He couldn't have imagined that the person waiting for him here tonight would be a Heavenly Master.

Some time ago.

Isn't it just a person with more than a thousand years of skill?

How come it is that in less than a month, he will become a heavenly master!

If he knew that the other party was a Heavenly Master, would he dare to bring only four ghosts who had been practicing for fifteen hundred years and a dozen red-clothed ghosts to send them.


Tong Zheng cast a spell to communicate the power of heaven and earth, forming an enchantment that enveloped the Voodoo Daoist and all the ghosts and trapped them.

Voodoo Taoist saw this.

The heart is like ashes.

Existence above the earth master.

Obtaining the recognition of heaven and earth, and realizing the land immortal fruit position, just like the gods walking in the world, can communicate the power of heaven and earth, form an enchantment, and block all things.

Just now, the voodoo Daoist still fantasized that his four ghosts and red-haired zombies might be able to escape with him.

But now, he knew.

I'm done myself!

And the four ghost generals controlled by the Voodoo Daoist have already killed the front.

Tong Zheng looked at the ghost general who was killing him in front of him, covered in black resentment.

Tong Zheng raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Daguan Knife and directly slashed out, slashing at this ghost general.

The blood-red sword light slashed horizontally, and the speed was extremely fast.

slashed on the body of the ghost general, and the terrifying power of the demon directly cut the ghost general to pieces, never surpassing life.

These ghost generals, all controlled by voodoo Taoists, have no thoughts, just like puppets, and will only follow orders.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general with 1,500 years of Dao, gain 15,000 energy points, 150 merit points]

In Tong Zheng's mind, a prompt sounded.

At the same time ahead.

As well as on the left and right, the other three ghost generals also slaughtered Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the Bagua Dao Technique was cast, and the knife slashed out horizontally, and the Zhen Demon Dao Light with the power of Bagua slashed at the next ghost general who rushed on the opposite side.

The sword light tore directly from him, causing him to scatter his soul and destroy his spirits.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general with 1,500 years of Dao, gain 15,000 energy points, 150 merit points]

Another prompt sounded.

Listen to the tones in your head.

Tong Zheng calculated.

One ghost will be able to bring him fifteen thousand energy points, and four is sixty thousand energy points, which is enough for him to upgrade one level and reach one hundred levels.


Looking at the remaining two ghost generals, Tong Zheng was excited, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and with a leap, he came directly to the front of the two ghost generals.


No one can stop him from descending demons and expelling demons and breaking through the Immortal Realm!

The Bagua Dao Technique was cast, and suddenly a knife came out.


The power of gossip blocked the eight directions, and the light of the Zhen Demon Knife roared, directly cutting off the two more ghosts to the point of destruction, never surpassing life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general with 1,500 years of Dao, get 15,000 energy points, 150 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general with 1,500 years of Dao, get 15,000 energy points, 150 merit points] [Ding, congratulations

to the host level has been raised to level 100]

Three prompts sounded.

Finally, a hundred levels.


Tong Zheng only felt.

At this time, the prompt tone in my mind continued to sound.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching the full level, obtaining the blessing of the full level, and improving his power by 1,400 years. ] 【

Ding, because the host reaches the full level

, the system begins to upgrade】【Ding, the upgrade ends, the energy boost mode is on

】【Ding, the system properties panel has been revised, the host can view it by itself】Listen

to a series of prompts in your mind.

Tong Zheng was very excited.

When he reached the full level, there was a full level blessing, which allowed his skill to increase by 1,400 years again.

To know.

He rose from ninety-nine to one hundred, and his power increased by six hundred and fifty years, reaching eight thousand six hundred years.

Eight thousand six hundred years and another 1,400 years is 10,000 years of power.

In other words, he now has 10,000 years of skill.


Tong Zheng felt like he was about to float.


10,000 years of skill, I am afraid of what the Western Christian Holy Lord, the ancestor of the vampire family, and the master of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Lao Tzu can directly beat them to kneel on the ground and call Dad.


Just now, the system seems to say that after he reaches the full level, the system will automatically upgrade, the energy point mode will be turned on, and the system attribute template will change.

"Open the System Properties panel." Tong Zheng said to the system in his heart.

He wanted to see what the new properties panel looked like.

[Host: Tong Zheng

] [Realm: Quasi-Immortal Realm

] [Energy Points: 500

] [Merit Points: 2330

] [Mastering Skills: "Body Fixing Spell" (Dacheng+), "Talisman God Pattern", "Bagua Dao Method" (Completion), "Five Thunder Spells" (Completion), "Five Thunder Jade Book" (Dacheng+), "Shangqing Great Cave Thunder Method" (Dacheng+), "Imperial Qi Technique" (Dacheng+)]

Possession of magic weapons: Demon Slaying Daguan Dao (quasi-immortal weapon), Heavenly Thunder Hammer (fourth order), Purple Electric Cone (fourth order)]

to see the new properties panel.

The original level display is gone, it becomes a realm display, and the power display is also gone, becoming an energy point display.

"System, now there is no level displayed, how do I open and hang to upgrade!" Tong Zheng asked, "Also, this energy point can now display the specific value, what is the use?"

The system replied: "The upgrade shows that it is the first stage, you have reached the full level, the system is upgraded, and now it reaches the second stage, the energy points are used to open and hang for you, and the energy points you accumulate now can be directly used to improve the realm."

"For example, the realm you are showing now is the quasi-immortal realm, not the immortal realm, because you have not condensed the golden body that the immortal realm powerhouse has, and the general Heavenly Master realm powerhouse wants to break through to the immortal realm, the most difficult thing is to condense the golden body, and you have energy points, spend 100,000 energy points, I can let you condense the golden body and break through to the immortal realm in one fell swoop." The system explains.

The system continued: "And after you end in the Immortal Realm, for example, if you want to upgrade from the early stage of the Immortal Realm to the middle of the Immortal Realm, as long as you continue to use energy points, you can improve, I estimated that you need at least one million energy points to upgrade from the early stage of the Immortal Realm to the middle stage of the Immortal Realm."

"Understood, a lot." Tong Zheng was a little surprised.

One million energy points can be upgraded from the early stage of the Immortal Realm to the middle stage of the Immortal Realm, and then from the middle stage of the Immortal Realm to the late stage of the Immortal Realm, no more.

Now, the further back you go, the harder it is to move up the ranks.

"Earn more energy points, now the degree of terror recovery has intensified, evil things in various places have exploded, it is estimated that some forbidden areas are about to come, in these forbidden areas, there are many powerful evil things, and the energy points will not be less." The system seems to know the secrets behind some of the horror recovery, so it reveals a little information to Tong Zheng.


There is a forbidden area about to come, powerful evil things gather in the forbidden area, and some have the opportunity to brush merit points for him.

"Good." Tong Zheng replied.

Don't think about it in the future, for now, first earn 100,000 energy points, condense the golden body, and break through to the immortal realm.

Ahead, there is only one ghost general left.

Tong Zheng did not hesitate, and slashed out with a knife, directly splitting the ghost general's soul.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general with 1,500 years of Dao, gain 15,000 energy points, 150 merit points]


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