Tong Zheng took the lead, took four people, and directly entered the ancient village.

Entering the ancient village, the five people walked all the way.

Soon came to the front of an ancient tree at the mouth of the village.

This ancient tree at the head of the village, as thick as a water tank, grows very luxuriantly.

And it's strange.

On the left and right sides of the ancient tree, there are two wells corresponding to each other.

In the two wells, from time to time, dead air comes out.

Because the arrival of the five people, close to the ancient tree, seemed to have touched some kind of taboo, and suddenly there was a dark wind blowing around.

Black dead qi emerged from the two wells.

"Yin and Yang double well, double soul lock array. The well-informed Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master said coldly.

"Yin and Yang Double Fire Well, what is it?" Tong Zheng said with some curiosity when he heard this.

Wanfu Tianshi pointed to the two wells on the left and the right, and spoke, "You see, these two wells, centered on this ancient tree, correspond to each other, just like the centers of the two yin and yang fish in Taiji.

"These two wells, one yin and one yang, form a double evil, if in the well, there are two ghost things, the ghost can use the double well to continuously accumulate and absorb the evil qi and improve the Tao, this is the double soul lock." Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master said, "If I guess wrong, there should be two powerful ghosts in these two wells.

"And this ancient tree corresponding to the center of the double well is the formation eye, due to the erosion of the anger for many years, I estimate that this ancient tree has also become refined and has become an evil tree, and it cannot be kept." "Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master.

"Got it. Tong Zheng nodded, and then looked at the two wells.

At this time.

The wind was blowing louder and louder, as if a woman was crying miserably in the wind.

In a well on the left.

A staccato cry for help came out: "It's so cold, who will save me, it's so dark here, I'm so scared!" Tong

Zheng and the five stepped forward and looked into the well on the left.

This look.

I saw a woman in a white prison uniform, covered in black blood, rolled her eyes, and locked in the well by two iron chains.

When the five of Tong Zheng looked down, the woman smiled grimly at Tong Zheng and the others, and then, the black hair on the woman's head suddenly grew rapidly and surged up to the well.

It is necessary to prepare to pull the five Tong Zheng into the well.

Looking at the hair that was getting closer and closer, Tong Zheng Wu did not have the slightest fear, but just stared at the female ghost in the well.

Female Ghost: Are ???

so calm?

If you don't make a frightened expression, you can also give a reaction!

Just when the female ghost's hair was about to touch the five Tong Zheng, Tong Zheng's protective god pattern suddenly burst out with dazzling golden light, and the female ghost's hair touched the golden light of the protective body, and it was like touching a burning iron, making a moisturizing sound, and then burning!

"Ah!" The female ghost let out a miserable scream, quickly retracted her hair, and then looked at the five people in fear in the well.

To know.

With the help of this Yin and Yang Twin Well and the terrifying revived Blood Moon Energy, she has raised her Dao Xing to the level of a four-thousand-year, ghost king.

Her hair couldn't hurt Tong Zheng and the others, but you can imagine how powerful Tong Zheng and the others were.

Definitely not something she can deal with.

Outside the well.

Tong Zheng shook his head and said to Lin Jing'er and the others: "Look at her, how pitiful, locked in this well, and wants to wrap us around with her hair, let us pull her up, which of you goes down and pulls her up." The

four shook their heads, obviously unwilling to go down and save the female ghost.

Looked at.

Tong Zheng sighed and said, "If that's the case, only I will go down in person." When

the female ghost in the well heard this, she showed a terrified expression, don't come down."

I don't want you to save you!

You go.

You let me go!,

but Tong Zheng ignored it, saving a ghost's life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter, and he likes to help ghosts for fun the most.

Tong Zheng suddenly jumped from the mouth of the well and fell into the well, which was about one meter and five meters in diameter, and it was completely fine to accommodate Tong Zheng and the female ghost.

Seeing Tong Zheng jumping down, the female ghost hurriedly curled up in the corner of the well.

Weak, pitiful, and helpless!

Tong Zheng was shining with gold at this time, surrounded by fairy qi, and as soon as her resentment touched the fairy qi around Tong Zheng, it was immediately dissolved, which made her very uncomfortable.

Tong Zheng looked at the female ghost with a kind face, and when he saw her locked hands, he was very distressed: "Poor child, I will save you." He


Tong Zheng directly grabbed one of her hands and pulled it up, as if to tear her hand off.

"Ugh!" the female ghost screamed.

You're a wolf, what are you doing?

The old lady is chained, you pull the chain, what are you pulling the old lady's hand for

! Brush! While the female ghost was still roaring, one of her hands had been torn off by the female ghost abruptly and separated from the corpse!

"You go quickly, please, I am very good and comfortable in this well, I don't need you to save me!"

"You kid, looking like you're going to be rescued by me, you're so excited that you are talking nonsense, don't worry, and there is a chain, it will be fine immediately, it doesn't hurt at all." Tong Zheng smiled and comforted: "It's really naughty, just said that he was cold, let us save you, and now I don't want to go out." He


Tong Zheng grabbed the other chain that the female ghost was chained to, resisted the realm arm and tore it to the side, tearing off the other hand of the female ghost.

"Ah!" The female ghost's eyes burst out in pain, bloodshot, and the resentment on her body skyrocketed.

Taoism has been directly improved for hundreds of years.

Suddenly rushed out of the well and flew into the sky.

At this moment, she just wants to escape from here!"

and said that she didn't want to go out, women are duplicitous, and if they don't want it, they want it very much. Tong Zheng said to himself.

Then he also rushed out of the well, and then he grabbed the female ghost's foot, pulled it down from the sky, and smashed it on the ground.

The whole corpse was blown into pieces, and the soul was scattered, never surpassing.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a well ghost, get

40,000 energy points, 400 merit points] 40,000 energy points, not bad.

Tong Zheng smiled and looked at another well! Tong Zheng

directly saw the black gas of the other well and did not dare to take risks.

It's like an ordinary well.

The lifeless well just now was not it.

Tong Zheng came to the well, like looking in the well, a male ghost was in the well, looking at Tong Zheng with a smile, very kind.

There is no eerie feeling of the female ghost just now.

Yin and Yang Double Evil Well, Yin Well Raising Female Ghost, Yang Well Raising Male Ghost, This male ghost originally wanted to harm Tong Zheng and several people, but just after seeing Tong Zheng's violent rescue of the female ghost.

He dismissed this idea, these big guys, can't be messed with.

"Hi. The male ghost forced himself to smile and said hello to Tong Zheng.

"Hello. Tong Zheng also greeted the male ghost gently.

"Is something wrong?" asked the male ghost.

"It's okay. Tong Zheng smiled and said, "I'm Mr. Tony from outside, and I came to help you with your hairstyle." He


Tong Zheng said to Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er: "Xiao Rou, Jing'er, give me your Heavenly Thunder Hammer and Purple Electric Cone, and I'll give this guy in the well a hairstyle." "

Male ghost: ⊙^⊙!

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