Tong Zheng came to the two girls.

At this time, the two women got up, and the breath on their bodies was countless times stronger than before.

Tong Zheng knew that now both of them had broken through to the Heavenly Master Realm.

When he reaches the Heavenly Master Realm, he will be able to help him in the future.

Tong Zheng looked at Grandma Xiaorou and said, "Grandma, now that Xujia Village can't live anymore, Grandma will follow us to Ancheng Magic Temple."

"The Zhen Demon Temple is now empty, my master and aunt are now cultivating on Mao Mountain, and they will not come back in a short time, my grandmother has come to live in the Zhen Demon Temple, and she can still guard the city and keep the side safe." "Tong Zhengdao.

Xiaorou's grandmother has now awakened Meng Po's inheritance, and her cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds in the future.

Settle her in first, and when the future war starts, you can also contact her in time.

"Okay. Grandma Xiaorou replied.

She had already seen Tong Zheng's strength, and she who awakened Meng Po's memory naturally saw that Tong Zheng was not simple.

I'm afraid that in the future, when the great calamity begins, they will all have to obey Tong Zheng's arrangement, since this is the case, then now Tong Zheng arranges where she lives, she will live.

Tong Zheng nodded, and the divine power soared through the mist, directly summoning a floating cloud, carrying the four people, to the Ancheng Magic Temple.

Teng Yun drove the fog, the speed was very fast, and in less than five minutes, he rushed from Xujia Village to the Zhen Moguan.


The four of them settled in the Zhen Demon Temple.


Tong Zheng practiced with the two women, so that the two women's cultivation speed increased particularly fast, and in just one night, the two women improved their skills for a hundred years.

At this rate.

It only takes one month for the two women to reach the Heavenly Master Perfection and break through the Immortal Realm.

Tong Zheng and Xiaorou's grandmother had breakfast at Zhenmoguan, and then the three left Zhenmoguan and returned to Maoshan.

Xiaorou's grandmother stayed in Ancheng to practice at the Magic Temple.

Return to Maoshan.

Tong Zheng took some old photos and contacted the young ghost emperor.

Tong Zhengxian's eyes shone brightly, the picture changed on the old photos, and the ghost emperor boy appeared in the old photos.

"Contact me so quickly, are you going to destroy that Western Ghost Emperor?" said the Ghost Emperor boy.

"It's done. Tong Zheng replied, "Now, do you know where other Western Ghost Emperors are revived.

"At present, there are none, these Western Ghost Emperors are well hidden, not when it is time to recover, they will not easily expose their whereabouts." The Ghost Emperor boy said.

"Hmm. Tong Zheng continued, "What's the matter with that female ghost next to you, last time in the alley, she killed a lot of people, a few of them are still my Maoshan disciples, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I must destroy her."

"She lost control last time and caused trouble, I will control her in the future, I am sorry for what happened last time." The Ghost Emperor boy said, "Moreover, you can't kill her, she is a person sent by King Yan Luo, and she will be of great use in the great war with the Western Hell later."

"What a big use. Tong Zheng asked.

"I don't know, King Yan Luo's secret arrangement, if I a ghost emperor can know, it will not be called a secret, my task is to control her before she awakens. The Ghost Emperor boy said.

"Well, I trust you once. Tong Zheng said, "During this time, you continue to look for the hiding place of the Western Ghost Emperor lurking in China, and tell me as soon as you find it."

"No problem. The young ghost emperor said.

The exchange ended.

Tong Zheng put the photo away, this Ghost Emperor boy should not dare to lie to him now.

Tong Zheng destroyed the Western Ghost Emperor in Xujia Village, and this Ghost Emperor boy should know that Tong Zheng has the strength to kill the Immortal Realm Perfection Ghost Emperor.

And Tong Zheng knows the location of his recovery, if he dares to deceive Tong Zheng, there is only one end for him.

It is the same as that Western Ghost Emperor, it is in ashes.

The next three days.

Tong was living on Mao Mountain, and during the period, he went down once and destroyed a ghost king.


Wanfu Tianshi sent by Maoshan to serve as the director of the Imperial Capital Spiritual Bureau returned.

In a hurry, he wanted to see Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng was a little puzzled, could it be that he encountered some tricky problem.

Along with the Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master, there was also Tong Zheng's master ancestor Sancai Daoist.

"Zhen Demon Ancestor, the Spirit Bureau encountered an extremely strange incident in an ancient village in the southeast region of Huaxia, and this matter seems to be related to you. "Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master.

"It's about me. Tong Zheng was a little confused.


The three ancestors on the side said, "Because of this matter, voodoo Daoists are involved. "


Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Voodoo Taoist.

Some time ago, Tong Zheng Zhen Demon Temple, almost destroyed him, but unfortunately, at the critical time, Voodoo Daoist was taken over by a powerful soul.


Now that he has come out to make trouble, I am afraid that his strength is no longer what it used to be.

Tong Zheng was considering whether to issue a mission to find him and search him out first.

Unexpectedly, he jumped out first.

Tong Zheng said, "You guys talk specifically about this incident. Ten

Thousand Fu Heavenly Master said: "The thing is like this, after the third appearance of the blood moon, a large number of ghosts appeared all over the country, and the Spirit Bureau found that in the southeast region, an ancient village was shrouded in an unknown enchantment, and sent people to investigate, and the people who entered died in the ancient village."

"After investigation, it was found that behind the incident in this ancient village, there was the shadow of a voodoo Taoist. Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master said, "Now that the ancient village has been blocked by us, Senior Brother Sancai knows that this Voodoo Daoist is not simple, so we immediately came to you."

"You're doing the right thing. Tong Zheng said, "This voodoo Daoist is indeed not simple, I will clean up, and then set off to that village, you let the people of the Paranormal Bureau who were blocked near that village wait for me outside."

"Good. Wanfu Heavenly Master nodded.

Tong Zheng called the two daughters, and together with the Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master and the Three Talents Daoist, he went to the ancient village he said.

The two daughters are now different from the past, they have the cultivation of the Heavenly Master, and they have the memories of the Queen Mother of the West and the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, and they know more things than Tong Zheng.

With them, it is two good combat forces.

And Tong Zheng also has the meaning of experiencing them, after all, the backgrounds of both of them are not low, and they must be cultivated well.

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