Only when today's protagonist, the immortal realm of Maoshan, arrives and breaks the enchantment, can everyone go up.

This is the first problem that Longhu Mountain set for Maoshan.

If that immortal realm in Maoshan can't even break an enchantment set up by the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect, what a challenge!

The three Heavenly Masters of Maoshan all came, as well as seven Earth Masters, dozens of Daoist priests of the same generation as Zhang Laodao, and hundreds of disciples, all of whom came to support Tong Zheng.

Only one earth master and some disciples were left to sit in Maoshan.

Qing Void Heavenly Master, Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master, Jing Xu Heavenly Master, and the Three Talents Daoist stood in Maoshan's team, waiting for Tong Zheng's arrival.

Tong Zheng, as today's protagonist, has not yet arrived, and everyone is looking forward to his arrival.

After all, the protagonist.

Come a little later to show the impressiveness.

Next to the Maoshan team, is Kunlun's team, Kunlun's Jiuyang Heavenly Master, this time also personally brought people here, Kunlun's team, there are two Heavenly Masters, six Earth Masters, and hundreds of disciples.

As well as Emei and Shushan on the side, they also sent three heavenly masters, several earth masters, and hundreds of disciples came.


All the great masters are very concerned about this challenge, and they bring so many people to show their strength to the outside world.

Time passes minute by minute.

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of today's protagonist, a person some time ago, in front of the entire Chinese people, who penetrated the Christianity of the imperial capital.


Someone at the scene said: "Look at it, in the distance, someone has flown over!"

"God, what a dazzling light, is he the Maoshan Immortal who came to challenge Dragon Tiger Mountain today!"

Far in the air.

Tong Zheng took Zhang Laodao, Huang Yan, Xiaorou, and Lin Jing'er with four people, and the fairy qi fluttered, flying from afar.

Ancheng is a bit far from Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Huang Yan, Zhang Laodao and the others could not fly, so Tong Zheng could only fly with the four of them.

Tong Zheng alone and four people flew from afar and landed at the foot of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

"Quick, welcome me Maoshan Town Demon Ancestor." The Void Heavenly Master spoke.


Everyone in Maoshan bowed to Tong Zheng and paid respects.

"Welcome the Demon Ancestor of Zhen." Everyone in Maoshan spoke loudly.

"No need to be polite." Tong Zheng waved his hand, he was covered in golden light at this time, on his shoulders and on the top of his head, auspicious rui surrounded, and purple qi rose.

Zhen Demon Ancestor.

It was Tong Zheng's new name, and it was also the name that Maoshan's Qingxian Heavenly Master and others decided to give Tong Zheng after discussion.

Tong Zheng broke through to the Immortal Realm, naturally he could no longer be called a Zhen Demon Heavenly Master.

Only by changing the Heavenly Master to the Ancestor Master can the dignity of the status be displayed.

Tong is coming.

Suddenly, the beautiful anchors present were all short of breath, blushing and their hearts jumped.

Their male god is finally here, so handsome.

It's still that incomparable.

This kind of handsomeness not only on facial features, this charm in temperament, and domineering in the aura are deeply imprinted in their minds.

"Male god, my male god is here."

"My male god, I'm going to be your licking dog!"

One by one, the female anchors are all crazy.

There were also female disciples of the various Dao Sects, who were also boiling.

The peerless men in front of them, who are about the same age as them, have become ancestor-level existences, how to make them not crazy.

They are not like those anchors who have no cultivation, they simply like skin bags, they like Tong Zheng, deeper things.

In addition to the temperament that immortals have, the transcendent thing that seems to be integrated with heaven and earth, don't cultivators want this freshness and vulgarity.

Xiao Rou, Lin Jinger, Huang Yan, and Zhang Laodao came to Maoshan's team.

Tong Zheng looked at the foot of Dragon Tiger Mountain in front of him, the enchantment set up by the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect.

Just this strength of the enchantment.

Just want to block him.

Tong Zheng stood with his hands in his hands and took out the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife.

People are coming.

It's about the same time.

It's time to start the show.

Tong Zheng held the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and one after another terrifying knife qi began to converge on his knife, and the Demon Destroying God Flame burned on the blade body.

Terrifying coercion covers all around.

People dare not look directly.

The boundary-breaking attribute was wrapped around his quasi-immortal weapon-level Demon Slaying Daguan Dao.

Slowly raise the large knife.

Above Dragon Tiger Mountain, outside the main hall of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

All the masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain, one Immortal Realm, three Heavenly Masters, nine Earth Masters, and hundreds of masters, all gathered here and waited in strict formation.

The eyes of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect lingered, as if he had penetrated the void, looked down the mountain, and said, "Junior Brother Zilei, in your opinion, can the immortal realm of this Maoshan Mountain destroy the enchantment I left behind."

"This person is just a cultivation that has been promoted by special means, and he has plucked seedlings to help him grow." The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master replied, "Naturally, there is no way to destroy Senior Brother's enchantment.

"Don't take it lightly, this person may not be as weak as we think, and he can break through to the immortal realm, even if he pulls out seedlings and helps him, he should not be underestimated." Yubu Tianshi said.


Countless people looked at Tong Zheng in front of them.

Tong Zheng's body slowly rose into the air, like an immortal, and suddenly slashed towards the enchantment, and the dazzling sword light penetrated the space and slashed at the enchantment of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The moment the enchantment was struck by the sword light, it was directly shattered, and it did not play the slightest role.

Tong Zheng's realm has reached the middle of the Immortal Realm, which is a small realm higher than the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect.

Reaching the Immortal Realm, even if it is only a small realm, the difference in strength is huge.

Coupled with the sharp weapon such as the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao, with the boundary-breaking attribute, the enchantment of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect can naturally be easily cracked with one sword.


Tong Zheng's sword light slashed at the mountain gate at the foot of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Hall.


With a knife, he directly cut the mountain gate to pieces.

Tong Zheng's figure slowly fell from the air, and then stepped towards Dragon Tiger Mountain.


"Everyone, follow our Maoshan Ancestor to Dragon Tiger Mountain!" Maoshan Qingxian Heavenly Master spoke, led everyone, and began to go up the mountain.


Under the leadership of Tong Zheng and Maoshan, the people of the various Dao Commanders began to ascend Dragon Tiger Mountain.

With a sword, Tong Zheng directly cut through the enchantment of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect.

Tong Zheng's strength is much stronger than he imagined, and I am afraid that among the immortals, he is also a leader in existence.

Today's battle, the leader of Dragon Tiger Mountain, is dangerous.

Above Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Seeing Tong Zheng, he broke the enchantment with a knife and walked towards Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain, as well as everyone in Dragon Tiger Mountain, were all extremely shocked.

The strength displayed by the Zhen Demon Ancestor of Maoshan was far beyond their imagination, originally they thought that Tong Zheng had just broken through to the Heavenly Master and then to the Immortal Realm.

It must be the result of pulling out the seedlings and fueling, and it must be too late to grasp the power that suddenly soars in the body.

Now it seems that they have thought too much about themselves.

In Tong Zheng's case, this situation does not exist at all.

The Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect was also very shocked in his heart.

The strength of this Maoshan Zhen Demon Ancestor is definitely not weak, and that sword is very not simple.

His realm is definitely not like what the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master said, because the seedlings are strengthened, so the mana in the body is empty.

On the contrary, the mana on Tong Zheng's body was very majestic and vast, making him a little unable to see through.

A powerful aura erupted from the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect, and two divine rays of light shot out from his eyes, looking towards Tong Zheng under the mountain.

Tong Zheng also raised his head, and his eyes also burst out with divine light, facing him.

A great war in the Immortal Realm is about to break out.


The author has something

to say: Today's update is over, tomorrow wonderful continues, in the past few days some people say that there are many typos, I have updated them at night, write more, when I can't check it, I can't help but be a little dizzy, everyone has a lot of responsibility, I try to re-correct and correct the typos

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