with you?" The Void Heavenly Master asked Tong Zhengdao.

"No thanks." Tong Zheng said, "I'll just let my master and uncle accompany me." "

Catastrophe is coming.

Let's stay in Maoshan to cope with the changes.


Tong Zheng and the three talented Daoists, Zhang Laodao, Xiaorou, and Lin Jing'er, rushed to Guiyun Mountain.

Originally, Tong Zheng was not prepared to take the two daughters with him.

But Lin Jinger said that she wanted to follow to help him, she had this heart, and Tong Zheng was not easy to refuse, so she let her follow.

She came, and Xiaorou naturally followed.

Tong Zheng couldn't favor one over the other, so he let both of them follow.

Anyway, with his current strength, it is enough to protect the two.

Come to Guiyun Mountain.


The top level of the Paranormal Bureau has arrived.

There were more than two dozen people at the top level of the Paranormal Bureau who came.

Among them, there are more than a dozen people in the Dragon Tiger Mountain, and the leader is the Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master, the general director of the Spiritual Bureau.

The other ten people were representatives of all avenues in the Spirit Bureau, and they were regarded as onlookers.

Do not participate in the struggle between the two sides.

"Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, what happened some time ago was wrong with us, we apologize to you, this matter will end here." The Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master spoke: "Now that the third blood moon has reappeared, it is estimated that the great calamity in the world is coming, we should not kill each other now, we should return to the mountain gate and hurry up to improve our cultivation to deal with the overall situation."

"This is the end!" Tong Zheng snorted coldly!

Is that how you apologize?

There is not a word of sincere apology, just an understatement.

I really take yourselves seriously!

Now he even kidnaps him morally.

Say that the great calamity is coming, let Tong Zheng focus on the overall situation!

Co-author, if Tong Zheng kills them now, is it not focused on the overall situation?

Tong Zheng didn't bother to pay attention to what he said, and said directly: "Some time ago, which of you participated in chasing and killing me, stand up." "


The Thousand Cultivation Heavenly Master's face was gloomy, this Demon Heavenly Master really didn't give him any face!

As the chief director of the Spiritual Bureau, his power has reached six thousand years, and although this town demon heavenly master defeated the Christian Thousand Cultivation Heavenly Master some time ago.

But at that time, according to the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master, they estimated that the skill of this Demon Heavenly Master was only about 5,600 years, who gave him the courage, such a dick!

"Zhen Demon Heavenly Master is so powerful, now that the great calamity is coming, he actually ignores the world's life and does not pay attention to the overall situation, are you Maoshan all narrow-minded people like you." Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master spoke.

"Good, I'm narrow-minded." Tong's face became extremely cold, and what he hated the most was this kind of person who was kidnapped by morality in the world.

The big reason is all for you to say.

You're awesome, you're awesome.

Then I won't talk about the big reason today, Lao Tzu cut you can't do it.


The Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master spoke to the high-level of the Dragon Tiger Mountain series of spiritual bureaus beside him, "The five of you go out, I want to see what the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master is going to do with you." "

Dragon Tiger Mountain was in the high-level of the Paranormal Bureau series, and directly participated in the assassination of Tong Zheng, in fact, there are only five people.

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