"System, spend five million energy points to raise the realm to the true fairyland. Tong Zheng said without hesitation.

[Ding, consume 5 million energy points to raise the realm to true fairyland]

The system prompt tone ends.

In Tong Zheng's body, a terrifying energy erupted, raising his realm, the Immortal Realm and the True Immortal Realm were two different realms.

Breaking through the True Immortal Realm, not only the improvement of the golden body and mana, but also the divine consciousness and the Yuan God have also been greatly improved.

The previous immortal realm's perfect mana could cast up to a hundred times to control the five thunders, and the mana possessed in the body of the true immortal realm, even if Tong Zheng cast a thousand times to control the five thunders.

Enough too.

Feeling that Tong Zheng's cultivation was improved, an aura completely different from the Immortal Realm appeared on Tong Zheng's body, Lin Jing'er and Xiao Rou, and Xiao Rou's grandmother.

I was shocked.

This is a true fairyland

, there is no bottleneck, there is no difficulty at all, and the breakthrough is as simple as eating and drinking.


In the valley ahead.

An extremely terrifying gloomy aura erupted from the Yin Valley, and it was the Western Ghost Emperor who had lost its origin and recovered in advance.

"Huaxia people!" the Western Ghost Emperor's voice was gloomy, and he shouted: "Let me recover in advance at the cost of losing my origin, and escape today, he will revenge me every day." He


A terrifying Yin Cold Saint Qi spread out from his body, and the icy and piercing Yin Cold aura swept towards the entire valley.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, surrounded by immortal qi, easily dispersing the gloomy and cold aura that erupted from the Western Ghost Emperor.

"True Immortal Realm!" The Western Ghost Emperor was a little overwhelmed when he saw the true immortal aura that was now erupting from Tong Zheng.

Isn't it still a fairy realm just now, how come it has become a fairyland!


! Do you still want to be faceless

! So open, the villain still has a way to live? This is a completely non-giving the villain a way to live

! With him, the ghost emperor is used as cannon fodder!

"If you

can bear me three times, I will let you go!" Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

After that, he raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife, and the sound of the knife roared, slashing towards the Western Ghost Emperor.

The Western Ghost Emperor hurriedly retreated, his speed was extremely fast, dodging the sword light, so that Xiao Rou and the three could not directly see his movement trajectory.

Carry you three times, you point face.

You are all true fairyland, Lao Tzu is only in the late stage of the fairy realm, or the origin is damaged.

Be an individual.

The Western Ghost Emperor paid no attention to Tong Zheng and broke through into the distance.

Tong Zheng swung his big knife and slashed forward, slashing towards the only way for the Western Ghost Emperor.


When that sword light was about to slash the Western Ghost Emperor, the figure of the Western Ghost Emperor suddenly turned into a black mist, and the black fog condensed into skeletons and flew in all directions.

These skeletons spun in the air and flew in all directions.

Let Tong Zheng's sword light cut the air.

These skeletons, there are many of them, confusing the public, as long as one escapes, the Western Ghost Emperor can re-condense the body.


Tong Zheng had already prepared, and a huge enchantment had been arranged around the valley.

None of these skulls want to break through.


The skulls in the sky hit the enchantment, as if hitting a layer of transparent glass, and there was no way to escape.

Helplessly, the skeletons in the sky could only quickly move to Tong Zheng's side, converge into a sharp ghost claw, and directly grab at the weak point of the enchantment.

Tong Zheng's Devil Slaying Knife swept out and slashed towards the ghost claw.

He also wanted to destroy his enchantment, wishful thinking, and the terrifying Zhen Demon Dao light directly cut off the ghost claws condensed by this Western Ghost Emperor, cutting off the ghost claws of the Western Ghost Emperor!

He's on the day.

This hangs on and has no weakness at all.

"I fought with you!" the Western Ghost Emperor roared, the six-pointed star pattern on his forehead burst out one after another of blood light in the air, turning into skeletons, and from various places, spitting out black ghost fire, burning towards Tong Zheng and Xiao Rou, Lin Jing'er, and Xiao Rou's grandmother.

Can I escape tonight.

Perhaps the breakthrough is not in Tong Zheng, but in the other three, as long as he can control the other three and coerce Tong Zheng, there is a possibility of escape.

Seeing this, Tong Zheng snorted coldly, and the mana in his body burst out, forming a shield that enveloped the four people.

The ghost fire of the Western Ghost Emperor can't hurt the shield in the slightest.

The Western Ghost Emperor was unwilling, and constantly condensed the skeleton to spit out flame attacks, hitting the shield outside Tong Zheng's body, without the slightest effect.

Xiao Rou Lin Jing'er and the two stood behind Tong Zheng, full of security.

This feeling of being covered by a big guy is so good.

Tong Zheng looked at the Western Ghost Emperor in front of him and said lightly: "It's me."

Then he brandished the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and flew towards the Western Ghost Emperor, and after Tong Zheng arrived at the True Immortal Realm, his speed was extremely fast, and he crossed a distance of more than tens of meters in an instant and came to the location of the Western Ghost Emperor.


As soon as he came, the Western Ghost Emperor burst into a black mist, divided into countless skeletons and flew away.

The Western Ghost Emperor re-condensed his figure at a position of 100 meters in the air, looked at Tong Zheng, and thought about how to deal with Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he ran quite fast.

Unexpectedly, the fixing spell was cast, and he knotted a sword finger at the Western Ghost Emperor in front of him, and shouted: "Fixed!"

In Tong Zheng's body, one-tenth of the energy was instantly emptied, turning into the binding power of the Body-fixing Spell, binding the Western Ghost Emperor in the air.

The Western Ghost Emperor instantly found that he was bound by a powerful force and could not move!

The Western Ghost Emperor fell directly from the air, smashed on the ground, and fell to eat.

He's stupid, that's fine.

He can also be immobilized with magical powers.

Come on.

When encountering this kind of hanging, he should not have resisted in the first place, and it was useless to resist anyway.

Instead, he was humiliated with hole cards one by one.

Tong Zheng showed a cruel smile on his face, dragging his Devil Slaying Daguan Dao towards the Western Ghost Emperor!"

"Give you another chance, say something, in Huaxia there are still those hiding places of the Western Hell camp." Tong Zheng asked, "After saying that, I can consider letting you go."

"Hmph, you destroy me, I will be tortured by you, burned by your soul, beheaded, and I will not say." The Western Ghost Emperor's voice was sonorous and iron-boned.

"Very good, very backboned!" Tong Zheng sneered, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and suddenly jumped up, slashing towards the Western Ghost Emperor.

If so, then you die.

The Western Ghost Emperor felt a breath of death from this knife, and he knew that he was going to receive a boxed lunch!

It slashed at the body of the Western Ghost Emperor, tearing his body, and the Demon Destroying God Flame burned along his shattered body, making him disappear.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Western Ghost Emperor who has the perfection of the Immortal Realm, and obtain 250,000 energy points, 2,500 merit points] Immortal Realm Perfection, 250,000 energy points


This should be his true cultivation, because of the early recovery and damage to the origin, so he can only exert the strength of the late stage of the Immortal Realm.

Not bad.

Tong Zheng browsed the merit points in his mind to see how many there were.

Merit Points: 94100.

More than 90,000 points.

The remaining two spells, the Body Fixing Spell and the Imperial Qi Technique, can also be upgraded to perfection, both of which are more practical methods, or it is better to upgrade to perfection.

Tong Zheng said to the system: "System, give me merit points to raise the Imperial Qi Technique to perfection." "

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 10,000 merit points, and raise the Imperial Qi Technique to perfection]

The moment the prompt sound ends.

Tong Zheng felt that in his mind, he had a lot more knowledge of Imperial Qi Flight, and with his current skills, he could perform Imperial Qi Technique, flying away from the sky, and it was no problem at all.

[Ding, the system has detected that the host has cultivated the Imperial Qi Technique to perfection, and can spend 1,000 merit points to upgrade the Imperial Qi Technique to a magical power, after the upgrade, the power is doubled, and the magical power can be increased with the host's level]

Heard the rumors.

Tong Zheng was excited, a spell reached completion, can it also be upgraded to a magical power.

Tong Zheng said without hesitation: "Upgrade." "

[Ding, spending 1,000 merit points to upgrade the Imperial Qi Technique, and the Imperial Qi Technique turned into one of the thirty magical powers of "Soaring Clouds and Driving the Mist"] turned out to be a magical power Soaring Clouds

Driving the Mist.

[Soaring clouds drive fog: you can attract auspicious clouds, step on auspicious clouds to fly, or use auspicious clouds to fly others]

Although it consumes a thousand merit points, it is worth it.

This soaring clouds, in the mall, it takes 20,000 merit points, and now it adds up, it is only more than 10,000, and it was won.

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